Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 230: Creative Way to Diss on the Boss

He had biceps and triceps and all sorts of muscles that Qian Meng didn't even know existed. 

Instantly, Qian Meng wondered if he could crush a watermelon with his bare hands. She didn't know why she had that thought. 

Gu Rong quickly made her way over and hugged Qian Meng slightly. She stiffened and then wondered if she should push the woman away. She was very pregnant, so Qian Meng didn't even want to touch her in fear.

"Seriously, we would be shocked if you came out of his office in a good mood," Gu Rong said sweetly. "Actually, I have never seen anyone come out of that office in a good mood. Even people he was doing business with."

Probably because Mo Qingchen didn't compromise and give them what they wanted. 

"If he's that bad, why do you work for him?" Qian Meng pointed towards the direction of his office.

The two looked at each other and then at Qian Meng. They both began to speak but then stopped. 

"Well, not only is it a prestigious company to work for, but the pay is top-notch. No other company pays so well. Plus, the employees here are absolute darlings. Mr. Mo is harsh but he beats all the employees into shape. We come in as lumps of coal and he pressures us into diamonds if you will." Gu Rong giggled mischievously. 

"She's right. The work is so interesting and the benefits great. We can't complain. Mr. Mo is the ruler of this jungle. He can do whatever he likes as long as my paycheck gets signed and I have fun working on new projects," Cai De grinned snidely. 

Qian Meng wondered if they were exaggerating. Mo Qingchen rarely spoke to people unnecessarily and he was harsh, but he didn't snap at people unfairly. Qian Meng had a tingling feeling that the employees had made him out to be a villain and didn't see how he was actually a strict boss who didn't know how to put pressure without glaring.

"So, he belittles you and you listen to it so that you get paid?" her voice was appalled, but for a very different reason. 

"It's not so bad! Nothing a few stiff drinks at the end of the day can't fix, right?" Cai De looked at Gu Rong. 

"Right. Should we tell her…" she glanced behind her. "Support group." She made air quotes as she said the words.

"You have a support group?" Qian Meng chuckled at the idea. "You are not participating in the drinking, right?" she questioned, looking down at the prominent baby bump.

"Don't laugh. I am serious. We have weekly meetings. And no, I don't drink. I just have water and vent with the others," Gu Rong grinned. 

Qian Meng rolled her eyes. Who needed a support group for their job? She tried not to seem insensitive, but she found it totally ridiculous. Did Li Min do something similar? 

Qian Meng had to wonder. 

"So, what do you do at these meetings?" she asked. 

Gu Rong lowered her voice to almost a whisper. "We have a booth reserved at a trashy local bar. We meet every Monday and Friday after work. Not the whole company, of course. Just the ones who work closely with Mr. Mo." She sounded so serious. She even kept glancing behind her as she spoke. "It's happy hour, so we don't need to spend much money. But we always end up venting about the Dragon."

Instantly, she clamped both her hands over her mouth in fear. 

"I mean Mr. Mo!" her eyes darted nervously over to Cai De, who looked up to the ceiling and then shook his head like he didn't know what she was talking about. 

"I know what he is called in the business circle," Qian Meng explained. "But surely… he isn't making you work hard… You're very pregnant."

Gu Rong blinked. "Oh, of course not. He's very understanding. The secretary is required to follow him to all meetings and take notes, make reservations, and catch up with business associates, but I have basically been scheduling everything for the past few months. He's been very understanding and doesn't allow me on my feet for long."

Qian Meng felt a smile on her lips. Look at this softie. They thought he was a tyrant, but in reality, he was taking care of his employees so well. 

"He doesn't sound so bad, does he?" Qian Meng chimed in. The two others grew silent.

"We have a book about him…" Gu Rong spoke up… "About his exploits. It's more like a children's illustrated book one of the campaign artists made."

Qian Meng blinked. What a creative way of dissing on the boss. She was learning a lot today. 

"You're getting late! You need to go complete the tour!" Gu Rong frantically grabbed Qian Meng's hand and began dragging her down the hall. The girl was stronger than she appeared.

"Slow down," Qian Meng called, but Gu Rong just tugged her forward and kept going. Qian Meng looked back at Cai De and he was smirking at her.

"You're very calm. You're going to fit in around here just fine, little girl," Cai De said as the elevator door closed. The health club arrived. He walked around, showing Qian Meng the employees who were in the room at the time. 

Jia Shu wasn't kidding when she said the people around here were… different. 

The air was alive. The beat of the music in the weight room thumped through her bones. It was no worse than the gym she went to, but it also had to do with Mo Qingchen and how he placed gyms everywhere he spent time. She had seen that theme recur.

The first person she met was Peng Huo, the Project Manager. He was… unique. He wore a skin-tight pair of cheetah print stretch pants and a long, tank top. No shoes. Somehow, he managed to pull it off. 

Probably into yoga. 

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