Convincing her

Chapter 280: Seafood

"Let's head out. I'm done with work" Lucas said as he stood up from his office chair. He seemed to have startled Jen as she was so engrossed with her phone.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go" Jen said as she got up from the comfortable couch not forgetting to take her coat with her.

Lucas opened the door for her and she stepped out of his office. She noticed that David was outside but Michael was missing.

"Hi David," Jen said when he raised his to look at the two of them.

"Miss Larson," David said politely.

"Just call me Jen, how many times do I have to say it? You're dating my friend, don't make things so awkward" Jen said with a small frown. David was not expecting her to say that so he decided that he will just keep quiet and not comment at all.

"He's dating Nancy?" Lucas asked not letting David have the reprieve he was hoping for.

"Didn't I tell you? The two of them are an item now" Jen said as she walked forward. Lucas did not let her stand around and instead led her out of the office while the two of them busily discussed David's love life.

David silently looked at the two disappearing figures before he sat back down. He should really tell Nancy not to be too talkative about their relationship since it looked like both Jen and Lucas were having a field day talking about the two of them.

If he knew it wasn't just the two of them but also the other couples that had formed because of their relationship then David probably would not feel so bad about things. Jen and Lucas continued talking about Nancy and David, but Jen did the talking and Lucas was listening until they got in front of the elevators.

"Are you hungry?" Lucas asked Jen as they walked into the empty elevator. Jen nodded vigorously to his question and touched her flat belly. Her actions made Lucas laugh as he pulled her closer to his side and draped his arm over her shoulders. 

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the ground floor where the two of them walked out of the elevator. Jen quickly went to the receptionist desk to return her card and the girl politely said goodbye as she tried not to stare too much at her and Lucas.

Jen nodded before returning to Lucas' side and the two of them walked out of the building. Lucas' car was already prepared for them so Lucas just took the keys and opened the door for Jen who happily got inside before he went to the other side and got into the car as well before driving off.

"Where are we going?" Jen asked curiously as she watched Lucas focus on driving.

"You'll see, it's not very far, it'll just take about ten minutes to get there" Lucas answered as if reassuring her that she won't have to tolerate her hunger for too long.

Jen speechlessly looked at him when she noticed that he was talking to her as if he was pacifying her. She rolled her eyes as she looked outside the window before she heard Lucas chuckle next to her making her smile helplessly. She was really too hungry.

After ten minutes, they finally arrived at the restaurant. Fortunately, the rain had let up so they didn't have to worry about getting wet. Jen did not even wait for Lucas to come to open the car door for her and just directly got out of the car.

Lucas opened the restaurant door for her and the two of them walked in. After confirming their booking, that David had to do after Jen said she wanted to eat seafood. The two of them were taken to one of the private rooms in the restaurant that afforded them a good amount of privacy.

Lucas pulled out a chair for her and rather than sit across from her he decided to sit next to her. There was a small button at the corner of the table that he could use to call a waiter to come to take their order. 

Jen rested her chin on her palm as she watched Lucas go through the menu that was already on the table. Lucas, on the other hand, was seriously identifying the dishes that he wanted to eat before he noticed that he was being stared at.

"Is there something specific that you want to eat?" Lucas asked Jen who had been staring at him intensely. Jen shook her head to show that she did not have anything specific in mind.

"Should I order for you as well?" Lucas asked as he flipped a page of the menu.

"Yes, I'm curious about what you like" Jen answered as she continued to look at him.

"Okay, I'll pick something," Lucas said as his eyes busily looked through the menu. Depending on what he was looking at, Jen noticed that his expression would change depending on what food he would read on the menu. After a couple of minutes, Lucas pressed the button at the corner of the table and a waiter went into the private room.

Lucas listed out a list of the foods that he wanted them to serve, and after he finished, he asked Jen for the drink that she wanted and once he was finally done with ordering the food, the waiter went to the kitchens to place their orders.

"You look beautiful," Lucas said after he had stared at her for a good five minutes. 

"Thanks," Jen said as she used the back of her hands to cool her flushed cheeks. She thought that she would eventually get used to being complimented but she still hasn't been able to do so. 

Lucas gave her a genuinely warm smile as if to tell her that he really meant what he said and it wasn't something that he said for the sake of formality.

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