“Aunt Yukiko…”

“Aunt Yukiko… Wait a minute… That…”


Xiao Lan was being pulled forward by Yukiko at the moment, but she still looked back behind her from time to time, always wanting to say something, but there was no chance at all.

Ran for a long time.

Yukiko looked back and made sure that Shirakawa hadn’t caught up, so she stopped and let go of Ran’s hand.

“Aunt Kiko, don’t we wait for Officer Shirakawa?” Xiao Lan looked uneasily in the direction of the run.

But now it’s running far.

There are only a few street lamps behind her, and there are some trees left around, plus it is dark at night, and she is a little afraid of this environment, and she does not dare to go back.


Yukiko waved her hand nonchalantly, as if it wasn’t a big deal, and said:

“You saw it just now, Officer Shirakawa answered the phone again, and we won’t bother him.” He also knows where we’re going, and he’ll find it later, don’t worry. ”

She wanted to hide from Shirakawa all day today.

It’s a pity that Xiaolan and her son came, and she was embarrassed to run out, and Shirakawa Ye was still the one who protected her, and she would definitely follow.

So today she can say that she stayed restless in the villa for a day.

Just such a good opportunity, she didn’t know why, pulled Xiaolan and ran, but now that she has run here, she doesn’t regret it much, but she feels that the whole person is a little easier.

“But…” Xiao Lan stopped talking, always feeling that this was wrong.

“Okay, it’s about to go to the beach, I’ll take you to see the night view.” By the way, Xiaolan, did you bring a mobile phone? You can also take pictures when the time comes. ”

“Huh? Brought it. ”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Yukiko smiled and took Ran’s hand again, but this time she walked slowly.

Xiao Lan pursed her lips, and from time to time she would look back, her eyes full of worry.



The other side.

Shirakawa leaves here.

“Oh, where did you run…”

He is now very helpless, and can only follow this road and slowly find the past.

Shirakawa felt that with Xiaolan’s gentle personality, he would definitely not run away without saying anything.

The only possibility is that Yukiko did it.

But now the relationship between the two of them is a little delicate, and being treated like this is also said in the past.


Shirakawa thought of Officer Twilight’s phone again.

The park that the other party said before, if nothing else, is this park, but all this is too coincidental.

Thinking of this, and thinking of the two women who ran away, the pace also accelerated a little:

“Alas, I hope nothing happens…”

Ten minutes walked forward.

The salty sea breeze was heard ahead, and the sound of the waves was heard.

Not far away, under the street lamp on the shore, two figures appeared there, it was Yukiko and Xiaolan.


Shirakawa breathed a sigh of relief and strode towards them, ready to tell them to leave.


A big tree next to it staggered out of a figure.

“Who?” Shirakawa Ye turned his head sharply, and the appearance of the other party was reflected in his pupils.

With long silver hair, a fierce face, and the appearance of a neon man, he was reaching out to cover his bleeding abdomen.

The main thing is that it is still a man.

Shirakawa Ye looked at these characteristics, and then thought of the news he saw last time, and a name blurted out:

“Highway demons.”

He could be sure that the man in front of him was the road demon who had hurt countless women.

And the road demon at this time, that is, Belmode.

Looking at Shirakawa Ye in front of him, his pupils showed a stunned emotion, he didn’t expect to meet his little man here at night.

But when he thought of the person who was going to chase after him, he suddenly gritted his teeth and immediately raised the gun in his hand:

“Don’t move! Or die! ”

Movement on their side.

It also attracted Yukiko and Xiaolan, who were looking at the Statue of Liberty, and subconsciously let the two women turn their heads, and suddenly exclaimed:

“Officer Shirakawa!!!”

“Huh?” Belmode suddenly heard the voice and involuntarily turned his head to look.


Shirakawa Ye’s eyes flashed and said secretly.

Instantly, the deception rises.

A fierce punch hit the opponent’s wrist with a gun.

But what made him a little stunned was that the force of this punch did not knock the pistol away, but only hit the arm to the side.

“Shhh! This guy! Belmode came back to his senses when his wrist sting.

The reason why the pistol was not shot away was purely her habit, and the weapon in her hand was the guarantee of her life, so she had always been clenched tightly.

Before she could react, she saw Shirakawa Ye’s powerful kick coming at her.

There is no way.

She could only block it with her hand and kicked it fiercely.


Belmode fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

In the next second, the strong wind howled, and Shirakawa’s leaf whip leg followed.

Belmode endured the pain of the wound and rolled to the side embarrassedly.

“It’s a road devil! Road Demon! Yukiko, who was watching the battle, finally recognized Belmode’s outfit.

“What to do! There is Aunt Kiko! Xiaoran was very worried, and grabbed Yukiko’s hand tightly.

The current Xiaolan is not the future Xiaolan.

Seeing that the other party had blood on his body and a pistol in his hand, he was afraid to move at all, and seemed to have forgotten that he could do karate.

“It’s okay, it’s okay~” Yukiko nervously reassured: “The other party is not the opponent of Officer Shirakawa, and he can be subdued immediately.” ”

Now, she also temporarily forgot about the unpleasantness with Shirakawa Ye, pinched a cold sweat for him, and looked at the scene in front of her nervously.

Shirakawa Ye used both hands and feet, hitting the opponent in defeat, not giving the other party a chance to shoot.

Even so.

The other party still held the gun in his hand, and did not mean to throw it away at all.


Shirakawa found an opportunity and kicked the other party’s injured abdomen.

This time.

The man flew out again, and the gun in his hand also flew out.

Shirakawa Ye rushed over to pick it up, but when he looked up, his expression immediately changed.

“Don’t move!”

Belmode had already appeared a dagger in his hand at this time, which was against Xiaolan’s snow-white neck, and Yukiko next to him was too frightened to move.

She stretched out a kick and kicked Yukiko’s leg hard, immediately making her kneel on the ground, her brows furrowed in pain.

“Drop the gun, hurry up…”

“Or they’re both going to die.”

Now, her tone is a little weak, the corners of her mouth are bleeding, and her state is very bad.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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