Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 418: Let Me Take These Off

"What I mean is… there is never enough of you. I always want more. The longer I am with you, the more intense it becomes. The fire just burns hotter and hotter. It's overwhelming."

"So, I want everything. Your heart. Your body. I want to be tied to you in every single way humanly possible. I want to experience every part of life with you." She laced her fingers through his and pulled his hand into her lap. 

"I want to create a life with you out of our love. I want to carry our child and nurture that little combination of us inside me. I want to be bound to you in that way, too. I want to give that child everything the two of us missed out on in our childhood."

Once she was finished, she finally looked up to find him staring at her like a deer caught in headlights. She had just dumped all her emotions, new and old, on him, and it was natural that he would take some time to process it.

"Qian Meng…" 

She waited for him to continue, but nothing more came from his lips. There was just silence. His mouth was wide open to exemplify just how speechless he was. 

And she was patient with him. "What are you thinking?" she asked in a whisper. 

She couldn't stand the distance between them. As she scooted to his side and entwined their limbs, she didn't even care that he didn't have a response. She was only glad he didn't push her away. 

"I don't know how to say the right thing."

"There is no right thing to say." She breathed in his cologne. "Or feel."

He remained silent for a few moments. "Look," he finally muttered. "I can't give you an answer right now. Or tomorrow. Or the day after. I need some time to think and not make irrational responses. That is not fair to either of us."

She nodded. "I should give you some space." That is what her gut told her. "I am going to head to bed."

She didn't want to smother him. She admired how her husband carefully contemplating and considered every little move he made in life. She didn't have to be told to know he required and appreciated time and space to mull over things. She was more than happy to step back and let him take as much of that as he needed. 

She rubbed his arm as she untangled herself from him, standing up and making her way back to the door. 


She stopped and turned. He didn't speak, but he didn't have to. It was all in his eyes: desperation, confusion… fear, and guilt. 

But most notably. There was luck. 

So, she didn't speak either. She trusted him to see it in her eyes just as she saw in his. In the silence, she went to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and moved her lips across his cheeks. And then, she left him. 

She didn't feel good, but she definitely felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulder. 

- - - - -

She thought it was a dream at first. Like her mind wanted to conjure up something better, pretend that she hadn't ruined their weekend getaway. 

But it wasn't a dream. 

She knew because her subconscious mind could never duplicate the way Mo Qingchen's hands felt on her body. 

"What?" she mumbled. 

She heard him say something to her, but she had been too far on the wrong side of sleep to make it out. 

"I said… let me take these off." 

Qian Meng smiled sleepily as he pulled at her panties, the only scrap of clothing she had on. "Lift up."

She obeyed him without hesitation, pushing her feet against the bed to lift her hips up. She turned her head as he dragged her panties down her legs, blinking away the fuzziness to make out the time on the alarm clock. 

"Did you just come to bed?" She looked at him, barely making out his silhouette as he tossed her panties over his shoulder. 


"Mo Qingchen…"

"Sh…" he hushed her as he dove in to kiss her neck, right on her weak spot. 

His body brushed against hers as he hovered over her, and he was already naked, half-hard, and poking at her. 

There was only one tiny part of her at the back of her mind that considered asking him to stop. The image of her therapist telling her this wasn't healthy flashed in her mind, that Mo Qingchen was using sex to avoid using words. 

But she just wanted to be closer to him.

"Don't think about the good doctor. Let's enjoy the weekend. I will grab the first appointment to talk this out, okay?" he said. "We'll have a mediator."

With that said, Qian Meng didn't worry. She listened to him and rolled over so that he would give it to her deep. 

She had barely made it onto her stomach before Mo Qingchen was pulling at her shoulder, urging her back. 

"No, I want to feel your heart beat," he explained. 

"Baby…" She sighed longingly as she reached for him, opening her legs and pulling him closer to her. And then there was no apprehension or fear or unanswered questions. There was just love. 

And multiple orgasms. 

- - - - -

Qian Meng was awoken by the sound of Mo Qingchen's voice. This time, it was further away and stern. It urged her to pull herself out of her sleepy daze to figure out what was going on. 

She rolled onto her back and found him pacing back and forth in front of the bed.

She reached her arms above her head and stretched her back with a big yawn, not paying attention to Mo Qingchen rambling on about deadlines until she realized his eyes were locked on her, gleaming. 

"I will follow up soon," he offered to the person on the other line before disconnecting. He slipped his phone into his pocket and apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to wake you. But I lost reception every time I left the room, and you are a heavy sleeper…"

"Qingchen, it's fine," she cut him off, laughing at his rambling. "Good morning, by the way."

He shot her a boyish smile that made her melt. She knew right then that everything would be okay.

"Good morning."

Their locked eyes lingered for a moment before he reached for the blankets and yanked them off her in one fluid motion. 

"Qingchen!" she squealed, angry with him for taking away her warmth. "It's cold and I am naked!"

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