Convincing her

Chapter 346: Don't ever think of leaving me.

The two of them were finally going to go back to City X the next day. Jen could finally enjoy the scenery today as she was well-rested. She hadn't toured the entire house the previous day and after doing so today; she realised just how big it is. The house had thirty-six bedrooms.

She had not realised it until they had finished the tour and she did the math in her head. There were four wings, and each had nine bedrooms. His parents must have arranged for it to be a family house, it's like it's been arranged for grandchildren and great-grandchildren as well.

With a guest room in each wing. She was tired just from touring the house and there was even more outside. She had given up the tour halfway through the facilities.

Now she was just watching the view outside after being bundled up by Lucas. She heard him come up from behind her and a cup of hot chocolate was put in her hands.

"Thank you," Jen said and closed her eyes happily with a smile when she felt Lucas embrace her from behind.

"Are you cold?" He asked, his breath fanning over her ears.

"No, I'm fine," Jen said and took a sip from the cup of steaming hot chocolate. She leaned back against him and they silently watched the snow fall gently on the already snow-covered ground.

"Jen," Lucas called, his voice sounding sombre.

"Hmm?" she responded.

"I have something to tell you," Lucas said.

"Oh? What is it?" Jen asked and tried to turn around but Lucas did not let her.

"Don't turn around, if I look at you I'll chicken out," Lucas explained. Jen stood still after hearing his explanation, but it did not make things easier, it just served to make her feel more anxious. Her thoughts were going a mile a minute.

She was wondering whether he was doing this because he wanted to end things. If they came here because it was his own way of saying goodbye. She got more and more anxious the more she thought about it.

"Actually, I have to go for further studies next year," Lucas said forthrightly and his arms became empty immediately afterwards. He looked at Jen, who was sitting on the wooden floor with a perplexed expression.

"Are you alright?" Lucas as he too sat down and held her shaking shoulders.

"You jerk!" Jen half-shouted and half complained while hitting his arm. Lucas was puzzled with her reaction. Was she that sad about him leaving?

"I thought you wanted to end things! Can you not so sound serious," Jen said and buried her head in his chest. She had felt so relieved with what he had said that she had lost all the strength in her legs.

"Why would I want to end anything with you? Don't be ridiculous," Lucas said with a small laugh as he stroked her back in comfort.

"So you'll be coming back to the university next year?" Jen asked after she had calmed herself down. 

"It's going to be in country M," Lucas explained.

"Country M?" Jen asked.

"Yes, it's a two-year program but-" Lucas continued to explain but stopped when he realised that Jen was not responding.

"So you'll be leaving for two years? You'll leave me alone for two years?" Jen asked in a slightly low voice. She had just gotten relieved, but she was tensed up again.

"It's not going to be two years, it's just a year," Lucas explained desperately.

"But still, you'll be gone for so long," Jen continued to complain. 

"I'll make sure to visit," Lucas said as he was comforting her.

"But I see you every day. Do I have to adjust to that as well?" Jen asked, but it seemed like she was talking to herself. 

"I'll make sure to video call you every day," Lucas said.

"Should I move out so I start getting used to the feeling?" Jen mumbled, but Lucas heard her clearly. It was this statement that made him feel panicked for the first time.

"What do you mean by move out? Shouldn't we be spending even more time together?" Lucas asked as he pulled back to look at her. 

"But should we start getting used to-," Jen started but was interrupted when her mouth was blocked by Lucas.

"Hmm, mph mhhh," Jen tried to say even in the middle of their kiss. Seeing that she still wanted to talk even now, Lucas felt exasperated.

"Jen, nothing is going to change. You are not going to go anywhere, I'll even take you to work with me if I have to but don't even think about leaving me, understood?" Lucas said overbearingly. Jen was surprised by his sudden outburst. She had never seen him behave like this before.

"You… can you not go?" Jen asked as the rims of her eyes turned red.

"I also don't want to go, but father told me that it was better to go now than when we already have a family," Lucas said as he sighed in disappointment.

She did not really mean it when she asked him not to go. She had just blurted out her true feeling in the heat of the moment. She knew that going for further studies was going to be good for him and after getting over the initial shock of the news she would be able to compose herself enough to not embarrass herself to this extent.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you that," Jen said as she wiped her face and finally stood up from the floor.

"No need to be sorry, I understand," Lucas said as he helped her up. He wiped the bottom of her eyes and a small smile appeared on his face when Jen finally looked up at him.

"Jen, we are going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen," Lucas said in reassurance. Jen nodded and tried to smile, but she ended up looking weird. Lucas burst out into laughter when he saw how she was trying to reassure him and hugged her.

"Jen, I'm also not ready to be away from you," Lucas said with a sigh.

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