Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 105 Detective Xiaolan

Can Xiaolan also solve the case? !

Conan couldn't help but be a little surprised:

This is not really because he looks down on his childhood sweetheart. The main reason is that Xiaolan should not be an intellectual hero at first glance!

After just one day of lessons, a girl who only knew how to box was able to solve a case?

Is Lin Xinyi so confident in leaving life-threatening matters to Xiaolan?

Not to mention that Conan is not at ease, Xiaolan herself is not at ease either:

"Mr. Lin, can I do it too?"

The pressure of investigating the case suddenly fell on her half-hearted shoulders, and she was afraid that she would not do well.

"It's okay, you can definitely do it."

"Think carefully about what I taught you. It will be enough to solve the case."

Lin Xinyi insisted on letting Mao Lilan take the responsibility and solve the case.

On the one hand, he wanted to give Mao Lilan a chance to practice.

On the other hand, this is how he wants to tell everyone:

There is nothing difficult about solving crimes. Anyone can do it as long as they learn.

The current atmosphere of public opinion praises famous detectives very highly, which indirectly gives criminals an illusion:

As long as he can come up with a powerful trick and just don't run into a famous detective, he can sit back and relax and successfully escape the crime.

And Lin Xinyi wanted to break the illusions of these criminals:

Detective? Even if I call an apprentice who has only studied for one day, I can still catch you!

The police, as a law enforcement agency, have lost their deterrent power and must slowly regain it in this way.

Anyone who wants to commit a crime in the future must first think about whether he dares to go to jail.


"Don't be misled by criminals' tricks. We don't need to play that kind of game that only detectives play."

"Miss Mao Lilan, think about what I said about Rocca's Law of Exchange."

Lin Xinyi gave final encouragement and reminder.

Mao Lilan thoughtfully recalled Rocca's exchange law, which is the theory created by French forensic scientist and criminologist Edmond Rocca:

"Whenever two objects come into contact, transfer will occur."

In criminal investigations, there is no need to solve any ruse.

As long as you can find the things left by the murderer from the scene, and find the things he took away from the scene from the murderer, you can get the answer directly.

"I see"

Mao Lilan thought for a while and finally thought of something.

She turned around and asked the police officer who had just come over to report the surveillance content seriously:

"When you looked at the surveillance video, there should be blood on the murderer, right?"

"Of course!"

"The guy lifted the deceased from the ground to the highest position with one hand, and stabbed him with a sword with the other hand."

"As soon as the sword pierced the neck, it was like drilling through an oil well. Blood spurted out in a big basin, and the murderer was sprayed in the face on the spot."

"Just like that wall, the murderer looked like he had just been soaked in a pool of blood. The armor was covered in blood."

Looking at the wall that was almost completely stained red with blood, the police officer described the contents of the surveillance video with lingering fear.

"That's fine."

Mao Lilan replied without hesitation:

"The European knight's armor is not completely enclosed. There are many ventilation holes and observation holes on the helmet alone."

"Since the deceased's blood could spray onto the helmet in large amounts, there must have been a lot of blood spraying through the holes in the helmet and onto his face."

"And blood is not that easy to clean."

"We only need to do a luminol occult blood test on all the suspects present, and the case will be solved!"

She recalled the knowledge that Lin Xinyi had explained when solving crimes at the tram station, and quickly gave the simplest and most direct direction of criminal investigation.

When Mao Lilan said this, the police officers in the forensics department all reacted belatedly:

"Yes, just do the luminol occult blood test."

"Whoever can detect blood on his face is the murderer!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they seemed to have finally come out of some strange thinking circle.

The facts of the case suddenly became clear.

The expression of the old curator Ochiai suddenly became very subtle.

Mr. Kubota, who had just been regarded as the murderer, immediately expressed his support excitedly:

"That luminol test, do it for me!"

"I can guarantee that there is absolutely no blood on me."

As if he had found a life-saving straw, he couldn't wait to ask for a luminol test.

Judging from Kubota's happy and happy reaction to the test, he really doesn't look like a murderer.

