Convincing her

Chapter 3: What happened last night

Jen could feel the heat on her face and she opened her eyes. She had a weird taste in her mouth and she was sore all over. She looked around thanking god that she was home and not at some strangers house. Her eyes finally settled on the person next to her, seeing them made her facepalm. She could feel a headache coming in and it was not because of the hangover.

Looking at him carefully she noticed it was the guy she bumped into on her first day at the university. Sighing she jumped out of bed which she realised was a bad idea when she almost fell from dizziness. She picked up a t-shirt to cover her nudity and walked out to see if the girls were sleeping in the other rooms.

She then remembered that they had probably just gone straight home from the party. She looked outside her living room window and saw that their car wasn't there anymore. She shrugged her shoulders and looked at the mess that was her house.

She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 10 am and walked to the bathroom to shower. She took off her t-shirt and walked to the sink to brush her teeth. The moment she looked at her reflection she spat the toothpaste all over her mirror.

"What the f**k!!" she saw the hickeys all over her body her chest, shoulders, even her thighs. This caused her to remember exactly what happened last night.


The three girls stumbled out of the house and made the five-minute walk. Jen was sobering up and she didn't like it she turned to look at the other girls and it seemed like their conditions were also getting better. She knew she was no fun when she was sober so she knew that she would drink again once she arrived.

Her biggest worry was that she might have to drink something else besides vodka and she was aware of how bad she could get once she mixed different types of alcohol. She had resigned herself to her fate by the time they arrived as she was determined to have fun as the next day was the weekend.

Walking through the door the first thing she noticed was it was hot, especially in the living room. She went straight to the kitchen with the girls since that was where she knew there wouldn't be a lot of people.

There were a couple of people and Nancy was already looking a bit fidgety since she wanted to go dance with everyone else in the living room. Jen assured them that she will be fine and told Leanna to accompany Nancy to go dance.

After they left Jen busied herself going through the cupboards and the fridge where she found a suspicious bottle. She carried the bottle with her and sat on a stool and opened it and sniffed it. The smell made her eyes water as the scent of alcohol was that strong, she checked to see if anyone was watching her and laughed at herself for acting like she was committing a crime.

She found a paper cup and poured herself a drink which smelled stronger as she continued pouring it and once the cup was filled she returned it to where she found it. She sat on the kitchen stool lost in her own thoughts while she continued to sip on her drink, all the while she was thinking about how she should have mixed it with something else since it tasted nasty after a while Nancy and Leanna came back finding her zoned out.

Nancy called her half screaming snapping Jen back to where they were. She gave them a blinding smile as she saw how the two girls were slightly sweaty and flushed. The girls were startled as they had never seen Jen smile so brightly.

"What are you drinking?", Nancy asked as she noticed that Jen was holding a paper cup.

"Nothing, just something I found in here," Jen said carelessly and continued to sip on her drink. Leanna snatched the cup and sniffed on it and she felt a bit nauseous from the smell.

"Isn't this poisonous? Are you trying to kill yourself?" Leanna said as she looked at Jen incredulously wondering how she wasn't passed out drunk yet.

"Hey! Who am I? Why would I kill myself?" Jen asked taking Leanna very seriously which caused Leanna to crack a smile since Jen was being cute.

"Never mind. Are you okay? Do you wanna stay longer or are you tired? We can always leave if you're uncomfortable" Leanna asked still worried.

"I'm fine, totally, and completely fine," Jen said and snatched back her cup as she proceeded to glare at Leanna. This made both the girls laugh. "I'll be here, both of you can go ahead and have fun if you wanna have what I'm having it's over there," Jen said pointing at one of the cupboards.

"Alright, if you leave the kitchen just text me where you are going cause I know I won't hear my phone ring," Leanna said as she decided as they would just have fun. The two girls left again leaving Jen in the kitchen and this time she was alone. She turned on her phone and started going through her social media and laughing at some funny memes.

"Hey there" Jen heard a deep voice which made her look up from her phone. She wrinkled her eyebrows when she saw the guy standing in front of her as he looked familiar.

"Hi," she said with a smile which caused the guy to smile back. He hadn't noticed before but she was really pretty, in fact, she looked stunning when she smiled.

"Bored?" he asked as he opened the fridge and seemed to be looking for something.

"Not really, are you hungry?" she asked as she observed him.

