
Shirakawa opened his eyes very comfortably, touched the bed next to him, and directly touched an empty space.

Subconsciously, his whole person sobered up, lifted the quilt, and then determined that there was no one next to him.


There was a little melancholy in his heart, but he couldn’t stop the smile on his face.

“Ahem, get up, go to work!”

With a pleasant tone, he got up directly from the bed, began to tidy up his personal hygiene, and walked with a rock, bouncing here and there.

After finishing everything, he had just walked out of the house when a voice came from next to him:

“Ye, how do you feel very happy?”

“Miwako, good morning!”

Shirakawa said with joy and looked to the side.

The door next to the room opened, and Miwako Sato was bending over to put on her shoes at this time, while also looking at him with a curious face:

“You guy is different from usual, today you are full of vitality!”

“Nothing, just a beautiful thing happened.”

“Beautiful things? Did you win the lottery? ”

Miwako Sato also showed a surprised expression on her face, ran over and gently bumped him with her shoulder, shaking her eyebrows and saying:

“If you really win the lottery, I won’t ask you to share a little of me, just treat me to a few big meals.”

“Ahem, it’s not about winning the lottery, it’s not about money.”

“That’s strange, what makes you happy like this?”

Miwako Sato had a disappointed expression on her face, but she was still curious about what kind of things made Shirakawa walk happily with a feeling of wind.

“Say on the road, say on the road.”

Shirakawa was not ready to answer this question, and went directly downstairs with Miwako Sato.

Soon, he got on Miwako Sato’s white Mazda and went to the Metropolitan Police Department together.

Because they are colleagues and neighbors, in the past three years, he has been rubbing cars and basically going to work together.

“Hey, hey, didn’t you say it on the way? If I don’t say anything later, I feel like I’m going to the Metropolitan Police Department. ”

“Actually, it’s nothing, it’s my girlfriend, ahem… You saw it yesterday at a coffee shop. ”

“Oh… But…”

Miwako Sato paused at this point and said in a very skeptical tone:

“That, that big beauty yesterday, I really can’t believe it, she will be your girlfriend.” How to look at it, you don’t seem to have a little couple between you. ”


Shirakawa Ye couldn’t help but darken his face, glanced at the woman who was driving, and said with an unkind gaze:

“Miwako, what do you mean? Are you saying that I am poor and unworthy of her? ”

“Oh, that’s not what you mean.”

Miwako Sato hurriedly played haha:

“I mean, you are really powerful, you can find a beauty of this level, if you let others know, you will definitely be envious.”

“General, low-key and low-key.”

“So, the beautiful thing you are talking about is this thing?”

“It’s not…”

Shirakawa Ye shook his head gently, paused for a few seconds, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face, with a little aftertaste, and said softly:

“Last night, my girlfriend spent the night at my house.”

“…… Belch… Scumbags! ”

Miwako Sato was stunned for a moment, gave a direct evaluation of these two words, and then said angrily:

“Scumbags are like you, thinking only about women all day long, and you look happy to be like this.” I really feel sorry for your girlfriend to find a boyfriend like you. ”

“Hey, hey! How do I call this a scumbag? This is between me and my girlfriend, how can you slander me out of thin air? ”


Miwako Sato snorted coldly directly, and then stopped talking about this topic.

Time flies.


They went to the office of the Third Department of the Forced Offender Search Section of the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Officer Shirakawa, good morning!”

“Officer Sato, good morning!”

“You guys too, good morning.”

“Good morning.”

As soon as I came here, my colleagues were greeted by good, and everyone seemed happy.

Shirakawa sat down in his office chair, sorted out the documents on the desk, and took out his mobile phone and watch to compare the time.

He glanced at Miwako Sato at the same table next to him, thought of something, and asked directly:

“By the way, you still haven’t told me, what happened yesterday?”

“This thing, you wait a minute.”

Miwako Sato nodded, rummaged in her place, and finally took out a document and handed it over:

“Look, the content is all on it.”

“Is it…”

Shirakawa Ye took the document, pulled the chair under him, sat up with his arms in danger, gently opened the document, and read it seriously.



The other side.

Fallen Angels Bar.

Belmode sat at the bar, tapping his fingers lightly on the bar, squinting slightly, listening to the melodious music here.


Clear footsteps came at the door, and I saw a man dressed in black, wearing a black top hat, silver hair, and gloomy eyes slowly walking over.

He also sat down at the bar, did not move too much, and directly spoke coldly:

“What happened to you coming out of me?”

“Huh… Gin Jiu, when you asked me to help with the task, it was not in this tone. How, can’t wait to cross the river and tear down the bridge? ”



Belmode smiled again, took the wine glass in front of him and shook it, stared at the liquid in the glass, and asked calmly:

“I heard that Shirley was arranged to come here from above, I want to know where you arranged her?”

“What do you want to do?”

Gin Jiu turned his head sharply to look at her, and his eyes became more and more cold.

Belmode flicked his long blonde hair carelessly and asked:

“What do you think I can do to her?”

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