But at this moment

A team of police officers who had just been sent to search Kubota's office returned to the scene with a suit of armor wrapped in a large bag and stained with blood:

"Report! We found this armor in Kubota's safe!"

"W-what?!" Kubota's expression changed drastically.

Megure Police Department's eyes flashed, and he immediately pointed at Kubota and said:

"Sure enough, Kubota, you are the real murderer!"

"The armor is hidden in your cabinet, and your name is on the note."

"And you must have used some special method to deal with the blood stains on your body after killing someone, so you are not afraid of doing the luminol test at all!"

"I" Kubota choked violently and broke out in cold sweat, unable to speak.

The police officers who searched the first section also obviously believed the Megu police department's exquisite reasoning.

They looked at Kubota eagerly, as if they were going to pounce on him and capture him in the next moment.

"Haha" Mao Lilan on the side suddenly laughed.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly went from tense to a bit awkward.

"Ahem, sorry, I suddenly thought of something funny."

Mao Lilan's cheeks were slightly red behind the mask, and she apologized very embarrassedly for her rudeness.

But I can't help it, it's so funny.

When she was a bystander, she felt like she was watching gods fighting. She felt that both the detective and the murderer were very powerful.

Over time, Mao Lilan came to believe that an ordinary girl like her had no way of participating in such an advanced intellectual game.

But now, after learning a little bit about surveying techniques,

The scheming, cunning murderer in her imagination suddenly turned into a monster illuminated by the Golden Bowl Buddha, and his true colors were revealed in front of her.

Just like a fortune teller whose tricks have been exposed, not only does he not appear to be inscrutable, but he is also very funny:

After all, after killing someone, you still leave the armor where the police can find it?

Isn't this too stupid?

"Since the armor worn by the murderer is still there, the case will be easier to solve."

"Wearing this heavy armor and exercising vigorously, the lining of the armor rubs against the human skin, easily leaving skin flakes and hair."

"Besides, there will definitely be the sweat and smell left by the murderer inside."


Mao Lilan took off her blood-stained gloves, walked over and fetched a big black and yellow dog:

"As long as Caesar takes action, we will find the murderer immediately."

"Woof woof woof!" Caesar showed his white fangs and roared twice in coordination.

Among the crowd, the expression of the old curator Ochiai became increasingly complicated.

Mao Lilan recalled the content of the day's class and continued to speak loudly:

"Even if there is a large amount of blood on the armor, it will not have much interference with the police dog's scent identification."

"Because we can use the infection extraction method of the olfactory source——"

"Cut clean skim gauze into squares and stack it in 3-5 layers. Use tweezers to hold it and put it into an odorless hot bottle to steam and moisten it. Finally, put it inside the armor and wipe it gently."

"The murderer's body odor will be extracted and transferred to skim gauze, and the gauze will be moved away from the source of odor interference so that Caesar can identify the odor."

"In this way, we can accurately find the murderer."

After saying this, Mao Lilan's eyes dimly glowed.

This unprecedented experience gave her an unprecedented sense of accomplishment.

Gradually, she seemed to realize the so-called joy of reasoning that she had once been completely unable to understand:

"Confess, Mr. Murderer!"

"It's only a matter of time before Caesar sniffs you out."

"At that time, we will do a luminol occult blood test on you, and then look for skin flakes and hair in the armor to compare with your DNA."

"In the face of science and justice, you have nowhere to escape!"

Mao Lilan used her naturally gentle voice to say such heavy and shocking words.

Just like the radiant light, there is nowhere for monsters and monsters to hide.


There was a burst of helpless laughter from the crowd.

"It's a shame that I was so deliberate in coming up with this frame-up murder plot, but I didn't expect it to be solved so easily by a little girl."

"Sure enough, the darkness in a sinner cannot be hidden from such pure and bright eyes."

Director Ochiai laughed at himself with emotion and took the initiative to stand up.

"Is it you?" Mao Lilan was slightly surprised:

She also didn't expect that the murderer would be this kind-looking old man.

"Yes, it's me."

Mr. Ochiai let out a long sigh and admitted frankly:

"You defeated me, Miss Justice Knight."

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