Soon, the huge Wuji Sect fell into pieces.

It completely fell apart overnight! become history,

Everyone also parted ways!

Early the next morning, An Yixuan, Liu Daoyun and others set out on the road away from this land with some disciples who were willing to follow them!

As for the others who don't want to leave with them? For example, Jiang Shian and so on! They still maintained the old banner of Wuji Sect and started their new story! and a new future!

Life is long,

Everyone has a different path,

And at the same time,

News reached Chaoyang Palace! Chaoyang Palace was furious,

As a result, new extensions and changes have emerged!

Chaoyang Palace,

Taixuan Peak,

In a magnificent palace,

One after another, there are figures with the strength of the foundation building realm,

They are all gathered here at this time! These figures, they are all the masters of the peaks of Chaoyang Palace! Represents the core of the entire Chaoyang Palace! Among them, three of them are the most dazzling!

It is also obviously the biggest core among them! They are Zhou Lintian, the master of Taixuan Peak! The master of Xuance Peak is Master Xuan! And the master of Linglong Peak! Meng Yuwu!

Meng Yuwu is an old man who looks hunched over and has brown spots all over his body. He is very ugly and looks like he is about to die! But his temper is not small at all!

"Shangxuan, what are you doing at Xuance Peak? What's going on with Wuji Sect? And what's going on with that boy named Liu? Also, why did Zheng Diyuan show up here?!"

"What is he here for!?"

He roared as soon as he came up,

He stared closely at Zhenxuan Shangxuan and asked questions for a while! Master Shangxuan's face changed for a while, turning blue and purple, but he also knew that he was wrong, so he could only swallow this breath! Said slowly! "I have no idea……"

"What did you say?"

"Why don't I know!"

Master Shangxuan raised his voice! He raised his head and stared at Meng Yuwu and said! "I said I don't know what happened to Zheng Diyuan! Why did he appear in Wuji Gate! I don't know..."

After a pause, he shook his head again and started to explain!

"This Liu Lin killed my disciples Wei Shanmin and Lin Feng. I wanted revenge, so I asked the Wei family to handle the matter. After all, Wei Shanmin is also a member of the Wei family... But I had no idea that he was so powerful!"

Having said this,

He also looked at a certain figure in the palace! Then he frowned and said coldly! "Wei Hengyuan, is that boy really that good at spreading the news? Even Zheng Diyuan can't beat him?"

It turned out that it was the ancestor of the Wei family who was lucky enough to save a dog's life! Wei Hengyuan.

However, at this time, he did have a face full of fear, as if he was still living in the shadow of Liu Lin's powerful strength.

The mentality is completely broken.

"Feng, Peak Master! There is absolutely nothing false about this matter!"

"That boy is really, really strong! And not just our Wei family, but even Zheng Diyuan of the Blood Spirit Sect! Even he can't break through his magic defense..."

"That's why we were defeated!"

Wei Hengyuan looked sad,

He said dejectedly!

And as soon as he said this,

Suddenly, the entire palace was enveloped in a rather depressing atmosphere.

It seemed extraordinarily silent and quiet!

After all, of course they all know who Zheng Diyuan is, a late-stage foundation-building powerhouse of the Blood Spirit Sect, a direct disciple of the mighty Golden Pill Patriarch Blood Claw Patriarch, absolutely! A genuine top powerhouse!

But now!

He couldn't even break through the opponent's defense?

What is this concept?

Could it be that that guy is still a strong person in building the Dzogchen Foundation? !

At this moment, Meng Yuwu asked.

The tone was even a little impatient and cold!

"Wei Hengyuan, you mean, that boy is a Foundation Establishment Dzogchen?!"

"I, I don't know..."

Wei Hengyuan shook his head and said with some fear! "What I have observed is that his cultivation level is only in the early stage of foundation building, but this must be false! This is definitely impossible!"

"But in terms of strength alone, he is definitely stronger than Zheng Diyuan! After all, even Zheng Diyuan was beaten away by him! Everyone saw this with their own eyes that day! So, Master Meng! This is absolutely true!"

Is it Zheng Diyuan again? !

Meng Yuwu's expression suddenly changed, and he looked a little embarrassed!

But he still endured it, then looked at Zhenren Shangxuan and Zhou Lintian in front of him, and said coldly! "Zhou Lintian, Shangxuan, what do you say? How should we handle this matter?!"

"Of course, kill him! Take revenge!"

Master Shangxuan said it directly!

"I don't care if he has Perfect Foundation Establishment or not, but he must die! Six people from the Wei family left, and now what? Only one of them came back alive. This time it's them. What about next time?"

"Will it be you next time!?"

"In short, this matter must not be let go like this! Liu Lin? I will definitely kill him, otherwise, where will the face and majesty of our Chaoyang Palace go?!"

His face was filled with murderous intent,

Obviously he is never ready to give up! Murderous.

Meng Yuwu sneered, and then looked at Zhou Lintian. "Zhou Lintian, what do you Taixuanfeng say about this matter? Why are you mute? You can speak!"

Zhou Lintian glanced at Meng Yuwu,

Then he suddenly said!

"Not long ago, Zheng Diyuan came to see me!"

As soon as this statement came out,

Everyone was surprised.


Everyone's eyes are focused on Zhou Lintian's face! I was shocked. I thought this incident only involved Xuance Peak, but I didn’t expect that Tai Xuan Peak was also involved! ?

Meng Yuwu's expression suddenly changed,

Then he suddenly yelled!

"Zhou Lintian, what do you mean?"

"Could it be that you and the people from the Blood Spirit Sect are secretly colluding?!"

Obviously, what he said was completely to sow discord!

You must know that the biggest core of their Chaoyang Palace is now! It’s Taixuan Peak! Therefore, even if anyone can collude with the Blood Spirit Sect, it is impossible for them, Taixuan Peak!

if not,

The relationship between them would not be so incompatible and tense!

"Everyone, let's put aside the Wuji Sect matter and the Liulin matter for now. I'll talk to you about another matter first! This is also the purpose of Zheng Diyuan coming to me..."

At this moment, Zhou Lintian suddenly spoke! Said slowly.

Then he used the same rhetoric that Zheng Diyuan used before!

It was all retold in full,

And after he said this,

The whole place was dead silent, and everyone became silent! Everyone was obviously shocked...

Join forces with the Blood Spirit Sect,

Attack Qingyun North! ?

This this……

"I would like to ask for your opinion. Do you think this is feasible?"

Looking at the dead silence in the audience, Zhou Lintian asked slowly! Then he added another sentence! "Of course, don't worry, you can think about it carefully, after all, this matter is of great importance!"

"It's even enough to change the future of our Chaoyang Palace!"

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