The dinner prepared by Shirakawa was as serious as it was last night.

This is also something that can’t be helped, who let this affect their own life tonight, whether it works or not depends on this meal.

He felt that he was also quite helpless, and there was no good way to take his girlfriend.

But what, it’s not a big problem.

At that time, no matter what, it will not be yourself who suffers the loss anyway, after all, it is still a big old man like himself who enjoys it in the end, so just endure it first.

When the last dish was ready, he had carefully served it to the table, a total of four dishes and a soup.

Belmode sat at the table, glanced at a few dishes on the table, and asked:

“No wine?”

“Yes, of course I am prepared, I will get it for you immediately.”

Shirakawa Ye went to take the absinthe he had bought and handed it to her.

Belmode asked casually while opening his wine

“By the way, yesterday in the coffee shop, it seems that a lot of your colleagues came.” I’m curious, what’s going on? Of course, if it involves your police secrets, you don’t have to say it, I’m just curious, don’t pay special attention to me and violate the order. ”

“This one… It’s a simple and complicated matter. Roughly speaking, a professional killer infiltrated the home of a geneticist, killed him, and robbed him of everything he had researched. Anyway, it was this kind of thing, all of which was taken away by the killer. ”

In fact, Shirakawaba, for this country, is no different from treating ordinary countries.

Although in the previous world, he liked to watch anime and movies in this country, but it does not mean that he is like his own country, if he loves his country like he loves his country, he can’t do that degree anyway, but if he lives in this country, he can still reluctantly accept it, that’s all.

Of course, there are other, more profound reasons, but it is just inconvenient to say.

“This way…”

Belmode nodded, lowered his eyes slightly, and then asked:

“So, have you found who the murderer is?” Is there a direction? ”

“There are no clues at present, but we all have a piece of information in our hands, and I don’t think it will be long before this case will be placed in the underground database of the Metropolitan Police Department.”

After Shirakawa Ye finished speaking, he thought of one more thing, first paused, and then asked with a smile:

“Actually, I do have a question, how did you run into my house? No, you stole my keys, but I don’t seem to be missing keys? ”

Belmode took two wine glasses, poured some wine into them, and then handed another glass to him, and said lightly:

“That was before, while you weren’t paying attention, I secretly took it and copied it. Why, if I am not welcome here, I will return the key to you now, what do you think? ”

Shirakawa Yeban’s face curled and said seriously:

“I don’t think it’s good because my home is your home and I’m glad you have the keys in your hand.” Okay, let’s eat. After eating, we can… Hee hee…”



At night.

A few streets outside the Shirakawa Ha house.

A black Porsche 365A was parked on the side of the road, and there were two men in black, none other than Gin and vodka.

The tall and burly vodka, even at night, wears sunglasses, but at the moment he has a little cold sweat on his head, and he does not dare to look at the eldest brother next to him, so he froze there motionless.

“Vodka …”

“Yes! Eldest brother! I’m here! ”

Vodka hurriedly answered.

Gin Jiu opened the window, glanced at the street lamp outside, took out a cigarette and lit it with the cigarette lighter on the car, took a deep breath, and said lightly in an unusually indifferent voice:

“How did I tell you before?”

“Big… Eldest brother… You… You said… Absinthe is a fox-like cunning woman with a heart like a femme fatale. When tracking her… One… Be careful… Don’t… Go out… Wrong…”

When the last two words were spoken, the voice had become weak and inaudible, and in the entire car, only the sound of ginjiu smoking remained.

Time passes little by little.

Gin finally finished the cigarette in his hand, put one hand on the window against his head, put the other hand on the steering wheel, and said coldly:

“Since you’ve lost it, it means she found you.” At that time, no matter what, we will not be able to find out if she has made small movements, because she will be wary of us. ”

“Big brother, I don’t think it’s your fuss…”

Before the words were finished, the oppressive eyes of Gin looked over, giving the impression of being a ruthless beast, frightening vodka and quickly closing his mouth.


Gin retracted his gaze, lowered the brim of his hat, and said hoarsely:

“So many important materials, only one missing, or the core, saying that there is no original, that is just a statement that I deceived myself.” The only possibility is that she hid it. ”

Vodka stole a glance at his eldest brother, gritted his teeth, and said it anyway:

“But… There is no intention of pursuing it above…”

Gin Jiu did not target his little brother again this time, and said very calmly:

“Originally, I wanted to come and get the stolen goods personally, but unfortunately because of your exposure, this idea was frustrated.”

“Big brother… It’s all my fault…”

“Okay, don’t mention it again. Since it’s all been like this, it shouldn’t have happened. Rum had sent me a message saying that something was going on in Curacao and that we had to discuss what to do. ”

After that, Gin started his car, and after a while, he disappeared into the night of this street.

Vodka was also relieved only at this time, as long as his eldest brother did not blame himself, then everything was a blessing in misfortune.

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