It’s noon.

The indoor shooting range in the Metropolitan Police Department, many people have come here today to practice guns, in fact, there are Shirakawa Ha and Miwako Sato.

In fact, the morning meeting has been completed in two hours, and it has been slowly arranged, because of the danger, so many people are practicing marksmanship here, striving to make this operation foolproof.

“Alas, don’t fight, I’m tired to death …”

Miwako Sato withdrew the bullet from the revolver, took off her headphones, and fanned her hand to cool herself down.

“It’s about the same.”

Shirakawa Ye next to him also put down his pistol, twisted his neck, and suddenly made a crackling sound.

The two glanced at each other, and they both tacitly came to a public chair not far away and sat down, one took a bottle of water, and rested.

Miwako Sato asked:

“Ye, I see that you don’t seem to have eaten anything at noon, don’t you eat more?”

“No, I’m afraid that if I eat too much later, when I act, if I feel unwell, I will be finished.” Therefore, it is good to endure for a while, and when the task is over, it doesn’t matter if you eat casually. ”

“It’s also…”

Miwako Sato listened to his words, nodded, glanced at the shooting range that was no longer empty, her eyes were slightly empty, and said in a low voice:

“Everyone has been sent out little by little, and I don’t think it will be long before the two of us are due.”


When Shirakawa Ye heard this, a look of helplessness flashed on his face, and he said very sadly:

“Every time I encounter this kind of action, I am pretending to be a couple with you. You know, I’m a guy with a girlfriend, and if she sees it, it’s over. ”

“Get out!”

Miwako Sato couldn’t help but darken her face, lightly punched him in the shoulder, and said angrily:

“You hateful fellow, I didn’t dislike you, you actually started to dislike me. You think, I want to be with you every time. Hmph, self-inflicted. ”


Shirakawa Ye smiled, after this joke, the mood was also a little lighter, and the state of the whole person was much better.

“Toot toot…”

Suddenly, the phone rang.

As soon as he took it out and connected it, the voice of Officer Twilight came from inside:

“Shirakawa, inform Sato, it’s now your two turn to come to the makeup room and make up. And hurry up and choose a choice, what kind of equipment you want, and the clothes you want to pick. ”

“Right away.”

Shirakawa Haba hung up the phone, stood up, and said to Miwako Sato next to him:

“Okay, go to the powder room.”

“It’s up to us!”

Miwako Sato took a deep breath, stood up and walked outside with Shirakawa Ha, while also asking:

“Ye, do you have any requirements?”

“Hey, hey… Then I will not be polite. Today you’re going to wear a skirt, and be sure to wear bright lipstick. Also, when facing me too much, you must be gentle and have the appearance of a little woman. ”


A big “well” appeared on Miwako Sato’s forehead, and she gritted her teeth and said:

“Okay, you’re guaranteed to be satisfied, but you have to satisfy me today.” Today you have to get your hairstyle, get me hairspray, wear that slim and compact suit all over your body, and your leather shoes must also be shiny. Also, no matter what you do, you must have a gentlemanly flavor, and the atmosphere of a successful person is revealed all over your body. Finally, when facing me, you must have a pampered and helpless look. ”


Shirakawa was silent.

After walking for a while, he said calmly:

“Miwako, let’s start over. It’s better to be simple, otherwise I feel that the two of us may be exposed. ”

“Impossible! And you are wrong, as long as we do not contact with others, we will not be exposed. Isn’t it? ”

Miwako Sato had already come to his side, smiled a very sweet smile at him, and said in a loud voice:

“Oba ~ Satisfied?”


Shirakawa Ye only felt a tingling on his scalp, and his whole body was agitated, and he rubbed his hands around him hard, and his steps were much faster.

Miwako Sato looked at him like this from behind, let out bursts of cheerful laughter, and his steps also quickened a little, and she teased him a few words untruthfully.



Fallen Angels Bar.

It’s a quiet place, with a dimly lit environment and slow music that makes you feel like you’ve come to a vampire’s castle.

In fact, in every position here, there are one or two men and women dressed in black.

Some of them are tall and burly, and some are thin, and the breath on each of them reveals danger and weirdness, but everyone’s eyes are looking at the long-haired man in a hat sitting at the bar.

Gin Jiu gently put the wine glass on the bar and said lightly:

“I have explained the situation. At nine o’clock in the evening, I picked up Curacao, and I only wanted two results. First, she can come back. Second, it disappears from now on. ”

Speaking of this, his gaze swept over the faces of those positions one by one, and finally stopped at a woman who was smoking a cigarette and had a playful look in her eyes, and said:

“Absinthe, over to you. Whatever you use, I just need to see the results. ”

Belmode narrowed his eyes, slowly extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray next to him, did not care about the surrounding eyes, stood up, came to Gin Jiu, took the document next to him, sneered lightly, and turned away.

Gin Jiu picked up the wine glass again, looked at the other people with an afterglow, and finally gradually narrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Innermost table.

This is the darkest place, a man wearing a hat, pale blond hair, and slightly darker skin, with a twinkle in his eyes, muttering in a very small voice:

“At night… Nine o’clock…”

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