Chapter 77: Gin Jiu’s Helplessness!!

Fallen Angels Bar.

Gin was drinking when a phone call came in.

Glancing at the number above, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and after connecting, he said indifferently: “What’s the matter?” ”

“Gin wine, there was a little accident on my side.”

On the other end of the phone was an old voice.


“The medicine developed by the organization has fallen into the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department, and it is estimated that they are currently being tested.”


Gin Jiu’s tone was still indifferent, but this time his voice was much lower than usual.

The old voice on the other end of the phone said angrily: “Gin Jiu, this matter is your fault.” If you hadn’t been exposed last time and blew up the building, I wouldn’t have been involved. I can’t wait to get rid of something that can hurt me, otherwise there will be no mistakes. Also, it is estimated that Shigehiko will not last a few months, so you have to make a decision early. ”


Gin Jiu slowly exhaled a long breath, and said indifferently and calmly: “Pisk, are you teaching me to do things?” ”

“No, I’m just telling the truth.”

Gin Jiu’s eyes showed murderous intent at this time, no nonsense, directly hung up the vodka who had been waiting next to the phone, and couldn’t help but say: “Big brother, that old thing is too arrogant.” Obviously, you are the person in charge here, but he dares to talk to you like this, just because he is relatively senior. There is still a year to go, and the money sent over is getting smaller and smaller, and I see that he is private…”

Gin Jiu listened impatiently, glanced at his little brother coldly, and suddenly closed his mouth in fright.

He said lightly: “That guy still has some effect, let him live a little longer.” Remember, don’t cause me trouble. ”

“Yes, big brother!”

Vodka nodded hurriedly, and then asked cautiously: “Big brother, what about the medicine?” ”

Gin frowned, took out his phone, paused for a few seconds, and dialed it out anyway.


A light and lazy voice came from the opposite side: “Why, is there no one in the organization?” I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”

“Something went wrong with the medicine…”

Gin Jiu didn’t talk nonsense with the woman opposite, and briefly said what he just knew. After speaking.

He added calmly: “Absinthe, the adult said that APTX4869 cannot appear outside. So, with your transfiguration, it should be able to solve it. ”

There was no answer on the other side.

For a long time.

The phone hung up, but before hanging up, he spat out two words with a mocking tone: “Waste!” ”

After hearing these two words clearly, Vodka couldn’t help but tremble in his body, did not dare to move, and tried to reduce his sense of existence.

Unconsciously, his sideburns, a drop of cold sweat slipped down his cheek to the ground.

It wasn’t until Gin took out a cigarette and lit it that he let out a long breath with a relieved expression.

The other side. Rice Library.


Tsugawa Hideji stood on the steps, watching the employee in front of him keep moving books into the van, with a kind smile on his face: “Tadamada, after a while, I will promote you to administrator.” ”

“Thank you, Director.”

Kazuo Tamada showed a hearty smile on his face. Also at this time.

Two cars stopped next to the van, and four men and one woman got off the car. Tsugawa Hideji didn’t care at first, but seeing them walking straight over, he asked curiously, “Excuse me, are you guys in trouble?” ”

“Are you called Hideharu Tsugawa?”

“Yes, I am you.”

“It’s you.”

Shirakawa nodded, then nodded to the twilight officer next to them. And then.

The picture was extremely tragic, and the faces of Yutian and the man next to him turned white for a while.

He saw four men and a woman in front of him, like an underworld, pressing his respected curator Tsugawa to the ground.

After Shirakawa Ye blocked the old guy’s mouth, he came to Kazuo Tamada and took out his documents: “Hello, we are the first section of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department to forcibly search the third department. ”

“Police… Police! ”

After Kazuo Tamada confirmed Shirakawaha’s identity, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then said uneasily: “Mr. Officer, what happened?” ”

“There are some things that are inconvenient to tell you. Please bring all the original foreign books in the library to our car. ”

After Shirakawa Ye finished speaking, he looked at the honest man in front of him again, and said, “By the way, you will also come with us after you finish it.” Don’t worry either, just investigate something. ”

Where did Yuda and Man dare to refute, they could only re-carry the books in the van and move them to the two cars opposite.

The rest is much simpler.

Hideharu Tsugawa is an old man, and there is no way to lean on handcuffs.

And the twilight police officer, they casually opened a few original foreign books, found them full of heroin, and suddenly showed an excited expression on their faces, and began to help move the books.

Only Shirakawa Ye was alone outside, very leisurely. Abrupt.

He felt the malicious sight again, exactly the same as he felt in the morning at the door of the coffee shop.

This time he did not turn his head, but took out his mobile phone and dialed Officer Twilight’s number.

“Brother Shirakawa, what are you calling for?”

The twilight officer in the library was very puzzled.

Shirakawa Ye had a smile on his face, as if he was chatting with an ordinary friend, but the words that came out were shocking: “I was being targeted…”


He said everything he felt this morning, as well as what he felt at the moment.

Finally said: “Officer Twilight, you come to the window to help me look at what suspicious people are staring at me in which direction.” ”



Shirakawa exhaled, waiting for Officer Twilight’s answer.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no sound, but the feeling of being maliciously watched disappeared.

It was also when this feeling disappeared that Officer Twilight’s voice sounded: “Brother Shirakawa, I didn’t see anyone suspicious.” ”

Shirakawa turned his head to look up, his expression was black.

At this time, the twilight police officer was by the window on the third floor, his fat body hanging there, with a serious face, staring left and right at the passers-by.


Shirakawa Ye smiled, tried to suppress his emotions of wanting to hit someone, and said gently: “Officer Twilight, it’s okay, that feeling is gone again, people should run”

“Well, that’s a pity.”

The corner of Shirakawa’s mouth twitched, and he hung up the phone directly, sure enough, with this kind of teammate, he shouldn’t have any illusions.

Another half an hour passed.

After searching the Mihua Library and making sure that there was no original foreign book left, they drove away with the prisoner.

On the way back.

Miwako Sato noticed that something was wrong: “Ye, why are there so many fire trucks?” And it seems that they are all going in the direction of our Metropolitan Police Department. ”

“I think it is.”


Miwako Sato was a little incredulous and sped up.

When I arrived at the door of the Metropolitan Police Department, I saw several fire trucks inside.

Her eyes widened: “What happened?” ”

“You put these drugs away first, I’ll go down and ask.”

Shirakawa said, unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car, grabbed an inspector and asked, “Where is the fire?” ”

“I heard that the forensics class caught fire.”


Shirakawa immediately thought of the four cups of coffee that could kill people like heart disease in the morning, and ran in the direction of the forensics class.

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