Chapter 285: Shirakawa’s Leaf Trunk’s?!!

Under Concubine Yingli’s nervous gaze.

Yukiko’s eyes lit up, just like the light in her son’s eyes when he was reasoning, and it belonged to the detective alone.

At this moment, she turned into a detective, staring directly at her good girlfriend: “I forgot a very important thing, and I just remembered it.” Generally, this imprint will dissipate in a short time, and your imprint is still so clear, just like I said before. ”

Yukiko paused when she said this, and then continued: “That is to say, it was made within two or three days. And I’ve been with you lately, and the only time I’m not together is yesterday morning. You weren’t with me when I woke up, I was looking everywhere. So, Eiri…”

She stared at her good girlfriend with dead eyes, and said word by word: “I remember your answer at that time was to eat in that guy’s room.” ”


Fei Yingli couldn’t speak.

She never expected that her best friend would say this.

Looking at the girlfriend at the moment, the eyes that seem to be emitting light…

She couldn’t help but feel as if she was seen through, no matter how she dodged, no matter how she dodged, it didn’t have any effect.

She was thinking of excuses, but there were many excuses in her mind, but none of them were suitable.

Fei Yingli also understood at the moment.

Yukiko still hasn’t finished speaking.

After all, the person’s name did not appear, probably waiting for his answer.

Concubine Yingli’s face changed, and she looked like she wanted to speak but didn’t dare to speak.

Yukiko has been paying attention to her good girlfriend’s face, and of course she found something wrong with her: “Eiri, I really told it.” It was yesterday morning, and the other person was…”

Speaking of this, her eyes were fluctuating: “You shouldn’t be here for real, right?” What’s so good about that guy? And that guy…”

Yukiko couldn’t go on, and the expression on her face was very ugly.

After all, her relationship with Shirakawa Ye is very extraordinary, if her good girlfriend really has something with the other party, such a hateful man can provoke the two of them.

The most unacceptable thing for her is.

Knowing that Chuanye has already got himself, if he still starts with his good girlfriend, this is a little unspeakable.

Thinking that this might be the case, her fists clenched desperately, and she couldn’t wait for Shirakawa Ye to be in front of her, rushing up and beating her fiercely.

“No, don’t think about it.”

How could Concubine Yingli admit this kind of thing, and directly explained: “I know that you are talking about Officer Shirakawa, but yesterday morning, I really just ate in his room, and nothing happened.” ”

“What about the evidence?”

“I have no proof.”

“Look at you, you can’t even come up with evidence, how can you make me believe it?”

Yukiko became more and more sure that what she guessed was right, and her feelings became more and more complicated.

When looking at the good girlfriend, I don’t know what kind of eyes to treat, and there seems to be one more thing in common between them.

Fei Yingli explained: “Although there is no evidence, you know the situation at that time.” Officer Shirakawa’s room, right next to our room. And there were other guests in the hotel at that time, and the sound insulation was not very good. If something does happen, it is impossible to have no movement at all. ”


Yukiko blinked and nodded subconsciously: “If you say that, it seems to be like this.” But… But how do you explain the mark on your shoulder? ”

Concubine Yingli had already thought of an excuse at this moment, and the whole person calmed down, and said with a smile: “You forgot what I told you, that night, there was a gunshot in the back mountain.” At that time, Officer Sato and Officer Miyamoto, the three of us were always guarding the back door. And because it was so dark that night, I didn’t pay attention and didn’t know what I hit it, that’s why I had such a mark. I didn’t lie to you, you slept very hard at the time, and you didn’t pay attention at all. ”


Yukiko couldn’t help but blush, and finally believed it: “Okay, okay, it’s me who misunderstood you, let’s reapply the medicine.” ”

She believes it for the time being now, after all, a lot of things did happen yesterday and the day before yesterday, and she was not involved in it.

Concubine Yingli twisted her head back, exhaled softly, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and at the same time complained about Shirakawa leaves in her heart.

If it weren’t for this nasty guy, there wouldn’t be the thing now, really a bastard.


Yukiko finished it.

Helped Concubine Yingli out of the room and sat on the sofa.

But also at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

Yukiko came to the door, and when she opened the door, she couldn’t help but be slightly stunned: “Officer Shirakawa, Miss Sharon, why are you here?” ”

Belmode smiled and said, “I heard him say that Miss Concubine was injured, so I came to take a look.” ”

Shirakawa Ye shook the wheelchair he was pushing in his hand and said, “I’m here to deliver this thing, I know that Miss Concubine will definitely be more painful today than yesterday, maybe she can’t stand up, she must need this thing.” ”

“It’s really needed.”

A flash of surprise flashed in Yukiko’s eyes, and as soon as she took the wheelchair, she pushed it and ran inside.

As for what she was still doubting about Shirakawa before, she had long been left behind, and her face did not show the slightest flaw.

“Yingli, look, good stuff.”

Yukiko came to Concubine Yingli with a smile, and pushed the wheelchair around in a circle Concubine Yingli nodded, and at the same time looked at the two who followed from behind, smiling and signaling.

It’s just that when I looked at Shirakawa Ye, there was a little resentment in my eyes, after all, this hateful man not only took her into a car accident, but also almost exposed her in front of her best friend.

“Are you all right?”

Belmode inquired with concern.

Fei Yingli smiled and shook her head: “It’s okay, it’s almost okay to rest for a week.” ”

“Yingli, let me help you sit up. Originally, I thought we would stay at home all the time today, but now that we have this thing, let’s go shopping together. Moreover, there is a free labor force here, so let him push you, anyway, he made all this. ”

Shirakawa Ye was speechless, but he didn’t expect that as soon as he came, he would get such a chore.

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