Convincing her

Chapter 420: First Class.

Time passed quickly, and Lucas was finally going to start his classes. He had woken up early and gotten dressed in a black suit. His classes were in the evening, so he was going to stop there after work.

This meant that he needed to start his day earlier so that he can finish what he needs to do. Otherwise, he would need to go back to the office after his studies and that would eat into the time he needed to do any assignments in the future.

He went downstairs where the driver was already waiting for him and got into the car. He went through his emails in the car on his way to work. From the moment he stepped out of the car, Martin moved forward and started briefing him on his itinerary for the day.

Lucas listened to him as he expressionlessly walked to the elevators. The office was still empty, as it was way before working hours.

"Anything that is not urgent this week, postpone it to next week, I will not be available this weekend," Lucas told Martin and his assistant nodded as he noted that down.

He would just have to cancel a few appointments and shuffle the schedule a bit. Otherwise, everything else should be fine. 

Lucas did his work with seriousness as he normally did and even forgot about getting breakfast until his assistant brought him a simple sandwich and a cup of coffee.

He was nervous about acting so presumptuously, but Lucas thanked him and ate his sandwich while he continued to focus on his work. 

After a day of conference calls and signing contracts and proposals, it was finally time for Lucas to leave the office. As he walked across the lobby, he saw the lady who was always staring at him again.

He hadn't cared about her at all this whole time, but he started finding it disconcerting? Didn't she have work? Why was she always at the lobby whenever he was coming in or leaving the building?

When their eyes met, she smiled brightly at him, but his eyebrows only furrowed in annoyance before he walked out.

To smile? The only person that could see his smile easily was his Jen! He thought as he sat in the car. At the thought of her, a smile appeared on his face automatically. Unfortunately, no one was around to see the big boss smile. The only time they had seen it was when Jen had called him in the middle of their first meeting.

Lucas shut his tired eyes throughout the drive. Even though he would have liked to take a nap, it was only a twenty-minute drive. If he slept, he would just end up nodding off in his first lesson, so it was better not to do so at all.

He shrugged off his jacket and removed his tie before he picked up his backpack. After making sure he had everything, he got out of the car and walked into the university. It was later in the day, but people were still going in and coming out of the university. Even though most of these people were around his age, Lucas still felt like he was much older than they were.

It was inevitable for him to draw attention. After getting out of such a luxurious car combined with his tall height and good looks that were further complemented by the glasses that were sitting on his nose, Lucas ended up drawing everyone's gaze.

He had arrived a bit early, so he had the leisure to take his time to get to class. He walked to the campus map and checked for the building he was supposed to be at. He was just standing there with his backpack slung over one shoulder and people were already staring at him.

A lot of the girls felt helpless against the visual impact they received. Especially those two buttons that he had undone after taking off his tie. The whole look with his black shirt made him look that much more casual and relaxed, even though his whole body seemed to say keep your distance.

After memorizing the map in a few short seconds, Lucas made his way to his faculty building, completely unaware of the attention he had drawn from his surroundings. It was more like he could care less about it.

He walked into the building and stepped into the lecture hall. He found a seat and placed his bag on the seat next to him and checked the time on his wristwatch. He had to wait for another fifteen minutes before class would begin.

He almost collapsed on the table in front of him to take a nap like he used to, but caught himself before he could revert to his old habit. He would end up throwing his father's face and even his own if he did this.

Some people were going to attend the class that are either potential business partners or potential future business partners. He can't make such an impression from the first day, so Lucas just brought out his laptop to get some work done as he waited for the lecturer to arrive.

As he waited, more and more people arrived in the class, and he would say hello back to the people who greeted him. Most of his classmates seemed to be older than he was, but that did not bother him much. It was until his stalker walked into the class did his good mood go away. 

Claire was surprised to see Lucas in class, and she even boldly dared to go sit next to him. Lucas wanted to stand up and move somewhere else, but the lecturer entered the classroom at that moment and shut the door before walking to the podium.

The lecturer was a woman who looked to be in her early forties with sharp and clear-cut features and slanted eyes. She could make anyone nervous with just a look, so Lucas just sat down rather than create trouble for himself on the first day.

The lecturer introduced herself and immediately went into the lesson after telling them that they can find the details of what they were going to study during their academic year in the school website.

Lucas liked that she was straight-forward and became immersed in the lesson. Everyone was frantically taking notes, but Lucas just sat back in his seat and listened to her like he was in a meeting. With his memory, he did not need to take notes, reading a few more books to give him broader knowledge would be enough.

The lecturer noticed him, but did not say anything after seeing how focused he was. Even though he was not bent over taking notes. With his posture, she felt like she was presenting in those conferences where those big-name people went to. It did not help that his face looked familiar. At the time, she had not made the connection between Lucas and Noah.

Lucas listened attentively throughout and typed out a few bullet points in his notebook before the class was over. If this was it, then he would be happy, but because he wanted to cover two years' worth of materials in one year, he had another class after this one. So he packed up his things in preparation to go to the other lecture hall.

"Lucas," the woman who had brazenly sat next to him called and, he turned his head to look at her.

"Hah, I thought you were just acting, but it looks like you really don't remember who I am," Claire said and looked at him in disbelief. Lucas, who had a good memory, still did not recognize her. It means that the impression he had of her was probably too weak anyway, so he did not bother much with her and continued to do what he was doing.

"It's me, Claire, we dated for like seven months two years ago," Claire said, her voice tinged with annoyance. Lucas turned to look at her again, and he finally remembered her.

"You cut your hair," Lucas said as he narrowed his eyes. He had a thing for girls with long hair. No wonder he did not recognize her!

"Seriously?" Claire reacted when she heard this. What did cutting her hair have to do with anything?

"Is that why you've been staring at me relentlessly over the past two weeks?" Lucas asked her as he closed his backpack. Claire became speechless when she heard this question. It was true that she had stared at him whenever she saw him. He was so charismatic and attractive, which woman did not stare at him whenever he passed.

"I'm going first," Lucas said and stood up while folding the sleeves of his shirt and left before she could react. He had no obligations to entertain her anyway.

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