Convincing her

Chapter 27: She finally called.

The following morning Jen received a call from Lucas giving her the details on the event he was planning to take her to that night. He said that his company is holding a welcome party for him which was just another opportunity for networking since a lot of people are going to be around from the same circle.

When Jen heard this, of course, she became very hesitant. She didn't think she was ready for such an upscale event, she felt a bit of pressure. She had almost automatically declined his offer, but after thinking that Lucas was probably going to go there alone and he even asked her nicely and bought her a dress she reluctantly agreed.

He told her that he will come to pick her up at 7:30 pm and after a few more words with her, he hung up. Even though they were throwing him a welcome party that day, Lucas was currently busy in his office in fact if Dave didn't ask him if he was planning on bringing a date that night he would have totally forgotten about the party and that he had planned to take Jen with him.

He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He was already so tired since he worked late after he arrived home and slept for about three hours before he came to work again. Looking at a computer all day put a lot of strain on his eyes that's why he owned the glasses, but added with the fatigue, his eyes felt even more strained. After keeping his eyes closed for five minutes he resumed with work.

After her call with Lucas, she called her sister. She realised that she had been avoiding calling home since she was nervous about everyone's reaction since she left like she was running away.

After the third ring, Alex picked up her phone.


"Hi Alex, how are you?" Jen said a bit nervously. There was a long pause on the other side of the phone call.

"Where are you?" Alex asked directly after she came over her shock. She hadn't called Jen because she thought she had left to have time for herself since she was very devastated by their father's death.

"I'm at City X," Jen said softly

"Are you okay?" Alex asked her voice filled with concern. When Jen heard her tone of voice she felt a tear slip down her cheek. She hurriedly wiped it and nodded after she realised that Alex couldn't see her she answered.

"Yes, I'm fine," Jen said trying to sound normal but Alex noticed that her voice had become hoarse.

"When are you coming back?" Alex asked deciding against probing.

"I'm not sure yet, I'm in university now," Jen said breaking the news to her.

When she had left home, it was already a couple of months after her father's funeral, she had been receiving a lot of pressure from her mother about getting her father out of jail but it was not easy. She did not have the necessary connections to do it quickly and even through the proper procedures, it would still have taken a long time.

Contrary to what people might have thought after seeing her work so hard after her father basically ruined their lives, she still loved but she was only very disappointed in him. She would have rather he just stayed home and do nothing rather than go out to gamble and just make matters worse.

After he died she was devastated by his death and the constant condemnation she received from her mother made her feel even worse. She couldn't even cry without being called a hypocrite. It had gotten so bad her mother stopped talking to her.

She understood her mother was still deeply in love with her father, even though he turned out like that in the end, her feelings for him had never changed. She also knew that her mother was lashing out at her because she was looking for someone to blame but Jen couldn't help but be resentful and disappointed.

After thinking matters through she figured that their relationship would just keep deteriorating if she stayed home so she decided to leave so that they can both sort out their feelings. She did not want to hate her mother and if she stayed home she figured that that was what was going to happen.

"Really? What are you taking?" Alex asked her voice laced with excitement.

"International business" Jen replied with a smile. She was amused by how excited her sister sounded.

"Is it going well, is it too hard?" Alex asked

"It's fine, it's pretty bulky though" Jen replied

"Anything new? Besides university... What about Friends? Boyfriends?" Alex asked curiously. Alex was hoping she was meeting new people, she knew how bland her sister's love life had become after breaking up with Tyler.

"I have made friends, and I have a guy who is chasing after me," Jen said nonchalantly. Alex couldn't believe her ears. She was expecting a response but she definitely wasn't expecting to receive this kind of response.

"What's his name? Is he also at university? How old is he?" Alex asked with a lot of enthusiasm which amused Jen.

"His name is Lucas and he is currently working, he is… twenty-two" Jen said while hesitating to answer about his age. Alex was silent for a couple of seconds which just made Jen even more nervous.

"Is he handsome?" Alex asked, she never admitted it to anyone but she was a face con.

"Yes, definitely"

"Does he like you? Does he seem serious?" Alex asked making Jen think about how he always either texted or called every day and how attentive he has been since she got to know him.

"It seems like he does. I told him to give me time and he is patient with me" Jen replied after some thought.

"That's good, then, do you like him? You know it's totally pointless if you don't right?" Alex asked seriously.

"I'm starting to like him, it's hard for me not to," Jen said honestly

"Then go for it," Alex said straightforwardly.


"No buts, you can't stay hung up on Tyler for the rest of your life. In fact, you're doing Lucas a great disservice by letting an ex-boyfriend be the reason why you can't be with him" Alex interrupted. Jen had never thought about this way and she felt like she has really been unfair to Lucas.

"It's not easy," Jen said in a soft voice.

"I know it isn't, but dwelling in the past won't help with anything, it'll just hold you back, go for it, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work, don't throw away a chance with a good guy for an ex who didn't deserve you" Alex said righteously making Jen smile. Sometimes this young sister of hers seemed more mature than she was.

"Okay, wish me luck then" Jen replied. They talked some more about what was happening at home and finally cut the call.

Jen was glad to have talked to her sister, she was more at ease now. Alex had given her the push she needed to face her feelings for Lucas without her even realizing it.

After the call she went to prepare a small meal for herself, she knew she shouldn't go to the party with a food baby so she was planning on having an early lunch.

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