Convincing her

Chapter 316: Something I want to eat.

Jen quickly cleaned up and went to her room to get dressed. When she got out of the bathroom, she briefly glared at Lucas before leaving his bedroom. An action that served to amuse him for a while.

Once Jen had left, Lucas also went to take a quick shower before he too got redressed and carried their luggage downstairs. As he was waiting, at exactly 1 pm he received a call from David.

"Give me another ten minutes," Lucas said as soon as he picked up the call.

"You knew I was going to pick you up at this time," David complained. In reality, Nancy had decided to spend the weekend with him so he had left her home alone just to take them to the airport.

"Mmh, it's taking longer than I expected," Lucas said without bothering to explain any further, and even after hanging up he did not call or rush Jen and instead, patiently waited for her.

The hotel staff had already come to collect their luggage so all they had to do was go to the parking lot. After another three minutes he heard her rush down the stairs completely dressed.

"I'm ready, are they here yet?" Jen asked as she checked if she carried all her documents.

"Mmh, they are waiting downstairs," Lucas said as he stared at her.

"Why didn't you say anything? Let's go," Jen said as she closed her purse.

"Mmh, you look beautiful," Lucas said when Jen got closer to him.

"Thank you, you look good yourself," Jen said with a smile before searching for the luggage.

"Where are our bags?" Jen asked and turned to look at Lucas.

"They're in the car downstairs already," Lucas said as he wrapped an around Jen's waist and walked towards the front door.

"Ooh, you run efficiently Mr. Lewis," Jen said jokingly with a smile as the two of them left the house.

"Mhmm," Lucas answered, readily accepting the compliment.

The two of them got in the elevator and as the two of them were inside, Jen linked her arm around his. She knew that it would be cold once they stepped out, so she was taking cover, using Lucas as her shield.

Lucas wordlessly looked at her with a smile on his face, and once the elevator doors opened the cold air that met them made her move even closer to Lucas as she pulled the scarf higher up to cover her face.

"Let's hurry up," Jen said as they stepped out of the elevator. They didn't have to go far as David had parked the car close to them. Lucas opened the door for Jen, and she quickly hopped into the car after saying thanks.

"Let's go," Lucas said once he settled next to her.

"You have everything?" David asked. He did not want to come back halfway through the trip.

"Mmh, let's go," Lucas said as he took Jen's hands in his to warm them before giving her a pair of gloves.

"You always forget these," Lucas said as he put them on for her. He didn't mind the cold much, but he would get startled whenever she would touch his bare skin with her cold hands, especially when she slipped them under his clothes.

"Thank you," Jen said with a beautiful smile as she let him fasten the buttons on the cuffs for her. She always remembered to buy them when she went winter shopping, but she would forget to wear them.

The drive to the airport was long and quiet for the most part as Michael was not sure what he could talk about and David just wanted to drop them off at the airport and leave.

He would be busy the following week as he had to handle his workload together with Lucas' that combined with that fact that his trusted assistant had been snatched already gave him enough of a headache. So he had planned to spend time with Nancy now that he had the chance to because he knew he wouldn't have time to do so over the following two weeks.

"Is there anything you want to do when we arrive today?" Jen asked Lucas who was playing with her covered fingers.

"Mmh, there is," Lucas said with a subtle smile.

"Really? What is it? I'll be your tour guide," Jen said as she sat straighter so she could look at him better.

"There's something I really want to eat," Lucas said as he looked at her suggestively. Jen's face turned red almost immediately before averting her gaze.

She bit her lower lip and pulled on her turtleneck sweater as she felt that it had gotten warmer suddenly. David looked at them through the rearview mirror and cleared his throat, as if to tell them that they shouldn't be doing what they were doing there.

Lucas didn't care about David, but Jen got even more embarrassed at the reminder that there were other people in the car. Lucas chuckled as he gathered her in his arms. He really did not care about what the other two were thinking.

"You're not going to ask me what I want to eat? I thought you would be my tour guide," Lucas said, continuing with his teasing.

Jen's face became even redder as she looked at her hands. She hit his thigh wither fist a few times as if to tell him to stop teasing her before she had to stop because her fist had started to hurt.

"What are you thinking, Miss Larson?" Lucas asked, which served to make Jen feel even more embarrassed. For the first time she wished he didn't use such a formal address to tease her. Won't she be reminded of him every time people called her Miss Larson? It was inevitable that she had ended up associating such a formal form of address with such racy events as he called her Miss Larson every time he did something naughty to her. Now whenever she heard that, a random scene of them together would conjure itself in her brain.

"Just let me know what it is, I'll definitely satisfy your cravings," Jen whispered to Lucas so the two men in front would not hear them. Lucas grinned before turning his head and giving her a peck on the lips. Fortunately, David was not looking because if he saw them, his mood was guaranteed to plummet from where it was.

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