Convincing her

Chapter 321: Can you talk?

As the two sisters ate, Jen told Alex everything that had been going on in her life since she left home. Why she decided to go to university, how she met Lucas, how they ended up dating and how she ended up living with him. Alex was shocked to hear that she had had a stalker that had followed her all the way to City X.

Even though she wanted to express her surprise many times she held back because she was still curious about what happened next. An hour later, two of them finished their dinner and were having some wine when Jen suggested they go for a second round somewhere else.

Jen took out her phone and asked the driver to come back and pick them up before she continued talking to Alex.

"You didn't bring a car right?" Jen asked her sister, just in case.

"No, Jake normally drives me around, he dropped me off before going home," Alex said as she drank her wine.

"Mmmh, is he doing better?" Jen asked, referring to his behaviour after the whole drunk driving incident.

"He is much better, quieter these days, doesn't whine about things anymore," Alex answered with a smile. 

"I must call him out for lunch or something," Jen said with a pleased expression. After they finished their wine, Jen paid for their dinner before the two of them left their private room.

They were too immersed with each other to notice how much attention they were drawing to themselves. The host brought out their coats and even went a step further of helping them put them on before the two women walked out of the restaurant.

"You hardly ever help people put on their coats," the waitress that had been talking to him said.

"Hehehe," the host could only chuckle as he watched the two women disappear into the car that picked them up.

"Where will you be going to miss?" the driver asked Jen once she was comfortable in her seat.

"Let's go to Elon?" Jen asked and Alex nodded in agreement.

The driver immediately pulled into the main road and headed toward the popular lounge. Jen turned to look at Alex who was busy texting on her phone and smiled happily.

"What?" Alex asked when their eyes met.

"I just missed you," Jen said with a smile.

"Mmmh, me too," Alex said and hugged her arm.

"So are you seeing anyone?" Jen asked and was immediately released.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Who can I see when I'm so busy?" Alex asked with a pout. She hadn't been able to date anyone since she was so busy in school as she was trying not to waste her sister's efforts of taking her through university.

She had a lot of suitors then, and life had been both convenient and inconvenient because of it. After university, she immediately started working with her sister on the restaurants and the business expanded even more during that time so she didn't have time to do anything then.

She only realised how busy Jen used to be when she took on her responsibilities when Jen left. Now her love life was non-existent, and she did not entertain any hopes of that changing.

"Hire capable people to help you out. Don't be like me and deal with everything yourself," Jen said with a frown.

"But-" Alex started but was cut off by Jen.

"Don't be a control freak and do what I say, what's the point of earning so much money if you have to kill yourself to do it?" Jen asked, and Alex pursed her lips as she thought about it.

"Okay, I'll do that," Alex agreed.

"Good, 'cause you are about to be very busy," Jen said as she got off the car that had stopped in front of the high-rise building where Elon was located.

"What do you mean I'm about to be busy?" Alex asked she got out of the car as well. Jen did not answer immediately and laughed instead as the two of them got into the elevator.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Alex asked as she looked at Jen's side profile.

"I'll explain after a few drinks," Jen said as she patted her head. Alex just glared at her in response before stepping to the side to avoid her hand.

"You used to be much cuter when you were younger," Jen said as she got out of the elevator after Alex.

The two went into the lounge where they ordered drinks before asking to go sit at the VIP area that was more secluded. Jen knew just how much people would bother them if they sat in a visible area.

"So what did you mean by me getting busy?" Alex asked after they had started drinking.

"Lucas wants to do a collaboration," Jen explained briefly.

"And?" Alex asked while sounding frustrated.

"He wants to have our restaurants in his hotels, not Lewis & Co. but L. L Hotels," Jen continued.

"Oh," Alex responded and Jen could see her racing thoughts from how dazed she had become.

"So did you say yes?" Alex asked.

"Well," Jen started, her voice becoming high-pitched. Alex immediately knew that she probably bombed everything.

"Well?" Alex asked as she encouraged her to divulge more information.

"I told him to have that discussion with you," Jen answered, avoiding how they had gotten into a fight about it. If she told Alex she knew that she would be lectured.

"So it didn't all go to hell," Alex said as she finished off her martini. Jen only laughed nervously in response before changing the topic into something else.

The two girls stayed at the lounge for another two hours before Jen noticed that Alex was getting drunk.

"We should go home," Jen said as she stood up and put Alex's coat on her before helping her to stand up.

"Are you coming back with me?" Alex asked her voice sounding slightly slurred but obediently left the lounge with Jen while hugging her arm.

"You know I'm going back to the hotel," Jen calmly explained as she pressed the button to close the elevator doors before someone else came in.

Alex stayed quiet for a few minutes after that until they got into the car. Jen gave the driver the address to their house before pulling Alex to lay her head on her shoulder as she looked sleepy.

"Jen," Alex called as she blankly stared at the back of the seat in front of them.

"Mmh," Jen answered as she played with her hair.

"Can you talk to mom?" Alex asked and Jen became silent.

"I know you were wronged, can you just vent at her? Just shout at her or something, it's very hard for us right now," Alex said before sniffling.

Jen was like a second parent to them, but it wasn't like she could disregard her mother either. She had made her disappointment in her mom very obvious and she was very aware of her feelings. It's harder since Jen moved away from home completely and they have to consciously avoid topics that involve each other.

"Alex I-" Jen wanted to comfort her, but she did not know how to.

"Can I tell her? That you're back?" Alex asked as she raised her head to look at Jen. Jen bit her lip before nodding in agreement. Alex released a relieved sigh and sniffled again.

"I must be really drunk," Alex said as she wiped her tears.

"You've become a cry baby today," Jen said with a small laugh but patted her back in comfort.

"Mmh, I'm happy I met you today," Alex said and blinked her watery blue eyes at Jen.

"You really used to be cuter when you were younger," Jen said, immediately easing the depressing atmosphere.

"Are you saying I'm ugly now?" Alex asked while acting cute, making Jen laugh.

"That's enough, we're here," Jen said as she looked at the gated property that was her home until she ran away.

"So we'll see each other again soon, right?" Alex asked as she sat up.

"Mmh, I'll call you to make arrangements," Jen said and opened her arms for a hug.

"Okay, I'll see you soon," Alex said as she gave Jen a long hug before getting out of the car.

"Hurry up and go inside, so I know you're safe," Jen said when she noticed that Alex was waiting for her to leave first.

"Okay, goodnight," Alex said as she smiled sweetly at Jen and stumbled into the compound. Jen waited for a few minutes until she heard the front door close before asking the driver to take her back to the hotel.

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