Convincing her

Chapter 418: Her Stalker.

Jen went to Lucas' villa at the estate that Friday and planned to spend the weekend there. She didn't want to stay in the hotel room by herself and thought that maybe she should give herself a break and relax. The environment there was much more relaxed than at the hotel. So she let Alex know where she was going to go later that morning as they were having breakfast.

When she went home, she picked up her purse and the car keys and left the hotel. It took her some time to get to the house because there was a morning rush hour. She even got bored enough to go into social media. She was always moving against traffic when she went to and from the university that this was a rare experience for her.

Things got better later in the morning, and the drive to the villa became faster. Before she arrived, she stopped at a grocery store to get some groceries. After she stuffed the car with them, she continued with her journey to the villa.

When she arrived at the entrance gate, the gates opened after security recognized her. She drove in and stopped in front of Lucas' house and got off the large car. She had driven one of Lucas' bigger cars today just because.

She opened the door and looked at the bags of groceries she had to carry back inside. She suddenly missed her boyfriend again. He never let his muscles go to waste and always carried everything heavy. Even herself. She went to open the front door first before she started carrying the things inside.

She went back to the car and hugged one of the large bags and carried it back inside. She made four trips before she was done. Only then did she shut the car door and go into the house. She had stocked up on the drinks that she likes that was why she had so many heavy things to carry.

She started unpacking the groceries when she received a text from Lucas. After finishing with the things that needed her immediate attention, she unlocked her phone and checked her messages.

She smiled when she saw the breakfast he was eating before replying to his message. She was happy to see that he was taking good care of himself. It encouraged her to do the same. 

She chatted with Lucas for a while before getting back to her tasks. After she finished packing up everything, she went to their room to take a shower. After a quick shower, she wore one of his shirts and went downstairs. She picked up her laptop and went to sit in the garden to do her schoolwork.

She tied up her hair into a messy bun and put on her glasses and got busy. She got carried away and worked straight for about four hours. It was already past noon when she finally came to and it was only because her laptop was almost dying. When she got off the bench, she stretched her stiff muscles and walked back into the house. 

She went to make herself something to eat before heading into the mini-theatre to watch a movie. She sat at the centre of the room and chose a movie to watch as she ate her small lunch.

Her days alone reminded her of how she used to be when Lucas was not in her life yet. She realized more and more how alone she had actually been then and started feeling sorry for her past self.

As she was dwelling on these thoughts, her phone started ringing. She checked the caller Id and saw that it was Alex. She picked up her phone with a small smile on her face.

"Hello?" Jen said after taking her call.

"Sis, which house is Lucas's," Alex asked and Jen eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Alex would not let her sister run away from her to wallow in her misery by herself. She should at least wallow while she was around.

"Ah, I see the car, Just drop me off over there," Alex said to Jen before talking to the person who was presumably driving her.

Jen stood up from her seat and went to the front door because she did not want to believe that Alex had really followed her here.

Jen opened the door and saw Alex get out of a car with a small bag pack before waving at the driver that brought her over. Jen recognized Michael's car, so she also waved at him, and the smile on her face faded when he pulled out of her driveway.

"Sis," Alex called out to Jen, who was blocking her way into the house.

"Are you a stalker?" Jen asked her and Alex laughed. She might as well be a stalker, she couldn't be there for Jen the last time she was having a hard time, she was not planning on doing the same now that she knew she was available enough to comfort her sister.

"Mmmh, I'm a stalker, now let me in," Alex said and squeezed her way through the door. Jen sighed as she rolled her eyes and went back into the house. 

"I'll show you your room," Jen said to Alex and led her up the stairs. 

"I haven't checked everywhere, but this place looks fantastic already," Alex said as she looked around while going up the stairs.

"I know, right? I must ask Lucas for the designer when I buy my place," Jen said with a smile. 

"You can use this room," Jen said to Alex and opened the door to another master bedroom. Alex carried her things and went into the room. 

"You better leave it like this, I will hound you forever if you don't," Jen warned and Alex looked at her with a pout. 

"I'll need to borrow your things anyway since I only brought the basics in my rush to come here," Alex said as she started placing her things on the bed. When she heard Jen clear her throat, she automatically brought them to the closet. Jen smiled when she saw this and waited for her to come out.

"I'll take a quick shower first, can I have something to wear?" Alex asked and Jen nodded. Alex went to the bathroom and Jen went to rummage through her things and brought out a few clothes for Alex to wear before going back downstairs. She figured she might as well start on dinner since Alex just came from work and she was probably hungry.

As she was halfway through, Jen heard Alex wandering around the house. She called her over to let her know where she was, and Alex came to help her out. With Alex there, they finished cooking quickly and were soon sitting in the dining area having their dinner.

As routine was, Jen took a photo and sent it to Lucas before she started eating. After a few bites of food, Alex lifted her head to look at Jen.

"You know, I've cooked more in the past few days than I had in the last year," Alex said, and Jen smiled at her.

"That's why I'm grateful," Jen said and took a sip of her wine.

"You need to give me a house tour after we finish," Alex said, and Jen nodded. They chatted as they had dinner and went to clean up in the kitchen together before Jen gave Alex a house tour. When Alex saw the swimming pool, she wanted to jump in almost immediately. 

"There is a pool, and you were just sitting around?" Alex asked Jen, and her sister could only laugh helplessly.

"I was in the movie theatre," Jen said, and Alex sighed. 

"Mmmh, let's go change, we are definitely swimming," Alex said. It wasn't like they did not have a pool back at their home, or in the hotel. But Alex would want to use other people's pools. Her excuse was that they were different.

"Okay, okay, fine," Jen said as she was getting pulled back up the stairs. 

"I must borrow swimwear from you," Alex said, and Jen sighed. Why did she insist if she didn't even have a costume?

Jen nodded and gave her one of her costumes before she also changed. The two girls went back to the pool with their phones in their hands. There were already a bunch of towels downstairs, so they did not worry about that. Alex placed her phone at one of the loungers by the pool before jumping in. 

Jen watched her in amusement as she sat down at the side of the pool while dipping her legs inside. She watched Alex swim, with her long hair floating in the water before she stopped in front of her. Her wet hair was slicked back behind her and she blinked at Jen with her slightly reddened eyes, her wet eyelashes sticking together.

"What are you doing? Come in," Alex said and tugged on Jen's leg. Jen's phone slipped out of her hand as Alex pulled her into the water. Fortunately, it did not fall in the pool, otherwise, Alex wouldn't have been laughing like she was.

The two of them fooled around in the water for quite sometime before Jen decided she had enough and got out of the water. She went to sit on one lounger as she picked up a towel. Drying her face first before draping it over her shoulders. It was then her phone started ringing. 

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