Convincing her

Chapter 329: Out of Character.

Lucas looked at Jen curiously as he was a bit confused about her reaction. He was only hoping that it was not bad news that made her react so strongly.

"Have you thought about what you want to do?" Jen asked as she leaned against the wall while looking at Lucas.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm just confused right now and scared," Leanna said from the other side. She tried to sound strong, but Jen could hear her voice slightly shake as she was talking. Jen didn't think she should be alone when something life-changing like this was happening. She will overthink things and might end up making very drastic decisions.

"Have you eaten?" Jen asked, suddenly confusing the already confused Leanna more than she already was.

"No, not yet," Leanna answered.

"What do you want to eat?" Jen asked and was met with silence. She did pressure Leanna for an answer and only patiently waited for an answer.

"I actually want chicken. Grilled lemon chicken," Leanna said. After she said what she wanted to eat she could feel her mouth fill up with saliva. Now she was hungry.

"Okay, I'll have it delivered. For now, go have a warm bath and relax, and wait for the food," Jen said. After she cut the call, she looked at Lucas who was still on the couch as her brain raced. She unlocked her phone again and made a call again, but it wasn't to Leanna this time.

"Hello?" A tired voice said from the other side.

"Hi, Ethan-" Jen started but was interrupted.

"Did someone get hurt again?" Ethan asked as he remembered the last time he got a call from Jen, Lucas had almost broken his nose.

"No, that's not it," Jen said with a small laugh. His statement calmed her down a bit.

"What can I do for you then?" Ethan asked. He did not mean to rush her, but he had just gotten out of surgery and was getting ready to rush home before another surgery was piled on to him.

"Leanna is-" Jen started but was interrupted once more.

"What happened to her?" Ethan asked as he quickly shrugged off his white coat.

"Can you go check on her? I'm worried about her," Jen said without explaining anything. She knew it was not in her place to deliver such news to him.

"Okay, okay, I'll go," Ethan said and was about to hang up before he was stopped by Jen.

"Wait, can you go with grilled lemon chicken," Jen added and before Ethan could ask her what she was talking about she had already hung up. He wasn't patient enough to ask her what she was talking about, so he quickly changed out of his scrubs and left the hospital.

Leanna had obediently followed Jen's advice and had soaked herself in warm water in her bathtub and she slowly relaxed. The initial panic she was feeling eventually subsided, and she calmed down.

She got out of the tub when the water was cooling off and wrapped her body in a white bathrobe and her hair in a towel as she walked out of the bathroom. As she was choosing the pyjamas that she was going to wear for the night, she heard the doorbell ring.

She smiled happily as she thought it was the delivery that Jen had said she would get for her. She was thinking about how she was going to call her later to thank her as she walked across the living room and went to get the door.

"Ethan?" Leanna said as her eyes widened in surprise. Rather than answer her, Ethan walked into her apartment and closed the door behind as he carefully examined her with his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked as he put down the food he had come with and turned her around a couple of times before checking her temperature.

"I'm fine, what's going on?" Leanna asked in confusion. She was not expecting him and he didn't call like he usually did. She had forgotten that she had been in the bathtub the whole time and didn't have her phone with her.

Ethan looked searched her face as if trying to make sure what she was saying was true before pulling her in his arms. He had been worried but now that she was standing in front of him; he was not even sure what exactly he was worried about.

"I didn't know you were coming, why didn't you call?" Leanna asked once he pulled away from her.

"I tried to call but you wouldn't pick up," Ethan explained as he finally noticed that she looked like she just got out of the shower.

"Oh, I was in the shower," Leanna explained as she wrapped her arms around herself. She remembered why she had taken a warm bath before and she got nervous all over again.

"Okay, Jen called, she said I should come with this," Ethan said as he picked up the food and went to the kitchen. Leanna followed behind him silently and watched him plate the food that he had brought. The moment she smelled it she felt just how empty her stomach was so she forgot about how nervous she was as she took the plate he had just handed her.

The two of them sat in the living room with their dinner and Leanna turned on the tv so the house wouldn't be too quiet as she ate. Ethan was curious about why Jen called him to come to see her, but looking at how much she was enjoying her food, he became reluctant to bother her about it.

Leanna's appetite hadn't been too good recently, as she would feel nauseous when she smelt certain smells, so she was voracious when she finally got something that was appetizing for her.

"Aren't you eating?" Leanna asked as she looked at him curiously. 

"I just came from the hospital, let me go take a shower first," Ethan said as he kissed her cheek and went to her room. He had a few clothes at her place, that was why he was comfortable taking a shower. He quickly stripped out of his clothes and threw them in the hamper before wrapping a towel around his waist and going to the bathroom.

He was taking off the watch he forgot to remove before something in the bathroom caught his eye. He was a doctor, how could he not recognize a pregnancy test? Especially when there five of them of different brands lined up on the sink. He felt like a bomb landed in his brain because he couldn't focus on anything else besides what he was seeing.

He picked up one of the tests and saw the two lines that signified pregnancy and felt his knees go weak. Before he could even properly react, the bathroom door suddenly opened to Leanna's panicked expression. She had forgotten that she had left the tests on her bathroom counter when she had been talking to Jen. This was what happened when people came over with no notice.

Ethan's amber eyes made eye contact with her brown ones and she felt her eyes well up with tears as she saw that he was holding the pregnancy test in his hand.

Her nerves had been taut and adrenaline had been pumping through her body when she remembered that she had left the tests on her counter. She had hoped that he hadn't gone into the bathroom yet, but it was like the universe was working against her.

"I, I-" Leanna started but wasn't sure of what she should say as tears poured out of her eyes. Ethan was also unsure of how to react to the whole situation. Seeing the way she was behaving, he couldn't help but feel sorry. He was supposed to be more responsible in their relationship since he was the older one. He felt like he had cheated her as Leanna was just twenty-one compared to him who was twenty-six. She was just starting out her life. He felt even worse because he was happy about this news.

"I-" Leanna tried to explain, although she was unsure of what she should explain. 

"Shh, you don't need to say anything," Ethan said as he embraced her. He hugged her tightly from both happiness and as well as comfort because she looked very panicked.

He felt that they should discuss this once she was calm. It was his first time seeing her so flustered since he got to know her. It was very out of character for her to behave that way.

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