Chapter 245: Suppressing Miwako Sato!!



Metropolitan Police Department.

“Oh, it’s so boring, after becoming a police department, it is even more boring.”

Shirakawa stood in front of the office window with a cup of coffee, his eyes jumping into the distance.

In the distance, there are rows of high-rise buildings, and below them are crisscrossing streets, through which cars pass through them.

On the sidewalk on the side of the street, from time to time, I saw some beautiful figures walking by, what black silk long legs, hip skirts and so on, it was everything.

“That’s why you did something for me?”

Miwako Sato’s cold voice sounded next to him, with a little taste of gnashing his teeth.

She was going to be busy with her own affairs, but Shirakawa Ye threw her work to her again, and said what kind of order it was.

Of course, the official position is one level higher than her, and it is indeed possible to order her in such a small matter.

Then, as a last resort, she started working again.


Shirakawa Ye smiled lightly: “My reason is not good?” ”

“Does this have anything to do with the reason?”

“Or shall I treat you to dinner at noon?”


Miwako Sato sneered and said quietly, “Originally, you owe me and Yumi a lunch, please don’t invite it.” ”

“Lie, huh.”

“Am I wrong?”

“You didn’t?”

Shirakawa gave her a white look, put the coffee in his hand on her table, bent over slightly, and stared at her condescendingly and seriously.

Miwako Sato was able to look at him at first, but after a while, she felt unnatural, and her eyes began to subconsciously drift, and she didn’t dare to look at him.

For a long time.

She tried to straighten her posture and said, “It’s still the same sentence just now, am I wrong?” ”

“Hey, you won’t just forget about yesterday, will you?”

“What happened yesterday?”

Miwako Sato was a little confused.


The corners of Shirakawa’s mouth twitched, and he said quietly: “I said that the last time I invited you to two meals, didn’t I also treat you yesterday?” Isn’t it already two meals when you count the last time? ”

“That doesn’t count.”

“How is it not counted?”


Miwako Sato had a wicked smile on her face: “I wasn’t alone last time, but with Yumi.” ”


“You do the math, we only ate with Yumi once, so at least we have to eat together again to be able to even.”

“Well, it’s worthy of you, the abacus is really good.”

Shirakawa picked up his coffee again, turned his head to look out the window, and tasted it slowly.

The corners of Miwako Sato’s mouth rose slightly, just when she thought she had won the battle.

Shirakawa Ye said quietly, “Miwako, since you play this hand with me, then your next life will not be good.” ”

“What do you want to do?”

Miwako Sato couldn’t help but be wary.

Shirakawa Ye looked back at her and showed a very kind smile: “Don’t worry, everyone works in the same place, what can I do to you?” But I will use the permissions I should have, and in the future, such as today, I will continue to give you to do. ”

“As soon as you Miwako Sato’s eyes widen, you immediately want to get mad.”

But at this time.

Officer Twilight walked in from outside the office with a large pile of documents, and shouted at the same time: “Put aside the things in everyone’s hands first, I have an important matter here to explain to you.” ”


Everyone stopped their movements and looked at him one after another.

Officer Twilight did not hurry to speak, but just handed out the documents in his hand one by one.

It wasn’t until the end that he came to Shirakawa and Miwako Sato.

“This is…”

After taking the document, the two people watched it seriously, and after just looking at it for a while, they understood what was going on.

Ten minutes later.

Officer Twilight stood in the middle of the office and said in a loud voice: “Okay, everyone look at me, you should have finished reading the contents of the document.” All this information was transmitted by the public security intelligence department today, and all of it has been confirmed that it is true. ”

“Officer Twilight, do you need us to do anything?”

Takagi asked.

“Not for now.”

Officer Twilight shook his head slightly, and continued: “The main thing is that we just got the news that this group of foreign robbers has come to us, and we have not yet found their location. There are only four people mentioned on the document, and only one person has a name, he is ——— Tino Cabana. And this person is still their leader, so everyone must remember his appearance, don’t forget. ”

“Tino Cabana…”

Shirakawa muttered, gently touching his chin and staring at the picture of the man on the document.

He felt that this person had some familiar feeling in his mind, and if he remembered correctly, it should be a character who appeared in the original book.

He frowned and thought for a while.

Suddenly, he remembered, and also remembered the guy in the photo, and suddenly felt a slander in his heart: “Isn’t this the character who appeared in Conan Episode IV before?” Although only for a moment. I remember remembering it so deeply, it seems that it was because I robbed a lot of maple gold coins, which is a good little treasure. But at this time period, the plot should not have started yet, how did they appear”

Can’t help it.

He thought about what his girlfriend said to himself yesterday, saying that the organization was going to make some small moves.

Therefore, he has a little doubt that this bandit gang will not be brought over by the black-clothed organization.

Shirakawa shook his head, stopped thinking about this, put the documents on his desk, got up and went outside.

“Why are you going?”

Miwako Sato hurriedly stopped the movement in her hand and followed.

“Go out on patrol and see if you can get lucky enough to run into these guys.”

“I’m with you.”


Shirakawa nodded, nodded again at Officer Twilight, who was looking at him speechlessly, and left with Miwako Sato.


Officer Twilight sighed and returned to his desk and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Takagi came over and said hesitantly: “Officer Twilight, I also want to go out on patrol to see if I can catch these guys.” ”

Officer Twilight’s face darkened: “Are you the police department?” ”

Takagi scratched his head: “No.” ”

Officer Twilight roared, “Then don’t let me honestly do my own thing!” ”


Takagi fled in the wilderness, and other people around him saw this scene and pinched out the thoughts in their hearts, silently busy themselves with their own affairs.

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