Convincing her

Chapter 360: Strangely Familiar.

Jen's eyes widened when she saw the limo that was parked in front of the hotel. For a second she thought that it hadn't come for them, but that was until they rolled the windows down and Laura's head stuck out.

"Come on you two, let's go!" Laura said when she noticed that the two sisters were not making a move to go to the car.

"She hasn't changed much after all this time," Alex said to Jen before quickly walking towards the limo in her high heels. Jen followed closely after her and had to resist the urge to hide her face. Who asked her to be friends with Laura?

After the two girls got in the car, Laura asked the driver to take them to their next destination, which was Leanna's house. They were going to pick up both Nancy and Leanna from there before going to the "surprise location" that Laura had arranged for the party.

"Some champagne?" Laura asked and shoved two glasses in Jen and Alex's hands before filling them with chilled champagne.

"It's a been a while, Alex," Rachel said after everyone was settled down and Alex nodded in agreement. It had already been years since she had seen Rachel and Laura.

"It has, how have the two of you been?" Alex asked and the three women started to catch up.

Alex hadn't been as close to them as Jen was since she mostly met them when she was on break from university or when they accompanied Jen when she came to visit her. But she still knew why they had moved away, and because of it, she had a soft spot for Rachel.

"How did you even think of getting a limo?" Jen asked Laura as she sipped her champagne.

"She wanted to get a luxury bus," Rachel commented while shaking her head. Jen's eyes widened in surprise while Alex laughed at how unbelievable it was.

"That would have been much more comfortable, we could have been able to walk around," Laura said, her voice carrying a hint of regret.

"Why do you want to walk around on a bus? What if it suddenly brakes? You'll die" Rachel said while rolling her eyes.

"That's why I ended up settling for the limo," Laura said as she pointed at Rachel.

After saying this, the limo stopped once more. When Jen peered outside she saw they were outside the apartment complex Leanna shared with Nancy. She made a call to call both of the girls downstairs and the group of four waited patiently for them.

When the two girls opened the door to the car, Laura excitedly called Leanna over to sit next to her and took out a small veil and pinned it to her hair.

"I got you sparkling juice," Laura said as she took out the chilled non-alcoholic champagne from the small refrigerator next to them and poured Leanna a glass of it.

"Cheers, to the future bride!" Laura said and raised her glass. Everyone else faithfully followed her actions and after toasting they all emptied them.

Laura prompted the driver to turn on the music to make the atmosphere even more lively. It didn't take long before Laura pulled out two bottles of wine and poured a glass for everyone except for Leanna, who got another glass of "sparkling juice".

By the time they got to their destination, Laura was already tipsy, and the other girls were well on their way there. Laura had taken them to the most popular club in town, so there was a long line outside the club.

She had pre-booked a private room there and only chose the location in case the girls got curious about going to the dance floor. God knows how many chances they had at actual clubbing.

The six women, five in black dresses and one in fiery red with a veil pinned in her hair, walked to the entrance of the club where the bouncer courteously opened the door for them.

Laura led the way to the bar and said a few words to the bartender and soon a man came to them and led them up to their private room.

Once they were there they ordered drinks, while being mindful of Leanna's condition the girls sat in large luxury sofas and started chatting animatedly.

"How did you meet your husband?" Alex asked curiously, as she had just gotten to know Leanna and Nancy.

"It was through your sister," Leanna said with a nostalgic smile that made the other girls smile too. Alex looked around in confusion before she got an answer.

"It's not just her, it's all of us. Basically, your sister's boyfriend has very attractive friends," Nancy clarified.

"And siblings," Laura added with a stupid smile on her face that made them all laugh at her. It was inevitable for Laura, who loved beautiful things, to fall headfirst into James.

"So you forgot about me, huh?" Alex teased Jen, causing Jen to roll her eyes. Alex had barely ever dated from how preoccupied she was with her daily life. Maybe she might have some luck now that she had come over since Jen could take over some of the things she had to do, so she wasn't too overwhelmed.

"You wouldn't date even if I brought out mister perfect in front of you," Jen said flatly and Alex nodded in agreement to her words.

"You'll be coming to the wedding, right?" Leanna asked Alex. She had a good impression of her even though they had just met.

"Is that an invitation?" Alex asked bright-eyed as if Jen hadn't bought her an outfit for the wedding.

"Yes," Leanna said with a smile.

"Then I'll definitely be there," Alex said and raised her glass as if to toast her and emptied it afterwards.

"Does that mean she doesn't have an escort?" Laura asked and looked at Alex like she had just seen her prey.

"You can go with Jason," Rachel thought out loud.

"Jason?" Alex asked in confusion.

"Lucas' second brother," Jen clarified.

"Remember Daniel Zate? It's him," Laura explained.

"For real? Did you end up dating your idol's young brother? Were you chasing stars?" Alex asked in surprise.

"She's dating the older brother," Jen said as she pointed at Laura, and Alex's blue eyes got even wider.

"Do you think he wouldn't have found an escort already?" Alex asked since she knew he was a celebrity. What are the chances of him coming by himself?

"You have a point, let me ask him," Laura said, and before anyone could stop her, she had already dialled Jason's number. After two rings, he picked up the phone.

"Hey Jason, do you have a date for tomorrow's wedding?" Laura asked curiously.

"Yeah, I already arranged it with someone. Why?" he asked.

"That's too bad, I thought you didn't and thought you'd be able to accompany Jen's little sister," Laura explained.

"She had a younger sister?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's too bad though, we'll look for someone else then, have fun," Laura said.

"Wait, wait-" Jason was immediately cut off.

"I thought so, it's okay if I go by myself," Alex said with a smile. Jen didn't think it would be appropriate either, so she quickly texted Michael. After confirming that he was going and that he didn't have a date, she directly told him to accompany Alex which he readily agreed to.

"You can go with Michael, no worries," Jen said as she put down her phone.

"Eh?" Alex responded with a complicated expression.

"Why did something happen between you two?" Jen asked curiously, and the other girls curiously looked over at her.

"No, nothing like that," Alex responded.

"You two have been working together for a while now, maybe-"

"How far have you gone?" Laura asked directly.

"There's nothing between us, it's just a bit weird?" Alex answered, looking like even she was confused about their situation.

"So nothing happened?" Laura asked, slightly disappointed.

"No, he is the same age as Jake," Alex said while rolling her eyes.

"This sounds strangely familiar," Nancy said with a faraway look, almost causing Leanna to choke on her drink. Alex looked at them in askance but they all just shook their heads while looking at Jen who pretended like she heard nothing.

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