Convincing her

Chapter 443: She's Leaving.

Jen had sobered up by the time Lucas took her to the airport. She had never had so much sex consecutively in her life.

She had it when she arrived and the morning after, then at night she got drunk, proposed, and had sex again and when they woke up today they did it again, then after unpacking the things they shopped for the previous day, they did it again until she had to prepare to leave the country. It was like a marathon. Unbelievable.

Lucas kept his eyes on the road as one hand was in control of the steering wheel while the other one was holding Jen's hand. 

"Do you think we overdid it this weekend?" Jen asked him as she lightly pinched his fingers.

"If you want to come next time, you can come on Thursday after classes. I'll pick you up from the airport," Lucas responded and her face flushed. Was this his way of telling her that it was still not enough?

"I'll be too tired," Jen mumbled as she looked at the empty road outside her window.

"Mmmh, you can rest all day Friday then, I'll have work and university," Lucas said as he rubbed her hand with his fingers.

Jen glanced at him, and an unconscious smile appeared on her lips. She knew it wasn't just for the sex, but he had also been urging her to go later so that they could spend more time together. It was just that being intimate with each other brought the both of them a lot of satisfaction that the thought that they would have to go without intimacy for an undetermined period of time made them go at it like a pair of rabbits.

"Are you serious?" Jen asked him as she smiled. And Lucas nodded.

"Just let me know beforehand, it seems like it would be easier if I just buy my own plane," Lucas trailed off and Jen laughed in disbelief. Lucas was finally experiencing the inconveniencing of making plans around his father and brothers, and he did not like it. If his father had an emergency business trip, it would mean that Jen would not be able to come over. He should talk to David to see if L.L Hotels had enough liquidated assets to buy a plane for 'business use'. If not, he could just tap into his savings.

"You don't have to, why would you need a plane for yourself?" Jen asked as she looked at him with wide eyes. She was not poor, but first-class was just as well, no? If Alex were around, she would have said something along the lines of 'poverty can really limit one's imagination' even though they were not poor by any means. They owned a plane before, but they did not need it anymore, especially after they went bankrupt. They never travelled anyway, so it was sold off to pay the debt.

"It's to make it more convenient for us," Lucas said as he squeezed her hand in his. Why did she feel like she was the bad girl leading the good son astray all of a sudden? She could just take a proper flight if the plane were busy, Jen thought to herself, but when she saw his expression after saying what he did, she chose to just keep quiet. If he could casually buy a plane, then who was she to stop him?

It did not take long for them to arrive at the airport. Lucas did not just leave her at the entrance and escorted her all the way to the plane itself.

"You did not have to do this," Jen said as she wasted time outside the plane, She was feeling reluctant to go in now that the time to leave had finally arrived.

"It's no trouble. I want to do this for you," Lucas answered as he stroked her cheek with his fingers. She had not left yet, but he was already missing her. He wished he could have her longer than he did this time. Unfortunately, he could only pray for her summer break to come sooner.

"I'll come to see you as soon as I can," Jen said and hugged Lucas. Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his body, feeling her soft warmth in the process.

"I wish you could stay another night. How can you leave after proposing last night?" Lucas asked her, and Jen's cheeks became flushed as she heard his words. She did not know what to do with herself since he had spoken about what she had done the previous night so bluntly.

"Next time, I promise I'll come on Thursday," Jen said as she kissed his cheek. Lucas did not let go of her as she expected, and she was instead pulled into a kiss. Lucas separated her lips with his tongue and tasted the inside of her mouth with no hesitation. Jen wrapped her lips around his tongue in response and succumbed to his kiss. 

He wanted to do so much more to her and if they had enough time, they would have gotten into the plane and done it for the last time but they could not treat the flight schedule so lightly so Lucas who was pretty much violating her mouth let her go. The hosts and hostesses for the plane patiently waited for the couple to say their goodbyes, and after a lot of reluctance, Lucas let her go. 

He watched Jen walk up to the stairs that led to the flight before she blew him a flying kiss and disappeared into the plane. After she got inside, Lucas was led back into the airport and at that moment he was walking to the parking lot. He saw the plane she boarded take-off of the airport.

It had only been two days and two nights, but Lucas felt like destiny was separating him from his long-lost lover. He sighed as he watched the plane disappear into the night. Under the current circumstances, if he did not become a competent CEO, then he would be a big disappointment to his fiancee. So, to justify the reason why they had to be separated for a year, he had to work even harder.

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