Convincing her

Chapter 181: Test Results

Jen attended her classes even though she could not fully pay attention because she had been tired out by Lucas so early in the morning. She just operated on autopilot and took notes in class vowing to listen to the lecture again on Friday one it was uploaded on the university website.

After class, they received the results for the test that they had done a little over a week ago and Jen was happy to have passed. She had actually thought she would feel that it was good enough if she got a C seeing that she got a B+ she had managed to surpass her expectations. Michael received his test paper and after some nagging from Jen, he conceded and showed her his scripts. 

Even though she was happy a few moments ago, she could not stop the feelings of unhappiness that rose in her heart. How could he get all of the questions correct? Jen wondered as she flipped through his answers while gaining insight at the same time.

Michael silently sat next to her as she went through his paper before he too took her paper out of curiosity and saw that she had a B.

"How can you get such a low grade?" Michael asked and flipped to the next page.

"This was such an easy question, how could you get it wrong?" Michael asked making Jen feel even more depressed. She knew not to be satisfied with mediocre grades but she really couldn't help it since she was not very good with accounts.

She turned her head to look at Michael with eyes filled with annoyance but Michael couldn't even see her since he was so engrossed in going through her paper.

"You made such a silly mistake here. If you got this answer right you would have gotten an A" Michael continued to comment. After Jen got over her annoyance she realised that what he said was true.

She actually added an extra zero to one of her accounts completely setting herself up for failure. She now wanted to cry. If this kid was already criticising her like this, Lucas would completely finish her once she got home.

At that moment she remembered that he said that he was going to pick her up from the university later in the evening. She felt even more dread at this point. 

What was this feeling of bringing your report card to your parents that she was having about the whole situation?

Although Jen got increasingly annoyed with Michael's comments, she still listened since she even took this as part of her learning. After Michael pointed out all she did wrong he still looked dissatisfied.

"What is it?" Jen asked when she noticed that Michael was not so subtly glaring at her with his slanted eyes.

"I've spent hours teaching you. I think I understand how teachers feel now" Michael said disappointment written all over his face. What he wasn't expecting was the smack on the back of his head he received from Jen.

"Say that again." Jen challenged shutting him up.

"I've been too lenient on you and now you think you can climb on top of my head is that it?" Jen asked even more annoyed. How could she sit down and let a kid her young brother's age reprimand her about her studies? Just the thought of it made her blood boil. 

Michael had to admit he had gone overboard with his comments. He was just thinking out loud and didn't think he would get instant retribution like this. He continued to hold the back of his which was still sore from the smack he just received.

He looked at Jen once more and wondered when she became so fierce. He seemed to forget how he had been shut down repeatedly by her when the whole stalker fiasco was happening a few months ago.

He wondered if all the girls were like her if so, he probably should rethink being in a relationship at least for now. When he turned to look at Jen once more their eyes met and he immediately looked away afraid of provoking her.

"Are you afraid of me now?" Jen asked in amusement.

"Have you calmed down?" Michael asked.

"Was I angry before?" Jen asked and Michael wisely kept quiet. if he was honest, he would have gotten another smack on the back of his head.

"I see why Lucas said you were smart. I'll see you tomorrow, I'm going to the library" Jen said when she saw that he decided not to answer her question. She smiled fondly at him before she waved at him and left the lecture room.

He really reminded her of Jacob, except he was much more serious than he was. Once her thoughts turned to Jacob, she remembered Alex as well and she took out her phone to make a call to them.

She always felt reluctant to call them because she felt as though she ran away from a problem rather than try to solve it. She felt guilty that she was being selfish, even though Alex had reassured her that it was fine.

Her siblings didn't blame her at all and they even seemed to support her on the decision she made to pursue further studies and even the boyfriend she already had.

After the phone rang twice Alex picked up the call. Her chilly voice was heard through the speaker and goosebumps rose on Je's skin.

"Who made you angry this time?" Jen asked without a greeting and heard Alex chuckle from the other end of the call. 

"It's your young brother," Alex said and Jen nodded in understanding even though she couldn't see her.

"I see you have decided to sever all ties with him," Jen said with a chuckle.

"I would throw him away if I could," Alex said.

"What did he do this time?" Jen asked.

"He went out drinking last night. He just came home drunk and what's worse, he drove back. I'm waiting for him to sober up so I can break his legs" Alex said clearly restraining her anger.

Jen didn't even bother defending Jacob. he was being very irresponsible and was acting like some sort of a spoiled brat.

"Tell him he is getting his next allowance once he enters university. If he wants money tell him to work at the restaurant. When he wakes up tell him to call me immediately. If I call him first tell him that he will work for his tuition as well" Jen said feeling annoyed.

"I will," Alex said her voice more relaxed and she even sounded friendlier than she did in the beginning.

"How are you doing?" Jen asked slowly making her way to the library.

"I missed you," Alex said in her detached voice. If someone did not know her they would think she was being sarcastic.

"I missed you too," Jen said with a smile dazzling the people who were in her vicinity.

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