Convincing her

Chapter 183: PDA

"Mmh, that's why I'm dating you isn't it?" Lucas said appeasing Jen who was trying to stop herself from smiling.

"I see how you decided to become a businessman," Jen said with a chuckle.

"Why?" Lucas asked.

"You're a smooth talker, aren't you?" Jen asked.

"Only for you," Lucas said and had to catch Jen who almost tripped from his corny joke. She looked at him as if she wanted to laugh and kick him at the same time. Lucas laughed at her conflicted expression and continued to lead her to the parking lot.

At this time, there was someone who was observing their interaction in the parking lot. Tyler was not expecting to see Lucas with Jen when he went to her university to check on her after completing their arrangements at the hotel.

He was actually not hopeful that he would see her at all since he arrived so late at the university but as soon as he turned off his car he saw Jen being playful with Lucas and even feigning anger just so Lucas would appease her. 

Lucas was boldly holding her waist possessively as they walked to the parking lot. Tyler couldn't believe that he was looking at the same woman he had dated a bit over a year ago. She looked completely spoiled and pampered and he was swamped by feelings of inadequacy as he watched them.

Lucas unlocked his car and put her bag, his suit jacket and tie in the backseat of the car before opening the passenger's door for her letting her get in.

Luckily the parking lot did not have a lot of people so Jen was more comfortable with fewer eyes directed at them. Lucas did not close the door but instead stood at the doorway and continued talking to her.

"So how did you do?" Lucas asked as he pushed her hair behind her ear.

"I got a B," Jen said emotionlessly.

"Oh," Lucas said but did not say anything else.

"Oh? What is that supposed to mean?" Jen asked puzzled. Lucas did not say anything because if he showed he was happy it would not make her feel better.

If he got disappointed it would make her feel even worse. If he doesn't say anything god only knows what kind of explanation she would come up with all by herself.

"Were you expecting these grades?" Lucas asked making Jen think about it for a minute.

"Honestly, I thought I would do worse," Jen said after contemplating again.

"Then you have surpassed your own expectations, shouldn't we celebrate?" Lucas asked surprising Jen.

"Celebrate?" Jen asked as she raised her eyebrows. On the other hand, she thought that she was probably not dissatisfied with the grades because the goal she had set, was probably too low.

Although Lucas did not say anything, she was able to read between the lines and realise what he was trying to tell her.

If she aimed for an A she would never be satisfied, but because she expected a lower grade, the grade she received looked like she had outdone herself. She pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind and focused her attention on Lucas.

"Mmh," Lucas said as he put one of his hands on the frame of the car door.

"Here?" Jen asked as she looked around making Lucas chuckle.

"What are you thinking about?" Lucas asked with a mischievous smile.

"You weren't going to ask for a kiss or something of that nature?" Jen asked making Lucas laugh loudly making her cheeks turn red. 

"You've turned me into a strange person," Jen said with reddened cheeks making Lucas laugh even louder.

"I wanted us to go for dinner, but if that is what you had in mind," Lucas said as he used his free hand to lift her chin up as he leaned down to kiss her lips.

"We could just go for dinner," Jen said nervously as she self consciously looked around even though she couldn't exactly move her head.

"We could do that, but since this was what you were looking forward to, how could I refuse you?" Lucas asked and leaned even closer to her their lips brushing against each others' lips. Jen gripped his shirt in her fist as he kissed her.

When he opened his mouth against hers, she too opened hers instinctively not taking much to make the kiss heated. Jen's hands that were gripping his shirt went around his neck and one of them grabbed the hair at the nape of his neck.

Even though she was also actively kissing him, she kept asking herself why she was doing such things in public, even though technically, no one could clearly see what they were doing but their positions just gave it away.

Any adult with even the minimum requirement for proper cognition would probably be able to tell what they were doing from their positions.

One such adult was unconsciously gripping the steering wheel that he was yet to release. He was realising how little of Jen he actually knew even though they have been together for longer than she has been with Lucas.

He couldn't fault her completely because he too was not aggressive when it came to how much affection he showed her.

He couldn't help but think that if he had been more aggressive and took the reigns once in a while she might have been happier. Especially now that he looked at the way she interacted with Lucas.

She wasn't just giving endlessly like she was when she was with him. Lucas also reciprocated the affection he received from her, if not more.

Watching them just made Tyler realise how selfish and narrow-minded he had been in their relationship. He had totally taken her efforts for granted and lost her in the process.

She seemed to have bloomed into a different person after being with Lucas, it was very unnerving for him, especially the whole idea that there was such a side to Jen that existed that he did not know about.

At that moment, he acknowledged how much of a selfish bastard he had been but he wanted to fix it. He didn't know if he could just walk away, especially after seeing her like this.

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