Vodka goes fast and comes back fast.

“Big brother, you are so powerful, you said it, indeed the three of them have just arrived, and the car has arrived.”

The words fell.

Many people in the audience changed their faces.

As long as you are not a fool, you understand what this means.

When Vodka saw the expressions of others, he also hurriedly followed suit.

Gin Jiu turned his head and stared at the tequila coldly: “It’s really waste, I don’t know if I am being followed.” ”

The expression on the tequila’s face kept changing, combined with the current scene, thinking about a series of things that happened before, he immediately understood what was going on.

Curaçao and Shui Wu Nai’s expressions were also not good-looking, but they did not expect that they had been led by others all the time.

Chianti frowned: “Gin wine, so what now?” ”


Gin Jiu turned around and said coldly: “Inform everyone that the evacuation will be completed within five minutes.” Chianti, wait for the lights to go out and finish off the guy in the car. ”

Chianti smiled cruelly: “Hahaha, don’t worry, just leave this kind of thing to me.” ”

Downstairs of 800 Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Shirakawa was still waiting silently in the car, his eyes kept on the building.

I was also praying in my heart, hoping that Officer Twilight would come soon, so as not to dream too much at night.


Five minutes passed.


All the lights in the building in front of me suddenly went out.

On the ground, his eyebrows jumped, and a bad premonition brewed in his heart.

With the spirit of ordinary people several times, he believed his feelings at this moment, and suddenly opened the car door and threw himself out.

Next second.


A large hole appeared in the windshield, as did a large hole in the location of the cab.

“Isn’t it?”

Shirakawa Ye’s eyes widened, and he hid directly behind the car, while feeling out the pistol.

Glancing at the dark building, and the environment that was now as dark as ink, he said

“This is discovered? If I hadn’t run fast, I might have been cold. Madea! ”

Shirakawa Ye finally couldn’t help but burst into foul language, and he, who had never been wronged, took advantage of the cover of night to rush towards the building quickly.

After a while, the snakeskin moved into position, but there was not a single gunshot, making him feel lonely.

The door is not closed.

He walked in carefully, and as soon as he entered, he saw a figure at the end of the opposite side of the gate.

Even though the power is out, the lights are still on in front of the elevator.

At this time, a tall man dressed in black, with long silver hair, wearing a high-brimmed hat, stood there, holding a remote control in his hand.

As soon as Shirakawa Ye saw this familiar back, as well as that unique temperament, he knew who the other party was.

The famous winery real wine, the model worker of the black-clothed organization – ginjiu.


Gin made a different sound, revealing a side face, and those cold and emotionless eyes stared at Shirakawa leaf wrapped in gauze on his head:

“It seems that Chianti failed, what a waste. But…… Your end is sealed! ”

The last word suddenly increased, and he instantly turned around and pulled out the Beretta M92F pistol at his waist.


Two gunshots rang out in a row.

Shirakawa Ye’s hand holding the gun did not put down, and Yu Guang glanced at the bullet hole in the glass door next to him.

Gin Jiu’s hand holding the gun slowly fell, and a gust of blood slowly dripped down his arm, along his fingers and barrel.

Apparently, he had a shoulder injury.

At this moment, I also understood that I underestimated Shirakawaba.

“Good marksmanship.”

The cold and flat words fell.

The elevator behind him “ding” opened, revealing a terrifying lineup.

Vodka, Chianti, Cohen, Tequila, Curacao, Water No Mercy, a total of six people appeared in the elevator together, all dressed in black with weapons, full of oppression.

However, Curaçao and Shui Wu Nai both wore hats that covered most of their faces.

Gin Jiu stood in front of the elevator at this time, his eyes changed from cold and indifferent to full of killing intent, and then with the six people behind him, he completely organized the C position, highlighting his status as a big guy.

Shirakawa frowned.

I was thinking about whether I should give in first, after all, the good man does not eat the loss in front of him, and there are people behind us.

Officer Twilight and they will come in a moment, and there will be more people to see who will be at that time.

The two sides are facing each other like this.

The momentum is-for-tat.

Even if Shirakawa Ye was alone, he did not show the slightest timidity, everything stemmed from his confidence in his skills.

Usually, as a policeman, I handle cases in the crowd, so I have some scruples and have to suppress myself, or I can’t provoke the criminals to be angry and hurt the innocent.

But now there is no unrelated person, just enough to exert his strongest strength.

Gin took a deep look at Shirakawa and pressed the remote control in his other hand.

“Boom !!!!”

The overhead explosion in the middle of the aisle between the two sides suddenly exploded, the ceiling fell, and then a puff of smoke and dust obscured the view.

Shirakawa covered his mouth and nose and retreated to the gate.

After waiting for a while for the smoke and dust to clear, Gin Jiu and the people behind him were gone, obviously taking the elevator to the negative floor, and there must be an escape channel under this building.


There was another explosion overhead.

Shirakawa Ye retreated farther this time, directly to the next street, and looked at the building from a distance.



“Boom boom !!!”

The ten-story building in front of me exploded layer by layer, which was very rhythmic.

After the explosion, there was a fire, and bursts of smoke and fire filled the dark night, illuminating some of the surrounding neighborhoods red.

This shocking change, those windows on the street that had been turned off to sleep were lit up again, and many people poked their heads out to look here, showing surprise and horror, and called the fire department.

Shirakawa Ye sat on the side of the road, looking at the building that had turned into a torch in front of him, and suddenly wanted to smoke.

It’s a pity that he usually doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t bring anything on him, and he can only let out a long sigh.


“What about my teammates?”

“Why does that hard-working guy have teammates, and I don’t have teammates?”

“Obviously reported the location in advance, why hasn’t it appeared for so long?”

He looked into the distance, and there was a melancholy and sadness in his heart, even if a person appeared, his heart was comfortable.

It’s a pity that there is no one.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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