Chapter 264: A Simple Police Flower!!

The atmosphere was quiet.

The three people stared wide-eyed.

Miwako Sato blinked her eyes, stepped in, and suddenly couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose: “What does this smell like?” Should you…”


Concubine Yingli’s expression immediately changed, her hands were a little overwhelmed together, her cheeks were crimson, and she had lowered her head in shame.

Shirakawa Ye is about to calm down a lot, and he is still rubbing his waist that he has just been kicked to, and it hurts a little inexplicably.

“You guys…”

Miwako Sato’s voice dragged on a lot, and finally said quietly: “What good things are you eating?” It tastes so weird. ”



Concubine Yingli had a question mark on her face, and Shirakawa Ye laughed directly.

Seeing the different behavior of the two of them, Miwako Sato scratched her hair strangely and said weakly, “Did I say something wrong?” ”

“… No! We were just eating quietly. ”

Concubine Eiri was the first to react, pulling Miwako Sato and walking outside.

Shirakawa Ye followed with a sneering look on his face, and said two words inexplicably: “Single.” ”

Concubine Yingli paused in her footsteps, and then continued to walk outside.

She understood now.

Just now, I was completely worried, and I thought I had been exposed, but I didn’t expect Miwako Sato to be single, which is a bit unusual.

Miwako Sato didn’t understand what Shirakawa just said, but she said the most important thing: “Lawyer Concubine, Miss Yukiko is already looking crazy outside the hotel, and said that you may have been kidnapped by someone, and almost called the police.” ”

“Sorry, sorry, I woke up early and didn’t say a word to her. When I passed by Officer Shirakawa’s room, I was attracted by the smell inside, so I went in and ate quietly. ”

“Oh~ what do you eat?”

Fei Yingli couldn’t help but shake her body, a series of pictures flashed in her mind, and the whole person became unnatural.

For Miwako Sato’s sudden question, her head was like a shutdown at the moment, and she forgot to find any excuse to answer.

Right at this moment.

Shirakawa gave the answer: “Miwako, don’t ask the bottom line, you will taste it one day anyway.” ”


Miwako Sato was suspicious.

Concubine Yingli listened, gave him an angry white look, and blamed him for not saying this to an ignorant woman, it was a little too much.


The three arrived outside the hotel.

At a glance, I saw Yukiko who was anxious outside.


As soon as Yukiko saw her best friend, she pounced on her and hugged her: “Where did you run?” I’m really worried about dying. ”

“Sorry sorry~”

Concubine Yingli gently held her back, her face full of helpless expressions.

Miwako Sato pointed at Shirakawa next to her and interjected, “Miss Yukiko, the concubine lawyer is in this guy’s room.” But don’t worry, the two of them are secretly eating, if I go early, I will definitely be able to taste it. ”

Shirakawa Ye and Concubine Yingli were collectively speechless, but they didn’t expect to tell the things inside as soon as they came, which was really a little wrong.

“What to eat?”

Miyamoto Yumi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she came over curiously


Shirakawa reached out and put his hand against her head and pushed it back.

“Eiri, you’re in his room?”

Yukiko looked at her best friend suspiciously, and a lot of unhealthy pictures subconsciously appeared in her mind.

Concubine Yingli hurriedly lied: “It’s just that when I passed by his room in the morning, I saw him secretly eating, so I went in.” ”

“This way…”

Yukiko finally believes in her best friend.

After all, she would not have thought that Shirakawa Ye would mix with her good girlfriend no matter what, after all, she could not have imagined that two people would dare to mess around in such a hotel with poor sound insulation and many people.


A police car came on the road in the distance.

After a while, they came to them.

It was the mountain village that got off the bus.

“Officer Shirakawa, good morning.”

As soon as he stood up, the guy said hello happily.

Shirakawa Ye smiled and said, “Officer Yamamura, you are also early.” By the way, you are coming? ”


Yamamura Cao glanced at the others, especially noticed Concubine Yingli, and was suddenly startled…

He hurriedly came to Shirakawaha’s side and muttered in a low voice: “Because of what happened last night, I want to come here to ask and make a record.” By the way, check if those two guys have left something here, maybe there may be some clues. ”

“So, do you need me to take notes?”

“If you don’t need it, I just ask the old woman to make a record.”

“Okay, you’re busy.”

“Okay, okay.”

Yamamura Cao nodded, and then bypassed Concubine Yingli’s side far away and hurriedly ran into the hotel.

With his dozen forks.

Everyone also knew that the time was almost the same, and it was time to leave.

Shirakawa Ye asked, “Miss Concubine, Miss Yukiko, do you take our car?” ”

Especially when he asked this, a pair of aggressive eyes looked straight at Concubine Yingli, looking at her unscrupulously.

Concubine Yingli was very uncomfortable to watch, although the relationship broke through last night, but it has not yet reached the point where you can not care.

“Get in your car.”

Yukiko said, “When we get to Gunma Prefecture, we will leave by shinkansen, and we will be able to reach rice in a few hours. ”

“That’s good.”

Miyamoto Yumi sincerely sighed: “We still come by car, at most on the highway.” And to drive it yourself, it’s really tiring. ”

Yukiko suggested, “Officer Miyamoto, Officer Sato, why don’t you take the shinkansen with us, and let Officer Shirakawa drive the car back by himself.” ”

Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto’s eyes immediately lit up, and they felt that this method was very feasible.

But after taking a look at Shirakawaba, whose face was blackened on the ground next to him, he gave up this idea one after another.

“No need, no need, I’ll just take the car with Miwako.”

“Yes, the three of us came together, of course we have to go back together.”

Shirakawa listened to the words of the two of them, nodded with satisfaction, and finally glared at Yukiko without a trace, full of threats.

Don’t talk much.

Everyone got into the car together and left the place.

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