Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 114 The unspeakable confession

A few minutes later.

The police car hadn't had time to arrive, but the ambulance had already picked up both Yuda and his wife.

One of them was sent to first aid, and the other was also sent to first aid.

It's just that one is poison first aid and the other is trauma first aid.

“It’s really scary”

Lin Xinyi carefully looked at several pufferfish poison needles seized from Yuda, and said with great sigh:

"The couple actually used assassination props from movies like this."

“They even used pufferfish cuisine as a cover to inject pufferfish poison.”

"If you weren't here, Miyano, I would have been deceived."

He didn't know much about the toxicology of tetrodotoxin, and he was busy saving people at the time and didn't think too much about it.

If Miyano Shiho hadn't been very knowledgeable and observant, he might have been fooled by the murderer.

"Thank you, Miyano." Lin Xinyi thanked him politely.

"Yeah." Miyano Shiho hummed softly, which was a response.

She returned to her usual reserved and aloof appearance, as if the person who tried her best to help Lin Xinyi save people and solve the case was not her.

"Ms. Miyano, you are really amazing!"

"I have never seen the use of scientific knowledge of toxicological analysis to solve crimes before."

Mao Lilan sighed with reverence.

As she was going further and further along the scientific route, she was obviously impressed by the level of knowledge displayed by Miyano Shiho.

"It's just some very superficial knowledge."

Miyano Shiho was not moved by the praise at all, and his tone remained calm.

And when she spoke to Mao Lilan, she no longer had the inexplicable hostility she had at the beginning.

After all, she now knows that this Maori lady's boyfriend has probably been killed by the drug she developed.

This made Miyano Shiho feel a little guilty, but he couldn't show it.

But, having said that, Miss Maori’s boyfriend has been missing for several days, how can he still come out so happily to have dinner with Lin Xinyi? Could it be

Miyano Shiho began to murmur again.

"Uh" Lin Xinyi was confused.

Miss Miyano's psychological activities were so complex that he couldn't read them just by looking at her expression.

However, she often performed this kind of repeated face changes in front of him without any warning, and after getting used to it, she became a little bit used to it.

However, this time, in connection with the strange confrontation at the dinner table, Lin Xin was able to react despite being slow. Miyano Shiho must have something to tell him today.

"Miyano, do you have something to say to me?"

Lin Xinyi asked curiously.

Miss Miyano, who has never been very fond of talking to him, what would she like to say to him?

"I" Miyano Shiho was slightly startled.

She didn't expect that Lin Xinyi would suddenly ask her so bluntly.

Could it be that her subtle change of heart had been discovered by this man?

Did he want to turn his back on the guest and look forward to changing his role and letting her be the one who took the initiative to confess?

Miyano Shiho frowned and thought seriously:

She now knew her true thoughts.

As long as she tells her true thoughts now, according to the degree of Lin Xin's infatuation with her, the relationship between the two will almost be settled.

So what do you want to say?

An impulse surged in Miyano Shiho's heart. His instinct was to override his reason and persuade her to tell her whole story.

But at this moment, Mao Lilan, who had just answered a phone call, suddenly interrupted her hesitation:

"Mr. Lin Xinyi!"

"Colleagues from the forensics department called and said they were almost there."

As a student of the forest management officer, Mao Lilan is now basically half a member of the forensics class.

And Lin Xinyi was also happy to leave some trivial work matters to Mao Lilan, optimizing her all-round abilities.

"Oh, that's good."

After hearing the report, Lin Xinyi quickly reacted and entered work mode:

"As soon as you help, inform the Megure Police Department of the First Search Division and ask them to go directly to Mihua Hospital to take care of Yuda."

"Although he is probably in the ICU now, we still have to be careful."

"I will also leave these poisonous needles to you for safekeeping. Carefully put them in plastic bags so as not to get your fingerprints or skin scraps on them. When the colleagues from the forensics department arrive, I will hand them over to them and take them back to the department for investigation. Research and identify.”

"Well, I'll call the Megure Police Department now."

Mao Lilan nodded seriously and carefully took the plastic bag containing the poisonous needle like a dedicated little secretary.

She stood aside and was busy helping Lin Xinyi call colleagues to convey the task, looking very busy.

After Lin Xin finished handing over his work, he finally turned around and looked at Miyano Shiho:


He expected Miyano Shiho to say what he wanted to say.

But Miyano Shiho murmured at the corner of his mouth, his eyes calmed down, and he didn't want to speak anymore.

Because of Lin Xinyi's skillful explanation of police work just now, she suddenly woke up.

It's like an adult Runtu meets Brother Xun

She realized that she was no longer the same person as Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi is an undercover agent sent to the police, while she is a prisoner under house arrest in the organization.

The organization will not let the two of them be together.

One of their jobs is under the sun, the other is in the shadows, and they will never have the chance to meet again in the future.

In this case, why do you need to say it?

It is impossible to maintain a relationship at all. It is better not to start from the beginning.

"Miyano, you really have nothing to say?"

Lin Xinyi looked at Miyano Shiho, who was suddenly depressed again, with some confusion.


Miyano Shiho sighed softly and said in a complicated tone:

"I've been delayed here for a long time. I have to go back to the laboratory."

With that said, she turned around and tried to leave.

But when she left, she deliberately slowed down her pace, as if to give Lin Xinyi a chance to catch up.

But Lin Xinyi didn't catch up.

He just turned his head again and explained the work to Mao Lilan:

"When my colleagues from the forensics department come over, remember to ask the on-site interview team to collect all the witnesses' testimonies."

"We exposed that bastard Yuda's crime in public, and he jumped over the wall and attacked us with a poisonous needle. Many people outside the box door saw it."

"With these testimonies, it can be concluded that you acted in self-defense."

"However, remember to downplay the part of Ms. Miyano's reasoning in the on-site transcript. She doesn't like to appear in public, and she is busy with work and has no time to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to write the transcript."


Mao Lilan nodded seriously while listening, while Lin Xinyi was explaining all kinds of things nonchalantly, as if he could never finish talking.

Seeing such a scene, Miyano Shiho, who had already walked out several steps, couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

Sure enough, her world and Lin Xinyi's world had been completely isolated.

Lin Xinyi already has his own life. He will no longer stay with her silently every day like before.

Thinking of this, Miyano Shiho made a decisive decision in his heart.

She no longer listened to Lin Xinyi's voice behind her, but instead hurriedly quickened her pace.

Pushing open the door of the restaurant, she felt like a bhikshuni who had cruelly cut off her hair and escaped into Buddhism, saying goodbye to the mundane things of the past forever.

But just then

Lin Xinyi suddenly caught up:

"Wait, Miyano, let me go back to the laboratory with you."

"You?" The coldness in Miyano Shiho's eyes quietly melted: "You want to go back with me?"


"Anyway, the work details have been handed over to Miss Maori, I can just leave."

Thinking of this serious and responsible tool student, Lin Xinyi felt that life was much easier:

"After all this trouble, I couldn't even finish my dinner."

"I just want to go back to the company with you and have a meal in the cafeteria."

Lin Xinyi said this with a natural expression, and then walked to Miyano Shiho on his own.

Go to the company for dinner

This guy obviously wanted to accompany me, but he even came up with such a lame excuse.

Miss Miyano thought this in her heart, and a hint of relief quietly appeared on her lips.

"You smiled, Miyano, it's so rare."

"You're wrong."

She turned her head, smiled, and joined the crowd in Tokyo side by side with Lin Xinyi.

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