Shirakawa Haba came to the address given by Miwako Sato.

This was an apartment, the cordon had been drawn, and the twilight officers were all there.

“This way.”

As soon as Miwako Sato saw Shirakawaha, she pulled him into the victim’s room.

At this time, the body had not been moved away, and the death was particularly tragic, I don’t know how many knives were stabbed, lying on his balcony.

Shirakawa Ye looked at this face carefully, it was indeed the Nakajima Hideaki he asked Miwako Sato to investigate.

He subconsciously asked:

“What about the murderer?”

“Already caught.”

“Huh? What the? ”

“I’ve already caught it, why are you so shocked?” Miwako Sato looked at him with a puzzled look.

“Uh, it’s fine.”

Shirakawa touched the gauze wrapped around his head, and only felt his head be covered for a while.

The person who can be monitored by Akemi Miyano must be related to the black-clothed organization.

He instinctively thought that this person was killed by the black-clothed organization, maybe it would become a pending case, but he did not expect that the murderer would be caught so quickly, which was really a little unexpected.

After thinking about it, he asked again:

“Who is the murderer?” How did you get caught? Is it that easy? ”

“Of course it was seen by witnesses, and the murderer was a neighbor next door to the deceased. The other party also confessed, probably because the deceased and the murderer’s wife were ambiguous, and finally the murderer knew about it, and it became like this in a fit of anger. ”

“Oh, and what about the witnesses?”

“Ask for some details in the next room.” When Miwako Sato said this, her eyes were still looking at him suspiciously.

Then he took the initiative to lead the way, went to the next room, and also met the so-called witness.

When Shirakawa looked at the person in front of him, he also understood what Miwako Sato’s eyes meant just now.

Because the witness was Akemi Miyano.

Miwako Sato had followed him with him last time, so I had the impression that she had just looked at him with that strange look.


Shirakawa coughed and said, “Miss Masami Hirota, it’s really fate, I didn’t expect to meet so soon.” ”


Akemi Miyano responded softly, lowered her head, and did not look at him.

Miwako Sato punched him and muttered in a bad voice:

“Last time you said you didn’t know. Don’t know can you call out the name? Fool me, huh? ”

“No, no, I really didn’t know each other before, and we only met yesterday.”

Shirakawa hurried to appease the woman.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to wait and say something else.

Also at this time.

Officer Twilight came over and said with an ugly expression, “Shirakawa, you come here.” ”


Shirakawa smiled at Miwako Sato, and came outside with Officer Twilight, but when he saw the people outside, he also understood why Officer Twilight’s face was not good-looking.


Yuya Kazami of the Ministry of Public Security.

It turned out to be again.

Shirakawa couldn’t help but look at Officer Twilight.

Officer Twilight didn’t speak, just shrugged, the meaning was already clear, and he couldn’t help it.

Yuya Kazami spoke: “Sorry to disturb you.” I don’t mean anything else, it’s just that this time the case is a bit unusual. ”

Shirakawa Ye asked, “What do you say?” ”

Yuya Kazami said, “Excuse me, have all the things at the scene of the deceased been cleaned up?” ”

Officer Twilight turned his head and shouted into the room, “Sato, bring everything from the scene of the deceased.” ”


Miwako Sato replied.

After a while, wearing gloves, she moved out all the things of the deceased that had been preserved.

Yuya Kazami took out a pair of gloves and put them on, took out a laptop, took out a USB flash drive from the deceased’s belongings and plugged it in, and when it was finished reading, after clicking it, he turned the screen to the three people:


“This is?” Officer Twilight frowned.

“Yuan Jiaming, then Ren Gongming…” Shirakawa Ye frowned, “Why are there so many people’s names?” And it seems that the address is marked, who are these people? ”

Yuya Kazami said solemnly: “The records above are a group of excellent programmers. ”

“What do you mean?” Officer Twilight was puzzled, but also felt that things might not be so simple.

Shirakawa Ye thought of Akemi Miyano and suddenly realized, “Shouldn’t this be a list of these programmers that someone bought from the deceased?” Otherwise, it would not all be recorded in this. ”

Miwako Sato said at this time, “I remember that the Mr. Itakura Taku who we rescued at the beginning is also a master in this area. And the one who kidnapped him, as well as the one we failed to arrest the night before, are all an organization. So there should be some kind of connection between the dead and them, right? ”


Yuya Kazami nodded: “This is also the reason why I came to the door again, this list must not be revealed.” So, Officer Twilight, please. ”

Now here.

Everything is in charge of Officer Twilight, and everything is up to him.

Officer Twilight’s eyes flickered, and he looked at Shirakawa Ye: “Shirakawa, what do you think?” ”

Shirakawa Ye smiled and said, “Officer Twilight, don’t you already have the answer in your heart.” You are the chief here, you write the inspection and report yourself, don’t drag me into the water. ”

Officer Twilight blushed: “Ahem, don’t talk nonsense, I don’t have such an idea.” Delete it, when the time comes, I will write a report, and I will write a review if I want to write it. ”

When Yu Kazami heard this, he decisively deleted the list, and then said:

“Officer Twilight, things can’t end so simply, I have a plan here that needs your cooperation.”

A few people after that.

That’s where the whispers began.

It’s ten minutes.

After discussion.

Everyone went about their own business.

After all.

It’s still a murder scene, and there’s still a lot to deal with.

Shirakawa Ye returned to the room next to the deceased, looked at the woman inside, and smiled:

“Miss Hirota, the investigation has been clear, you can leave, thank you for your testimony.”

Akemi Miyano raised her head and looked straight at the man in front of her, looking at the other party’s head wrapped in gauze, and those clear eyes.

For a long time, she whispered:

“Officer Shirakawa, you are a good cop.”



Without explaining what she meant, Miyano Akemi got up and gave him a slight salute, and then left here.

Shirakawa stood on the edge of the corridor of the floor, staring at Akemi Miyano who was slowly leaving below.

Probably sensing his gaze, Akemi Miyano glanced back at him, then got into a taxi and left.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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