Convincing her

Chapter 198: Tuesday Night

Roy stood in front of Tyler rethinking his entire existence. It was the first time he had been so miserable doing his job. He was even thinking of quitting right then and there, but the pay was really good.

Besides, he didn't think Tyler would be able to function without him. He had really developed the personality of a masochist, he thought to himself as he stood in front of Tyler.

Since Tyler had come back to the hotel from his mysterious excursion on the evening after they had arrived, he had had the worst mood swings and asked him the strangest questions.

The previous day, they were discussing some of the things that needed to be handled at the headquarters when suddenly asked something that completely threw Roy off.

"Do girls like being kissed in public?" Tyler asked, making Roy choke on his own spit.

How did the discussion of software lead his train of thought to such a weird topic?

"I don't know, I'm not a girl" Roy answered with a sour expression on his face.

"You think I can't see that? Don't you have a girlfriend? Haven't you ever tried it with her?" Tyler asked seriously.

"I can't have a girlfriend because my job doesn't give me enough time to actually have a private life," Roy said with a glare. Unfortunately, Tyler didn't even notice his expression. He had actually stopped listening from the point he said that he can't have a girlfriend.

Now they were talking about the details of the contract that they would be negotiating the next day and Tyler was really not paying any attention to what he was saying. He had to repeat some things five times. Was something wrong with the air in City X or was his boss still jet-lagged?

"Can you pay attention?" Roy finally said amidst his frustration.

"Do you think she would take me back?" Tyler asked throwing Roy off.

"Wait, are you talking about Miss Larson?" Roy asked with raised eyebrows. They rose even higher when Tyler nodded.

"Isn't she with Mr. Lewis now?" Roy asked with a frown.

"I know" Tyler answered with a glare. 

"Then you-" Roy cut his sentence midway because Tyler's eyes were getting frostier with every word that came out of his mouth.

"Is she unhappy?" Roy asked Tyler deciding to rephrase his previous question that would have probably angered Tyler.

When Tyler thought about how she looked the previous day, she looked really happy with Lucas. She was so happy with him it made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

When Roy saw that Tyler was not answering his question, he was able to understand the situation. 

"If you were in her shoes, would you give up what you have for what you used to have?" Roy asked, directly hitting the nail on its head. After saying that, he started doubting himself.

Maybe he should have just given Tyler an ambiguous answer and left it at that. He had probably thoroughly ruined his mood completely. He might as well just go back to his room. His thoughts were proven right by the next words that came out of Tyler's mouth.

"Go back. We'll talk about this tomorrow" Tyler said and directly stood up and went up the stairs while taking off his turtleneck. Roy also didn't hesitate at all and directly left the penthouse suite and went to his own room.

Tyler stripped on his way upstairs and threw his clothes in the humper once he arrived in the bedroom he was staying in and directly went into the large bathroom and walked into the shower and turned on the water, the multiple shower heads spraying his body with cold water.

He felt upset for some reason. Although he did not want to acknowledge it, he had to admit that he may have to give up on Jen even though he did not want to.

The cool water helped him feel less upset and become more level headed, and for once he wished Naya was around, even if he called her to come, she wouldn't be able to arrive soon enough.

He gave up on the idea of sending a plane to fetch her and walked out of the shower and reached for a towel and wrapped it around his waist and stood in front of the vanity in the bathroom.

He smiled at his reflection and combed the hair that had fallen on his face back, exposing his forehead, making his facial features look even more pronounced. Sometimes, even he managed to impress himself.

After admiring himself for a few seconds, he dried his body and picked up one of the bathrobes that were supplied by the hotel and draped it on his body as he disposed the used towel in the humper in the bathroom before he picked another one and draped it over his shoulders as he picked up his toothbrush and brushed his teeth.

Once he was done, he walked out of the bathroom while drying his wet hair. He hadn't even taken two steps into the bedroom before he heard that his cellphone started to ring.

He walked towards his bed where his phone was and saw Naya's name on the screen. He picked the phone up the large bed and sat on it himself before he answered the call.

The other side was silent for a few seconds and Tyler started thinking that he might have been pocket dialled and was ready to cut the call.

"Hello?" Naya's husky voice came through the speaker.

"Mmh" Tyler responded with a smile that he did not even know he had on his face.

"Hi," Naya said awkwardly. She had never called him for anything other than their trysts.

"Mmh" Tyler replied once more. It was quite a frustrating response but Naya didn't know how she would go about complaining about it.

"How are you doing?" Naya asked successfully masking the frustration she felt.

"I'm alright, you?" Tyler asked as he started drying the other side of his hair. 

"I'm good, when are you coming back?" Naya asked her voice unintentionally coming out a bit whiny.

"Next week. Why?" Tyler said with a chuckle.

"Then let's meet then. What day will you return?" Naya asked.

"Tuesday," Tyler said as he laid on the bed, his slightly damp hair falling on his face.

"Then, I'll see you on Tuesday night, the same place?" Naya asked. I truth, she had actually missed him, but she wouldn't say it.

"Mmh" Tyler responded with a smile on his face.

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