Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 79: Breaking into Wuji Gate! Confrontation!

"Wei Hengyuan, are we going to break in like this?"

"This is Wuji Sect after all..."

"That old guy An Yixuan is not something we can handle! Have you thought clearly?"

At this moment, a woman suddenly spoke, frowning slightly. Her name is Wei Xueling, and she is another top powerhouse in the middle stage of foundation building in the Wei family!

And now, even she has come in person,

It is conceivable that these four words are mobilized,

It is indeed somewhat worthy of the name!

This time they

It must be serious!

"Chuang?" However, Wei Hengyuan shook his head, then narrowed his eyes and said! "We haven't reached that point yet, unless that old guy An Yixuan plans to fall out with us, but..."

"I guess he doesn't have the courage, right?"

After saying this, he immediately took a step forward! Then he actually flew up in the air, and while flying, he looked loudly! The sound suddenly sounded like thunder! Boom...

It was spread overwhelmingly in an instant,

"Wei Hengyuan, the Wei family of Chaoyang Palace, come to pay a visit!"


Suddenly many Wuji Sect disciples inside and outside were alarmed.

"Chaoyang Palace Wei family?"

"What happened?"

The escaping light struck one after another,

I saw Wuji Sect disciples arriving one after another.

They all appeared in front of the gate of this sect! However, when they all saw clearly the figures of the six foundation-building experts in front of them, they couldn't help but change their expressions! Some even gasped!


"Zhu, Foundation Zhu, they are all strong Foundation Builders?!"

"Chaoyang Palace Wei family? What do they want to do? Are they here to cause trouble?"

"What is going on? The six great foundation-building experts are here in person. Could it be that something happened to our Wuji Sect?"

"We didn't offend them either, right?"

In an instant, the faces of Wuji Sect disciples were covered with a thick shadow.

Chaoyang Palace is the only super overlord in their area! Who can not be afraid? They are all afraid! Especially the six people in front of me, are they all strong foundation builders? So what is this?

Six powerful foundation builders came together,

Could it be that he planned to attack their Wuji Sect?

Such pressure is coming,

It made all of them feel a little trembling...

After all, although they are not afraid of just one Wei family, the question is what to do with the Chaoyang Palace behind them?

With such a large and dynamic lineup, is it the intention of their Wei family or the attitude of Chaoyang Palace?

This is also a very important question, and they don’t even know it!

But I don’t know about this...

The unknown is what scares people the most, isn’t it?

"Senior Wei, fellow fellow Taoists, you have come all the way, why are you so important?"

Just when the disciples of the Wuji Sect were afraid to act and didn't know what to do, a voice came, and it was a middle-aged man in his forties who came out.

His level of cultivation is not as great as An Yixuan's.

But we have still reached the middle stage of foundation building!

Especially after he showed up in person...

Everyone in the Wei family also looked at him.

"Jiang Shi'an, is that you? Haha, it's been a long time since we last met..."

"But I didn't expect that after just a few years of not seeing each other, you would already have reached the middle stage of foundation building? Jiang Shi'an, you are quite powerful..."

Wei Hengyuan's eyes flashed with surprise.

Obviously he knew the middle-aged man in front of him.

And as far as he knew, the other party was clearly in the early stage of foundation building in the past few years, but he didn't expect that he would already be in the middle stage of foundation building now?

This progress is really fast! It even feels a bit incredible,

"Haha, it's just good luck. It's nothing. But what do you mean by coming to our Wuji Sect in person today?"

"Looking at the way you are, you shouldn't be here as guests, right?"

Jiang Shian sneered and said lightly.

"What is our purpose here? Haha, why bother pretending to be stupid? Don't you know? Okay, Jiang Shi'an, hand over the person! This matter has nothing to do with your Wuji Sect, so..."

"Don't make everyone's faces look bad!"

Wei Hengyuan also sneered,

Said coldly.

"Call someone out? Who? I don't understand what you mean."

But I didn't expect Jiang Shi'an to really start pretending to be stupid...,

who? He just doesn't know...

"Jiang Shian, you..."

Wei Hengyuan's face darkened.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Wei Xueling who was standing beside him. "etc!"

"Let me tell you!"

Wei Xueling took a step forward, and then leaped directly into the air, leaving the sky and floating in the air, standing proudly in the sky like a fairy! Became the focus of everyone's attention, extremely dazzling,

"Jiang Shi'an! Or secretly Senior An! You all listen..."

"Everyone knows what's going on but doesn't tell secrets. We all know it! So don't act stupid! That kid killed someone from our Chaoyang Palace, and he's also a member of our Wei family!"

"Then he must pay the price!"

"Killing for life! This is only right! You can't protect him!"

"This is the attitude of our Wei family, and this is also the attitude of our Chaoyang Palace! Do you understand?"

Wei Xueling said coldly,

Suddenly everyone's expressions changed drastically.

I was a little sweaty and didn't dare to speak!

After all, these words have already made it clear that this is the attitude of Chaoyang Palace. If they refuse, doesn't it mean that they will fall out with them?

This matter is already very serious!

They didn't even dare to breathe! His face changed drastically, his heart was so confused,

But at this moment, an old voice came. "Guys, please come back."

At the same time, an old man with a cane slowly appeared and walked out from the depths of Wuji Sect. After seeing this scene and hearing this, all the disciples of Wuji Sect!

their hearts,

It even touched my throat!

Because they have all heard the attitude of their ancestors with their own eyes...

Please come back?

Wouldn't that be rejection?

So, is this about to fall out?

Their expressions changed drastically, they were upset, and they fell out with Chaoyang Palace? This, does this really have to be like this? !

"An Yixuan!"

At this time, a loud shout came!

In the sky, Wei Hengyuan stared closely at An Yixuan! Said coldly! "Do you know what you are talking about? Old man! We are still willing to stand here and talk to you, which shows that we are still willing to give you face! But!"

"I hope you won't be shameless!"

"Don't forget your Wuji Sect's status, what status do we have when we are waiting for the Wei family, and we are waiting for the Chaoyang Palace! Do you still want to go against our Chaoyang Palace?!"


An Yixuan smiled,

His eyes immediately turned cold.

Some ridicule!

The next thing I heard was a whooshing sound,

Then suddenly a thick line shot out from behind him,

It seemed like a flash of lightning struck in front of Wei Hengyuan...

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