Convincing her

Chapter 284: Drunk kid.

Jen was able to guess what was going on in Lucas' mind when she realised how heated his gaze had become. She quickly stood up from the couch and handed the wine glass back to him. 

"Um, I'll go get my own glass, I think the hot tub is ready as well, so I'll get the bottles as well, you go first," Jen said as she made an obvious escape.

"No why don't you go first I will sort everything out and come downstairs afterwards," Lusa said as he stood up.

Jen gave Lucas a blank stare and bit her lip in conflict and slightly tilted her head before she turned around and went downstairs as he asked her to. Lucas went to the kitchen and took a wine glass and three bottles of wine before heading downstairs as well.

The moment Jen opened the sliding doors that led to the balcony that had the hot tub, she felt the chill on her skin and goosebumps rose before she shivered involuntarily.

Jen started doubting her decision to use the hot tub in this weather. But she could see this team rise from the hot water in the tub and without any more hesitation she took off her silk robe and got into the hot tub.

By the time Lucas arrived, he found Jen already sitting in the hot tub, her skin flushed from the heat of the water as she looked at the night view of the city.

"Aren't you feeling cold?" Lucas asked as he set the things he was holding in his hands on the side of the hot tub. Jen looked at him and he noticed her slightly flushed and her slightly wet eyelashes before she shook her head just show that she was not feeling cold.

Lucas proceeded to take off his own robe before he too joined her in the bathtub. Jen silently watched him as is took one of the wine bottles and skillfully opened it before pouring the wine into the two wine glasses that had brought with him. He handed one of the glasses to Jen and he took his own.

"The contrast between the warm water and the cold air feels strangely therapeutic, "Jen said as she took a sip of her wine. Lucas looked at her before turning his gaze to the excellent night view they had before he nodded in agreement.

"I remember the last time we were here, it wasn't as cold as it is today but I had fun," Jen said the chuckle as she looked at Lucas with a suggestive gaze Lucas chuckled himself because he remembered how he deprived her that night. 

Seeing her suggestive gaze Lucas is eyes also became quite intense to the point that Jen had to look away just to recompose herself. She cleared her throat before taking a long drink of her wine before handing the glass back to Lucas so that he could refill it.

"Are you feeling shy?" Lucas asked, as he took the glass from her hands and refilled it with the white wine that they were enjoying. Jen decided not to answer his question as she took the glass back from him. Lucas chuckled from how silly shows active but at the same time, he thought it was cute.

The two of them continued to have a light conversation and before they knew it they had was gotten tipsy especially Jen as she had a lower alcohol tolerance compared to Lucas. As Lucas finished off his glass of wine, he beckoned for Jen to come is it next to him. 

Jen unhesitantly went next to him her breasts occasionally picking from the water exposing them to the cold air as she sat next to Lucas. 

Lucas wrapped an arm around her shoulders before bringing her closer to him so that she was sticking right next to him. Because of his actions, it was inevitable that he would notice that Jen was not wearing a bra.

Lucas turned his head to look at her in surprise with his eyebrows raised and a mischievous smile on his lips and Jen looked away feeling embarrassed all of a sudden she knew that even if she wore a bra it would not stay on long enough to Matter.

"I'm really tempted to say something but at the same time there is something that I'm very curious about and if I don't ask about it now I don't think I'll remember it," Lucas said as his fingertips caressed her arm.

"What is it?" Jen asked curiously as she turned her head to look at him. Lucas poured them another glass of wine before deciding to continue with what he wanted to ask her.

"I'm actually curious about why you are so averse to people drinking and driving, not that I'm condoning the behaviour but I believe that it's okay if you have one or two glasses of wine when there is an event or when you eat even if you drive. It was the way I lived before I met you, so I couldn't help but notice the aversion you have whenever it comes to this. Did something ever happened in your past?" Lucas asked looking genuinely curious.

Jen was silent for a while and as if to build up more courage she took a long drink of her wine before staring off into the night sky. Lucas was sensible enough not to push her to say anything and patiently waited for her to talk.

"Actually, it's because of the circumstances of my grandfather's death. It was a car accident and we were taking an evening walk before he was run over by some drunk kid. It was an event that I could not forget because I was closer to my Grandfather than I was with my own father. I was actually very traumatised by the accident because we were walking together and he was run over because he was protecting me. I had so much anger afterwards and I didn't even know how to vent it. I hated that he protected me, I hated the kid that was drunk driving, I hated that I wasn't the one that got hit by the car instead of him. He died before the ambulance arrived, he liked to exercise and he thought that at his age if he didn't do anything physical he just grow older faster. After the accident I was determined not to put someone else in the position that I was in then, that's why I don't drink at all if I'm going to be driving" Jen said as she finished off the drink in her glass once more.

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