"Not hungry, just bored and sober," he said as he closed the fridge and leaned on it as he looked at her. She looked at his black hair that was curly and looked soft and his hazel eyes and his full lips which looked reddish as if he was chewing on them. She then realised her thoughts were making a nose dive into perverted land and her face felt warm which he didn't miss.

"You can have mine," she said as she stretched out the hand that was holding her cup.

"I don't drink beer" he replied flatly.

"Hah! It's not beer though, I don't know what it is but it's definitely not beer" she said with a mischievous look in her eyes. He eyed the drink suspiciously and moved to sit on the stool next to her. He watched her as she put the paper cup in front of him and urged him to drink it. He picked up the cup and took a sip and felt the drink burn down his throat all the way to his stomach.

He looked at Jen once again and swirled the drink in the cup and took a whiff which seemed to just give him an explanation of some sort.

"Did someone give this to you?" he asked worried that some guy gave it to a naïve girl who didn't know what would happen if she drank it.

"Nooo, I found it in there," Jen said and giggled as she pointed at the cupboard she put the drink in. He stood up and walked to the cupboard where he found the bottle that Jen had put in there. A third of the alcohol was missing which he assumed was what Jen had drunk. He opened the bottle and took a whiff then almost dropped it this caused Jen to have another fit of giggles.

He looked at her and raised an eyebrow as he closed the bottle as he walked with it to the counter where they were seated.

"I'll use your cup," he said as he refilled it and gulped down about half of it.

"Hey! Don't show off, drink it slower, I won't be responsible for you if you pass out." Jen said with a frown.

"I won't pass out," he said and finished off the cup. He refilled it again and this time he was also sipping slowly on it. At this point, the bottle was empty which made Jen frown and reach out for the cup to also sip on it.

"What's your name?" she suddenly asked him

"Lucas, yours?"

"Jen, Oh! You're the guy I bumped into on my first day, sorry about your shirt" she said as she finally remembered where she saw him.

"Oh right! I remember you, it's okay about the shirt" he said as he took the drink once more and drank it. At this point, Jen was buzzed and thirsty. She finally made the choice to go and get herself some water she stood up and that was when she realised how drunk she actually was.

She stumbled and straightened herself and started laughing as she imagined how ridiculous she must look in front of Lucas. Her clumsiness made Lucas smile as he watched her wash her hands and hold back her hair with one hand and used the other to drink water.

Once she was done she stumbled back to her stool and almost sat on the floor before Lucas caught her and sat her on his lap.

"This situation is not my fault," Jen said as if she wasn't the one who got herself drunk in the first place.

"Of course, it's an accident" Luke reassured with a smile that made Jen's mind go blank for a second.

"You're kinda cute," Jen said with a giggle and draped her hand on his neck and used her other to poke his cheek.

"Right back at ya," he said as he chuckled at how she was acting.

"You're so warm," she said again and leaned her head on his shoulder and her breath fanned all over his neck making goosebumps erupt all over his body. He felt flushed and he knew that the alcohol had already started working on him.

"As romantic as falling asleep in someone's arms sounds, it's actually really uncomfortable," he said as he shook her.

"I'm not sleeping, okay!" she said with a pout and tried to stand up which almost made her fall on her ass again.

"Alright, calm down," Luke said as if he was talking to a child. He pulled her on his lap again and she pouted again.

"What now?" Luke asked

"I wanna go dance, I came with my friends and they are dancing," she said sulkily which made Lucas laugh as he helped her stand up and leading her to the makeshift dance floor.

"Do you see your friends?" he asked right next to her ear and she proceeded to shake her head. She took out her phone from her pocket and saw that they had texted her that they were outside getting some fresh air as they had gotten too hot.

Rather than scream at him, she showed him the text which he nodded to. He pointed back to the kitchen with a raised eyebrow which she responded by indicating that she still wanted to dance. He nodded and pointed at the wall indicating that he will be looking out for her and if anything happens she'll find him there. She nodded and he took her number just in case and headed for the wall. She was in the middle of the crowd having the time of her life.

She danced to her heart's content, danced with some random girls, and guys she was sure she wouldn't remember.

All this while Luke was feeling even more intoxicated from the alcohol which he just finished, the music, the heat, they all just overwhelmed his senses. His eyes were a bit hooded and he was looking at Jen who was having fun dancing. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall exposing his Adam's apple when he suddenly felt a warm breath on his neck.

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