Time a little further.

When outside the rice flower coffee shop.

“Gin wine, I have done everything that needs to be done, and I have also been targeted, there is only so much I can help you.” If you can’t figure it out, don’t have anything to do with me. ”

After the blonde woman finished speaking into the phone, a cold and slightly hoarse and gloomy voice came from inside:

“Absinthe… This is not at all the same as we originally planned. Can you please tell me why there is such a big movement this time? Don’t tell me you made it out of nowhere? Because of that, I don’t think anyone will believe you, including the adult. Or is it… Are you expressing dissatisfaction, expressing dissatisfaction with the organization? Or rather… Did you do it on purpose? ”


Belmode, which is also absinthe, heard the cold and ruthless voice of the man on the mobile phone, just smiled gently, and a hint of sarcasm and coldness flashed in his eyes, and replied lightly:

“Whatever you think, I have already done what should be done, and the rest is your business.”

After speaking, she hung up the phone, and then pulled her long golden hair, and the inadvertent movement made her full of charm, attracting the attention of countless people around her.



Time turns.

Back inside the coffee shop.

“It’s coming… Oops, I thought it was just a simple thing, but when I really faced it, I knew how nervous it was, what if I was rejected? ”

Shirakawa Ye’s thoughts are wandering now, and he doesn’t know how to face this girlfriend who is about to come to him, and how to say the marriage proposal?

Yes, this big beauty with long blonde hair is his girlfriend of more than two years – Sharon.

The reason why he is here today is to prepare to date the other party, by the way, to talk about the marriage proposal, because he feels that they have gotten along enough and it is time to form a family.

However, whether it is the original world or the current world, he has no experience with these things, so when it is about to happen now, he seems a little at a loss.

At this moment, an aroma entered his nose, followed by a slightly cold sound:

“I’m here, let’s talk about something.”


Shirakawa Ye returned to his senses.

At this time, I found that my girlfriend had sat in the opposite position from him, and at this time he was holding one hand on the table against his chin, with an interesting look in his eyes, staring at him like this, but because of the coldness around him, he always felt that something was wrong.

Belmode looked at him staring at himself and said languidly:

“So, you called me here just to watch me in a daze?”

“Ahem… No! ”

Shirakawa Ye hurriedly shook his head, originally before seeing his girlfriend, he thought about a lot of scenes, a lot of opening words, but when his girlfriend really sat opposite him, those lines and scenes that were thought of in advance were not useful at all, which was really very helpless.

At the end of the day, it’s still a fear of failure.

Although they are boyfriend and girlfriend, many times, they still can’t figure out what their girlfriend thinks.

No longer thinking about this, he directly looked for the topic:

“Sharon, you probably haven’t had lunch yet, do you want to order something casually here?” When you’re done eating, let’s think about the afternoon. ”

He had already decided that since there was no way to say it directly and get straight to the subject, it would only be a little revealed.

Or when they date today, they inadvertently test it, and it’s okay to probe the mouth wind first.

“It seems that you have other purposes today.”

As soon as Belmode heard the words of his cheap boyfriend, he knew that something must be going on today, and the slender long legs under the table gently rubbed his calves.

“Serve… Waiter…… Give me a cup of coffee for the lady opposite. ”

Shirakawa Ye pretended not to feel anything, and shouted directly at the waiter not far away, slightly distracting himself from a little, otherwise he would not be able to bear his girlfriend’s prying.

No way, who makes their girlfriend beautiful, being prodded like this, it is really unbearable, and the girlfriend also likes to indulge, maybe it has been provoked for a long time, and in the end it is still impossible to eat anything, that is really unbearable death.


Belmode chuckled, but at this time he suddenly heard a dense siren outside, lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes flickered, and then looked at Shirakawa on the opposite side.

Shirakawa Ye also looked out of the glass window curiously at this time, and saw four or five police cars parked not far away, and the cars were full of familiar faces.

Soon, he saw them moving in groups, and then several figures strode towards the coffee shop on his side.

A stocky figure wearing a hat entered the store first, looked left and right, and when he saw Shirakawaha, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes and walked towards him.

“Shirakawa, you’re here!”

“Officer Twilight, so many people came out together, what happened?”

Shirakawa Ye looked curiously at the fat man in front of him, that is, his boss, Mei Thirteen.

“Today you took a leave of absence, so you don’t know, but something did happen. By the way, this young lady is? ”

Officer Twilight looked at Belmode with a slight suspicion in his eyes, and then glanced at Wataru Takagi and Miwako Sato, who were following behind him.

Miwako Sato also took out her mobile phone, turned out a photo, and quietly compared it with Belmode in front of her, although the photo was inconsistent with Belmode, but she always had an illusion that the woman in front of her was a little wrong.

While thinking so, she looked at her colleague Shirakawa again, wanting to hear what he had to say.

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