Chapter 353 is obviously my first!!


Shirakawa Haba family.

The bedroom door opens.

A pair of snow-white arms violently pushed a man out of the room, and then threw out a pile of clothes.

Then I heard a ‘bang’.

The bedroom door slammed shut. ”

Shirakawa Ye silently held a pile of clothes, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch twice.

He looked at the closed door in front of him, shook his head~, and said: “Neurosis, it’s really a neuropathy.” ”

“Obviously I was so brave last night, I can’t do anything. As a result, I know now that I am shy, and now I know that I am going to push myself out, why did I go early…”


Shirakawa complained for a long time, then went to the bathroom to take a shower, god.

“Miwako, come out early.”

He shouted in the direction of the bedroom, went into the kitchen, and began to get busy with himself, while continuing to shout: “Give you half an hour at most, I’m already preparing the morning calendar.” ”

For a long time.

There was no response in the bedroom.

About ten minutes later.

The door opened.

Miwako Sato, who was pinching the corner of her clothes and lowering her head, walked out unnaturally.

“Hehe, it’s gone.”

Shirakawa Ye smiled when he saw this scene, came directly to the kitchen door, and said teasingly: “I see that you have a little inconvenience today, or I will directly ask you for a leave, I think Officer Twilight must be very happy.” ”


Miwako Sato blushed and spat out these two words.

When she thought about last night’s incident, she felt that she must have been evil at that time, otherwise she would not have done such a thing.

“Scold me?”

Shirakawa Ye only felt amused for a while, and said quietly: “If you want to scold, it should be me scolding, right?” ”

To be honest, he was really a little crying and laughing, everything happened last night too quickly, and by the time he came back to his senses, it was too late, and it was helpless to think about it.

So he said even more angrily: “Miwako, I won’t say more.” From now on, you will be responsible to me. ”

Miwako Sato exploded in anger.

Especially looking at the hateful face of the man on the other side, it was called a thick regret in my heart.

“You… You… Bastard! I won’t be responsible! ”

She was a little confused, and inexplicably said such nonsense, and as soon as she left her mouth, she immediately reacted, and said with a black face: “Shirakawa Ye!” Are you saying the opposite? ”

Although I have always felt that this man has a thick skin, I still have a deep sense of powerlessness when I see this cheeky skin again.

“If you are a man, this sentence should be said by me, from your mouth, don’t you feel very ashamed?”


Shirakawa Ye showed a serious and thoughtful expression: “But last night’s incident, I am the victim.” ”

This is really not speaking, on the surface, he is indeed a victim

Miwako Sato’s face that had just recovered a little turned red again: “Bastard, if you say this again, I will fight with you!” ”

“Tsk, annoyance into anger, this must be annoyance. The way you look, you interpret the meaning of the word very well, it is very appropriate. You know, I persuaded you last night, is it good that you didn’t listen to yourself? Do you still want to blame me for being upright? ”

“You still say!”

Miwako Sato clenched her fists, as if she was going to rush over and fight in the next second.

Shirakawa shrugged and made a closed-mouth gesture with his hand to signal that he understood.

He thought about it, did not choose to continue making breakfast, but slowly walked out of the kitchen door, little by little towards the woman opposite.

“What do you want to do…”

Miwako Sato watched him come over, instinctively took a few steps back, suddenly fell on the sofa, and said nervously: “I tell you, don’t mess around.” Otherwise, I…”


Shirakawa Ye’s face was full of ridicule.

Three or two steps away, he had already come to her and looked at her condescendingly: “Why, listen to the meaning of what you just said, are you preparing to make me look good?” ”

Miwako Sato’s lips squirmed twice, but she didn’t say a word, although she thought of many very hard words in her heart, but it was really positive

To this man, these words were as if they were imprisoned by magic, and they could not be said no matter what.


Shirakawa Ye’s tone suddenly softened: “I usually think you are quite smart, but I didn’t expect to be so stupid.” You obviously know my character and know that your own behavior is wrong, but you still do it. At this moment, I don’t even know what kind of face to treat you, don’t you regret it? ”

Miwako Sato was silent.

Of course, she could hear what the other party meant, but feelings are such things that can not be suppressed by reason.

For a long time.

She said in a low voice: “Obviously, the two of us met first, obviously our relationship is so good, it should have been like this.” But I blame you, if you hadn’t met Miss Sharon, you wouldn’t be what you are now. ”

This remark can be regarded as a confession.

The meaning of Miwako Sato’s words shows that a long, long time ago, when Sharon did not appear, she already liked Shirakawa Haba.

But everything is because of their own shyness, and in the end they will let others take the lead, otherwise it is another way for them to get along at this time.

“Blame me?”

Shirakawa Ye said speechlessly: “Miwako, can I be blamed for this?” It’s normal to see a beautiful woman and want to pursue it. ”

“Then why didn’t you pursue me in the first place?”

“It’s too familiar, it’s hard to start.”

“Go die!”

Miwako Sato picked up a throw pillow next to her and threw it over to Shirakawa and placed it next to her.

It was at this time.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Shirakawa Ye said, “Okay, you go open the door, I’ll continue to make breakfast.” ”

Miwako Sato said a little aggrieved: “But I have trouble moving, you go and help open it.” ”


Shirakawa Ye got up helplessly.

No way, who let all this come up by themselves.

Came to the door, opened it, looked at the woman in front of him, and suddenly said angrily: “I said who came to knock on my door so early, sure enough, there is no one else except you.” ”

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