Convincing her

Chapter 300: Talk with Alex.

As the two of them were basking in the afterglow from having sex, Jen's phone rang. She groaned in annoyance, but she still got out of Lucas' arms to take the call. She was thankful enough that the caller didn't call when they were still busy with each other. Jen picked up the call without checking who it was.

"Hello?" Jen said as she leaned on the headboard of the bed. Lucas rolled over and rested his head on her stomach as he wrapped his hands around her. He was not willing to let go of her yet so he was settling for that position.

"Hi Jen," Alex said from the other side.

"Alex! How are you?" Jen said while stroking Lucas' hair.

"I'm fine and you?" Alex asked.

"I'm doing well, what's up?" Jen asked. She was not expecting a call from Alex so early in the morning, so she thought maybe something had happened to the restaurants and she needed to report on it or that there was an urgent situation at home.

"I was just checking on you… I missed you," Alex said after some hesitation. Jen felt her heart soften as she smiled brightly.

"I miss you too," Jen answered, wondering what had gotten into her sister to make her so sentimental. There was a moment of silence after Jen's reply, and Jen started getting worried about whether something happened at home.

"When will you come back?" Alex asked, her voice sounding down.

"I'll come to visit in two months when I'm on break. Did you miss me that much?" Jen asked while trying her best to lighten the mood.

"I did, I'll be waiting for your return," Alex said sounding much better. The one thing she was afraid of is Jen telling her she will come back after she graduates.

"Is everything else okay?" Jen asked, still worried that something might have happened at home.

"Yes, don't worry about it. Everyone is fine and everything else is okay," Alex said in reassurance.

"That's a relief," Jen said, and a smile finally spread across her face.

"Are you with your boyfriend?" Alex asked a bit hesitantly and Jen looked down at Lucas, who had a lock of her hair wrapped around his finger.

"I am, why?" Jen asked curiously.

"So, are you two serious?" Alex asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"We are, are you doubting him?" Jen asked with a laugh.

"No, it's just that, we haven't had the chance to talk about him much," Alex said and Jen felt nostalgic. When Rachel and Laura had left, the only other person she used to confide in the most was her sister. Now that she mentioned this, Jen started feeling guilty for the distance that their current situation has created between them.

"He loves me, and I love him too. Things are going great between us," Jen said and smiled at Lucas, who looked up at her from his position. Lucas couldn't help but smile when he heard her words, and he really wanted to kiss her, but he did not think that she would welcome his kisses at such a time. In fact, he felt like he might just get smacked if he tried it, so he just settled for kissing her hand.

"I'm happy for you. Do you see this go further than just dating?" Alex asked. She had been holding back a lot on her questions, so she just unleashed everything she had been curious about.

"Further? As in?" Jen asked in confusion.

"Do you see yourself marrying him?" Alex asked and Jen stopped stroking Lucas' hair. He looked up at her in question, and their eyes met. Jen had an intense look in her eyes that left him puzzled. She said nothing for a few seconds. It was as if she was seriously mulling over something.

"Yes, I see that happening, even though it is early, I can see him in my future," Jen answered honestly. Lucas raised his eyebrows in surprise from what she said. He did not know what Alex had asked Jen, but from what he had garnered from her response, he could expect their relationship to progress further in the future.

"Aah! Oh my god! Can you not be so cheesy? I'm dying here!" Alex said as she screamed on the other side, making Jen laugh in embarrassment.

"Mom was asking about him yesterday," Alex said after they both calmed down. Jen pursed her lips together and cleared her throat.

"And?" Jen asked.

"I told her to ask you directly if she was curious," Alex said with a sigh. Jen chuckled when she heard her young sister's response. It was something that she expected Alex to say, but she did not want things to get stale between her and their mother either.

"You should be kinder to her. It won't do anyone any good if you two also have a falling out," Jen said calmly. She understood her young sister's frustrations, but their mother was still their mother.

"Well, it's not like I was rude to her," Alex said defensively.

"Mmh, you were just upset. You can tell her about us if she asks again," Jen said to her as she adjusted her sitting position. Lucas' fingers were now stroking the side of her stomach, making her feel ticklish.

"I won't tell her if she asks again, she has a phone, she has your number, so if she's curious, she can call you," Alex insisted and Jen laughed while nodding.

"Okay, you don't have to tell her anything. Aren't you going to the restaurant today?" Jen asked as she looked at the time.

"I was just heading out when I called, I should be on my way now. I'll talk to you later," Alex answered as she too realised that it was getting late.

"Mmh, later, don't work too hard," Jen said in response, and after they both said their goodbyes, the call ended.

Jen sat in silence as she thought about what they talked about. However, she didn't get the chance to ponder on their conversation for long because Lucas kissed her, creating a huge distraction.

"You can see me in your future?" Lucas asked when he released her, and Jen's cheeks immediately became flushed.

"You were eavesdropping on my call?" Jen asked, feigning anger.

"How is it eavesdropping if you were talking right next to me. I have ears, so of course I'll hear what you're saying," Lucas said with a chuckle.

"Right," Jen replied as she avoided his gaze.

"I see you in my future too. I've seen you there for a while," Lucas said as he sat next to her and pulled her body so she was leaning against him.

"Really?" Jen asked as she looked up at him.

"Really," Lucas said and leaned down to peck her lips. Jen smiled brightly as she placed her hand on his bare chest, and she could feel his heartbeat with it.

"How are you so sure? You're still so young," Jen asked curiously.

"We only have a two-year age gap, it's not like I'm fifteen," Lucas said with a chuckle. Jen looked up at him once more with a frown on her face. She would have no business dating a fifteen-year-old in the first place, okay?

"I'm old enough to know that I'll never meet someone who will make me love them as I love you," Lucas answered. Jen looked up at him once more with her heart in her eyes. She wondered how this guy always knew what to say.

"I love you too, Lucas," Jen said and pulled down his head so she could kiss him.

"So, should I show you once more how much I love you?" Lucas asked playfully and Jen hit his shoulder while laughing.

"You promised to take me to shop for décor," Jen reminded.

"Mmh, I can show you now, and then after we come back from the store, I can show you again," Lucas said with a chuckle as he pushed Jen down on the bed.

"No, this time, I want to show you," Jen said and used all of her strength to get out from under him so they could switch position.

"Oh, I like where this is going," Lucas said with a wicked smile on his lips.

"You'll be the death of me," Jen muttered under her breath as she leaned down to kiss his lips.

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