Chapter 74: Concubine Yingli’s Date!!

Coffee shop.

Many onlookers outside stretched their necks one by one and looked in the direction of the toilet inside.

Many men are muttering in their hearts.

Shirakawa used to search for men so quickly, but now the search for women has become so slow.

For a moment.

In many people’s minds, some chaotic plots have emerged, and they can’t help but have their hearts beat faster and their faces red.

Finally. The toilet door opened.

Shirakawa was the first to walk out. Fei Yingli followed.

She lowered her head slightly, the roots of her ears were red, and she was stretching out her slender jade hand at this time, and her white fingers gently buttoned the buttons on her clothes.


Looking at the male compatriots, Qi Qi swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then they all glared at Shirakawa Ye, which was called a gritted tooth.


Shirakawa coughed, took out the police manual, looked at the name asked during the search, and then looked at everyone in the coffee shop, and said: “At present, everyone temporarily rules out suspicion, and there is nothing strange about all of you.” Now I want to ask, what is the purpose of your visit to this coffee shop today? Let’s start with Mr. Ken Nishimoto and Mr. Kazuaki Hirata, and I see that you and the two victims came together. ”

“I. We…”

Hirata Kazuaki stammered, a little flustered: “I… We are all on the same island. Together… They came out together to contact the merchants and prepare to buy a batch of daily necessities for the residents of the island. Yes, that’s it! ”

Shirakawa knew that this was a lie, but he did not choose to debunk it, and looked at Ken Nishimoto.

Ken Nishimoto’s expression at this time was even more wrong, the cold sweat on his forehead fell in large drops, as if he thought of something terrible, looking at the crowd of onlookers outside with fear and horror, and wanted to hide behind, as if he was afraid of something

“Mr. Nishimoto.”

Shirakawa Ye reminded and said quietly, “Is what Mr. Hirata said right?” ”


Nishimoto’s body shook, as if he had just returned to his senses, and nodded hurriedly

“Yes, yes! Same as Hirata said! We’re here to buy things! Go back when you’re done! ”

Shirakawa Ye felt that this person, afraid of becoming like this, might be a breakthrough, so he said coldly: “Is it?” But no matter how you look at the scene, it looks like killing people. It was as if I was going to kill all four of you, but with luck, you and Mr. Hirata escaped before you could drink coffee. ”

When Nishimoto Jian heard this, his body trembled even more, and his lips trembled for a while, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

Hirata Kazuaki’s eyes were also widened, and they were full of disbelief, as if he understood something, and his body was trembling with it.

Shirakawa did not continue to scare.

Some things are just right in moderation, and if you say more, maybe it will be too much.

He then looked at Concubine Yingli, curious why she was here early this morning

Concubine Yingli looked very unnatural in the face of Shirakawa Ye’s eyes, and when she thought of things in the toilet, her cheeks were hot.

Twisting his head to the side, his red lips lightly opened: “I’m here to wait for friends, and I’m going to go on a date together after meeting.” ”

“About… Dating…”

Shirakawa didn’t know why, and his heart throbbed violently.

But soon I thought of Yukiko, it seems that the last time Yukiko said the same thing, the date turned out to be Sharon Wynyard.


Shirakawa Ye stabilized the expression on his face and said slowly: “Okay, I’ll write it down, and when my colleagues arrive, I’ll let them investigate.” ”

At last.

His eyes looked at the most suspect store manager and two male waiters. The store manager had long been gone.


As if he had thought of something, he shouted, “No! Wrong! There should be a waitress in our store, she delivered the coffee before, why is no one here now? ”


Shirakawa Ye’s eyes narrowed.

The store manager slapped his forehead fiercely: “I forgot her name!” That’s what I hired yesterday, she said that she is a college student, taking advantage of the holiday, out to do a few odd jobs. I thought it was only a few days before I relented and agreed, and this morning was her first time at work. ”

“What about her?”

“I don’t know……… By the way, there is surveillance in our studio. ”

“Then you didn’t say it earlier!”

Shirakawa Ye couldn’t help but glare at this guy embarrassed by the store manager, took him to the studio, and turned on the computer.

Shirakawa Ye clicked on the monitoring, looking at the picture of what happened not long ago, and soon had a clue.

See you.

A stout woman wearing overalls, short hair, low head, and a hat, when she took four cups of coffee, took out four capsules from her arms and put them into the coffee one by one.

This scene has already determined that the woman is the murderer of the poison.

But from beginning to end, the other party did not raise his head once, and did not show his face at all.

I can only know that the other party is a woman with short hair and a little stronger than ordinary women. Also at this time.

The voice of Officer Twilight came from outside: “Brother Shirakawa, we are here, where are you?” ”

When Shirakawa heard this, he walked out and saw Officer Medu coming in with a large group of people, including Miwako Sato.

“What’s going on?”

As soon as Officer Twilight saw him appear, he hurried over.

“Here’s the situation…”

Shirakawa Ye told all the things that had happened, as well as the clues he had just found.

Finally, he whispered to him: “These four guys are all people who can meet in the mud. There are still two of them now. Officer Twilight, wait a minute to take them back and lock them up, I’m sure to ask something. ”


“Trust me.”


Officer Twilight nodded, turned his head to the subordinates not far behind him, and ordered, “Takagi, come here.” ”


Shirakawa Ye didn’t pay attention to the rest of the matter, came to Concubine Yingli’s side, and said: “Miss Concubine, your suspicion has been ruled out, I’ll send you out.” ”

Fei Yingli didn’t speak, just nodded and walked outside.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers has been dispersed by the police. Wang Mi.

Then I heard a voice shouting, “Yingli! Eili! What happened? ”

Shirakawa looked in the direction of the sound and saw a woman coming out of the crowd.

As soon as he saw her, he understood that he had guessed correctly, and sure enough, the date that the woman said may be a real date, but it is not necessarily a man.


Concubine Yingli looked at the comer with a happy expression on her face.

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