Convincing her

Chapter 205: Cringey Jen.

Jen and the girls were eating in the restaurant, the girls were still flustered with how sickeningly sweet she was being when she had called Lucas. What was with calling him baby and the I love you. Just thinking about it made Leanna cringe.

Jen was completely unaware that her friends were judging her on how she had talked to Lucas earlier and was just enjoying her meal.

"Are you feeling sick somewhere?"Nancy asked, unable to contain herself.

"What are you talking about?" Jen asked genuinely confused.

"What was with all the endearments earlier? Even your tone of voice changed" Nancy asked. She was really thrown off when Jen's pitch had risen when she was talking to Lucas.

"Can't I do that with my boyfriend? If I don't talk to him like that, then do you want me to talk to you like that?" Jen asked sarcastically. In all honesty, she was also embarrassed with herself, but she had vowed to be more expressive with Lucas especially after their episode the previous day.

She figured if she made him feel so insecure in their relationship then it could only mean that she was not expressing herself enough so she decided to be more expressive.

"Anyway. you two will be looking for dresses after lunch right? Or is there something else you want to do before you do?" Leanna asked.

"Let's walk around to scope the place first. I'll be too full by the time we're done, it'll definitely affect the way my dress will fit" Nancy said as she put a forkful of food in her mouth.

The other two girls laughed and continued to eat their lunch.

It didn't take them long before they were done eating, and after paying for their meal, they left the restaurant.

They chatted away as they walked around and browsed through different shops looking for something that would be fitting for the event. As they were looking around, Jen spotted something that immediately caught her attention and she unhesitantly walked into the designer shop. 

The two girls followed her inside and watched as she walked all the way to the back of the shop where a mannequin dressed in a royal blue mermaid style dress was erected. The employees hadn't even finished setting it up before Jen stood in front of them with her eyes sparkling.

"I want to try it on," Jen said as she looked at the dress.

"There's only one that came out this season, it's a limited edition" one of the sales clerks started saying.

"I want to try it on" Jen repeated. She really didn't care about what the sales clerk had to say.

She hadn't noticed the other details of the dress from outside but the royal blue gradually faded into silver the lower the dress went. The sleeves were also modest compared to what Lucas had previously bought her as they went past her elbows and royal blue flowers were tailored into the nude coloured sheer material.

The clerks started the painful task of taking the dress off the mannequin before they led Jen to the dressing room. They thought the dress would stay up for a few months before they were able to successfully sell, who would have thought that someone would want it even before they were able to set it up?

The two girls were left outside and they started browsing for something that they might like as they waited for Jen to finish getting dressed.

"Do you know what you want to wear?" Leanna asked Nancy who was casually looking at things.

"I'll know once I see it," Nancy said making Leanna roll her eyes. What was up with her cliché answer?

"Have you seen anything you like yet?" Leanna rephrased her question.

"Not yet" Nancy answered absentmindedly.

Soon, the heavy curtains that surrounded a small stage were opened and Jen's figure was shown.

Nancy thought she would swallow her tongue when she saw how Jen looked in the dress.

"How is it?" she asked when she noticed the girls were silent.

"Well?" she asked again when the silence persisted.

"It looks like it was tailored for you," Leanna said finally regaining some of her brain cells. Nancy only managed to nod in agreement.

"Seeing your reaction then it must look lovely. Can you take a picture of me?" Jen asked one of the clerks who was standing close to her. When she saw her hesitate she smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely buying this, I just want to show my boyfriend how it looks" Jen said with a smile. She knew with such limited edition dresses, it was forbidden to take pictures, especially when someone finally buys it and there is a picture of someone else wearing it floating online.

Jen made a pose and the clerk took quite a good number of pictures before handing her phone back to her. Jen looked at the pictures and picked the best one before sending it to Lucas.

She even attached a message to the picture she sent.

[How is it? Do you like it?] before she sent it out.

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