Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 196: Shield His Woman Well

"Does this mean you were not going to show me off to your father? That is the whole purpose of the marriage, remember?" He tilted his head to the side, waiting for her to confuse herself and then take him along. He could have forced his way and drove her there, but it was better if she asked him to come with her. 

Who knows, this girl could claw her enemy but when it came to that scum father, she was a little soft. He had to go along with her to make sure she didn't balk in front of him. He could shield his woman well, no one should doubt that. 

"You should be tired at the end of the day," she said. Her eyes dropped to his boxers and she tried to suppress a smile. "Don't you need to take care of that?" she asked. 

He didn't follow her gaze. "Unlike you, I do not lack self-control. I can function quite well with a hard-on," he promised. 

Qian Meng shrugged. "I suppose no one wanted to be with you because you roar. That's why you're used to walking around with blue balls. You spell misery." She poked her tongue out.

"Yes, even aroused, all my blood doesn't go to my genitals. Unlike someone I know," he said astutely, staring at her. 

He was clearly saying that her brain only worked sporadically. Scoundrel. 

"Well, you can drive then. Get changed. We'll take a trip to Yun Sui Bo's house and watch a good show," she snickered. 

Mo Qingchen looked at her, hiding his worry under a mask of indifference. He walked behind her, and saw her scamper towards the shower. 

"Do you want to go in first?" she asked.

He shook his head. "You go ahead. Leave some hot water for me. Don't use it all up!" he demanded. She smiled slyly and nodded. 

"I think you need a cold shower though," she taunted before jumping into the bathroom and locking the door. 

Mo Qingchen huffed and placed himself on the ground. His hair still dripping with water, but getting Yun Qian Meng into the shower was necessary. She caught colds easily. His body was healthy and he rarely got colds, so he could wait a few extra minutes.

Inside the shower, Yun Qian Meng had a similar thought. Mo Qingchen had a very bad bout of fever. She should have let him go first. But this house has more than one shower. The thought came to her: they could have just showered together. Neither would get cold and they would save water, too! What a bargain. 

She stopped the thought immediately. She quickly scrubbed her body, ignoring the throbbing between her thighs and then getting out within a few minutes. She toweled herself dry and then came out. 

"Get in quickly!" she commanded when she saw him sitting on the floor. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. He opened his eyes when he heard her and slowly nodded. 

He shot up to his feet and slowly walked to the bathroom. His wet arm brushed against hers and she jumped away. 

"What are you doing?" she asked cautiously. 

He looked at her without letting his intentions be known. "What did I do?" he asked innocently. 

She stared at him for a second before shaking her head. "Quickly take a shower. Take a hot shower, okay? Don't catch a cold." She remembered how he looked on the floor that morning and she shivered. 

He hummed as he entered. 

Qian Meng made her way to the wardrobe and opened it to find a rack of her clothes already present. She had asked Xiong Hua to keep a specific packed box in this room. She looked at the closet and sighed with contentment.

Half of the closet had Mo Qingchen's clothes, while the other, hers. There was a spare room next door that Mo Qingchen had already started to renovate into a walk-in closet. They would have enough room for both of their wardrobes right in the next room. 

She picked out a pair of clothes for her and then a pair for Mo Qingchen. She quickly changed into hers, now knowing how long he took to shower. After she was done, she knocked on the bathroom door. 

"I have your clothes with me," she called. 

The door opened a few seconds later and his arms poked out. She passed the clothes to him and then went back to finding her accessories. He made it out in record time. 

He stared at himself in the mirror and nodded. "You're good at this choosing clothes thing. I wouldn't mind it if you chose my clothes in the morning, it would cut out most of my work." He paused. "Especially with the new wardrobe."

Qian Meng scoffed. "You're really testing my limits, aren't you? Am I your chambermaid?"

Mo Qingchen grimaced. "You are good at something and I am not. Therefore, you should do it on my behalf."

The words made sense. "But wouldn't that mean I would have to do most things in this relationship then?" she asked innocently.

He turned to glare at her.

"Let's go!" he told her. She chuckled as she trotted behind him. It was hard to keep up with him. He walked especially fast with his long legs.

She bounced to his side and noticed that he slowed down. Once in their car, he turned to her thoughtfully. 

"Should I have brought gifts for your family? That's custom, right?" he asked. 

Qian Meng blinked. "I didn't take anything to your house, either. It would be unfair if one person followed custom and the other didn't. Moreover, you don't need to pay any of them respect!" she said stubbornly. 

"Understood," he dismissed the matter immediately.

Qian Meng spoke up again. "About my younger brother… he's a nice boy. A little lost but nice. He doesn't like grand gifts. If he whines and asks for something, toss him a few hundred yuan and he will merrily skip away."

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