Shirakawa Leaf this side.

At this time, he and Miwako Sato had already said goodbye to Ran and them and were on their way back to the parking lot.

However, as soon as they arrived at the parking place, they saw Kazami Yu walking not far behind them.

“Hey, wasn’t he at the scene of the explosion?”

Miwako Sato watched with a puzzled look as Yuya Kazami slowly walked away.

Shirakawa shrugged and whispered:

“There’s no need to pay attention to these, their Ministry of Public Security is different from us.”

“Where is it different?”

“The task is different.”

Shirakawa gave her a roll of his eyes, opened the door to get into the car, fastened his seat belt, and said at the same time:

“Okay, okay, we should go back too, otherwise Officer Twilight may really explode.”


Miwako Sato immediately had a picture in her mind, couldn’t help but laugh, and hurried to the car.

Ten minutes later.

Metropolitan Police Department.

As soon as the two of them returned, they saw Yuya Kazami again, this guy was also here, and he arrived before them.

At this time, the other party was talking to Officer Twilight, and Officer Twilight’s expression was not very good-looking.

As soon as I saw them, I said angrily:

“Shirakawa, Sato, you guys came back just in time, let’s go to the conference room together, there is a new task.”

Yuya Kazami turned back to the two of them with an apologetic smile and headed to the conference room.

“It’s really haunted~” Miwako Sato whispered in Shirakawaha’s ear.

Shirakawa nodded.


They arrived in the conference room.

Everyone is here, even Takagi Wataru, who has very thick dark circles.

But now everyone’s expressions are not very good, and they look at Yuya Kazami with a helpless and wooden face.

Of course, Yu Kazami also knew what the reason was, but he had no way, he could only suppress the emotions in his heart, stood at the front again, and said slowly to everyone:

“Sorry for the delay. Today we received another tip-off, and an important person appeared. ”

Speaking, operating the computer in front of him, a photo also appeared on the big screen behind him.

It was the fierce figure of the agave.

“According to the clues obtained, the other party will appear in the bar on the top floor of the Big Black Building tonight. Our mission this time is to capture each other like last time. ”

Words fall.

The scene fell silent.

At the front, Officer Twilight looked at Shirakawa and shook his eyebrows at him.

Shirakawa Ye was helpless and asked:

“I wonder, how dangerous is this person?”


“Carrying a weapon?”

Yu Kazami was silent for a while, or to tell the truth:


This time.

Many people below looked at Yuya Kazami even more dissatisfied.

They also understand the trickiness of this mission, but it is the cooperation of the two departments, and they are not high-level, there is no way to refuse this kind of thing.


Officer Twilight spoke up, breaking this discordant atmosphere and asked

with a smile:

“Our police are happy to cooperate, but we don’t know the battle plan this time, which of us has the final say?” Before you know…”

It wasn’t Officer Twilight who said it on purpose.

You must know that yesterday’s arrest of the Mihua Hotel, if it were not for the delay of Yuya Kazami, they might have been successfully arrested.

Now that this kind of plan is coming again, he feels a little uneasy, after all, the other party has a previous conviction, which is really unreliable.

“Officer Twilight don’t worry, everything is discussed slowly.” Yuya Kazami put his posture very low this time.


Officer Twilight was satisfied, and looked at Shirakawa again:

“Shirakawa, let’s give your opinion first.”


Shirakawa always felt that he was being targeted, didn’t he come back later.

But he still stood up, thought about it, and said:

“Officer Kazami, can you transfer everyone in the Big Black Mansion, and we will directly disguise and deploy?”

“Sorry, Officer Shirakawa, we can’t scare the snake, the other party’s vigilance, I think we experienced it yesterday.” We can only go in and lay ambush in small numbers while waiting for the opportunity. ”

“The risk is too great, which is equivalent to sending hostages to the other party, and the other party can take the people inside at any time when it encounters danger.”

Shirakawa shook his head and looked at the others….

Shiratori Renzaburo sat straight, Chiba Kazukazu’s face smiled, Takagi Wataru was sluggish, Miwako Sato frowned and pondered, and the rest of the people were all similar performances.

Looking at them, Shirakawa Ye was very tired at this moment, and in the huge conference room, it seemed that there was no one who could fight.

Sure enough, in the original book, it is not unreasonable for the Metropolitan Police Department to need Kudo Shinichi so much.


Shirakawa let out a sigh, then his expression became serious and said loudly:

“I just had a plan. We can…”

Two hours later.

The door to the conference room opens.

Everyone walked out with each other’s ears, and it seemed that the plan this time seemed to be very good.

Officer Twilight patted Shirakawa on the shoulder and said with a relieved face:

“Brother Shirakawa, a very perfect plan, this time you can give us the face of the police chief.”


Shirakawa smiled far-fetchedly.

Seeing that everyone was very happy, he had a bad premonition.

But everything that should be said is said, as for what it will develop into, everything depends on the will of God.


Everyone is starting to get busy.

Shirakawa and Miwako Sato left the Metropolitan Police Department again, and they were put into a group again.

“Ye, is this a couple?”

“No, I chose to be a bartender.”

“Then I’ll just watch outside.”

Miwako Sato replied as she drove.

Shirakawa Ye said nonchalantly:

“You also work as a waiter with me.”



This way you are safer.

Shirakawa Ye said silently in his heart, but the words on his mouth were different:

“I’m giving you the opportunity to make meritorious service, if you are a waiter, you may be able to approach the other party, and there is a great chance that you can catch the other party.”

“That’s it. Wait, no, I remember the plan wasn’t like this? ”

“It’s just a possibility, after all, no one knows what will happen then, and the plan is not 100 percent.”

“Okay, then I’ll join you.”

Miwako Sato is in a very good mood, and the speed has also increased a lot, but it scares Shirakawa Ye a lot.

“Hey, hey, slow down, let’s slow down, no hurry.”

“Haha, don’t worry, my driving skills are great.”


three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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