Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 116 The Arrogant Suspect (please order for the first time~) (7 updates, 3 due)

Metropolitan Police Department, interrogation room.

Including Conan and Kogoro, the Mori family followed Lin Shinichi.

Because Mouri Kogoro is in trouble:

The guy he was following, Masaki Negishi, happened to be the deceased in this case.

Mouri Kogoro followed Negishi Masaki for three days on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

On Thursday evening, the body of Masaki Negishi was found in a bonfire in Akagui Village, Gunma Prefecture.

When he was found, he had been burned into an unrecognizable corpse.

However, Gunma Prefecture police quickly identified the deceased's identity from the deceased's personal belongings and identification documents left near the scene.

"Brother Mori, are you sure you are monitoring Mr. Negishi Masaki from Monday to Wednesday?"

Megure Police Department asked in a solemn tone.

"Yes, I have been following Mr. Negishi for the past three days."

"This is proven by the photos I took while tracking."

Mouri Kogoro answered very seriously.

He also realized what his testimony meant:

The body was discovered on Thursday, and he was still tracking Negishi Masaki until Wednesday.

The validity of his testimony means that the time of death of the deceased will be determined to be after Wednesday night.

"Mr. Yutaka Abe, are you really traveling on Kyushu Island from Wednesday to Friday?"

The Mumu Police Department turned around and looked solemnly at a middle-aged man wearing a suit, a windbreaker, and gold-rimmed glasses, who was looking down at his watch.

His name is Abe Yutaka, a friend of the deceased Masaki Negishi, and the big boss who generously spent 500,000 a few days ago and entrusted Kogoro to track the deceased.

And most importantly, after investigation, the police also discovered that Mr. Yutaka Abe had purchased a huge insurance policy for the deceased with a compensation of up to 500 million yen before he was alive.

The deceased was killed now, and Yutaka Abe will soon receive the 500 million compensation.

In line with the principle of maximizing benefit and maximizing suspicion, Mr. Abe Yutaka has undoubtedly become the most suspect in the eyes of everyone.

Even Kogoro Mori and the Megure Police Department, who always played the "exclusion method" among suspects, now firmly suspected that Yutaka Abe was the murderer.

But the problem is

This Mr. Abe Yutaka now has an iron-clad alibi:

"Didn't I already tell you that I've been traveling with you by plane to Kyushu Island since Wednesday morning?"

"I didn't return to Tokyo from Kyushu until Friday afternoon."

"This is a group trip for our company. As the president of the company, I will be accompanied by members throughout the three days, so there is no way it can be faked."

Abe Yutaka calmly stated the proof of his abnormality.

Then, he met the police officer's gaze without flinching and asked sarcastically:

"Mr. Mori followed Negishi until Wednesday night, which means Negishi was still alive until Wednesday night."

"And I took a plane to travel on Wednesday morning and didn't come back until Friday—"

"If you think about it, you will know that it is impossible for me to kill the person, right?"

"You" Mumu Police Department was choked and speechless.

He could only bite the bullet and asked:

"Then why did you give Mr. Negishi a huge insurance policy of 500 million yen? Isn't this suspicious?"

"Don't make random guesses."

"Masaki Negishi and I have been friends for many years. This is just a private bet between me and him."

"At that time, we were drinking together and he told me"

"We are both 42 years old. We are all old. Do you want to bet on who will die first?"

"I agreed to the bet, and then we insured each other."

Abe Yutaka squinted his eyes and spoke with a faint smile:

"If you don't believe it, you can check it out——"

"Negishi also insured me with a compensation of 500 million, and he is the beneficiary."

The reason is strange, but it makes sense.

The Mumu Police Department was speechless for a moment and had no choice but to continue asking:

"Then why did you entrust a detective to follow Mr. Negishi?"

"It's very simple."

Abe Yutaka's expression never showed any flaw:

"Because a few days ago, Negishi told me that he seemed to be targeted by some bad guy."

"I felt uneasy, so I entrusted a detective to secretly follow and protect him."

"I didn't expect that he would still die."

He was saying these words of sighing for his deceased friend, but his face was filled with an insincere fake smile.

This kind of fake smile makes people feel cold, and almost everyone can detect the insidiousness and viciousness of this man.

"So, any other questions?"

Abe Yutaka raised his right hand and looked at the mechanical watch in his hand again:

"If there's no problem, I'll leave first."

"Although I'm just the president of a small company, I'm still very busy."

There was silence in the interrogation room.

Everyone thinks Abe Yutaka is the murderer, and Abe Yutaka himself doesn't seem to want to hide it.

But no one could expose his alibi, find evidence pointing to him, or prevent him from leaving.

"Goodbye, everyone."

"You must help catch Negishi's murderer!"

Yutaka Abe picked up his coat, pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said to the investigators present with a sneer.


Lin Xinyi, who had been listening silently, stood up.

He ignored the arrogant Abe Yutaka and just turned around and asked the Memu Police Department:

"The Police Department, the Metropolitan Police Department is asking citizens to 'assist in the investigation' for how long."

"Um, up to 24 hours."

"Then lock him up for 24 hours first!"

Lin Xinyi said categorically:

"After 24 hours, if there is still no evidence, let the person go."

"You?!" Abe Yutaka's expression finally changed slightly.

He stared at Lin Xinyi coldly, with a somewhat resentful tone:

"Forcibly detaining citizens to cooperate with the investigation 'without any reason', I will file a complaint afterwards!"


Lin Xinyi gave Abe Yutaka a sneer in return:

"Just complain, I'm a temporary worker anyway."

Abe Yutaka: ""

"I take on this responsibility——"

"What are you doing standing still? Lock this bastard up!"

Lin Xin waved his hand and gave orders directly to the police officers, ignoring Abe Yutaka's resentful eyes.

The police officers rushed forward after being stunned for a moment, but Yutaka Abe opened the police officer's hand arrogantly and said angrily:

"If I don't leave, I won't leave. So what if I stay here for 24 hours?"

"However, since we are asking citizens to 'cooperate with the investigation,' we can't force people into the interrogation room, right?"

"I'm going to the lounge. Prepare me dinner, drinks, newspapers and books."

It's like treating the Metropolitan Police Department as his own home. Yutaka Abe makes requests without being polite at all.

The policemen, including the Memu Police Department, were all shaking with anger:

It was obvious that this bastard didn't take them seriously at all.

"Let's go!"

The police officers reluctantly sent Yutaka Abe to the lounge to watch, holding back their strength and wanting to dampen the murderer's arrogance.

But their anger cannot change reality.

After Yutaka Abe left, the atmosphere in the interrogation room was still solemn.

"Brother Lin, can we really find any useful evidence in 24 hours?"

"Except for the identity document of the deceased, Gunma Prefectural Police did not find any useful evidence at the scene."

"Now that Yutaka Abe has such a perfect alibi, even if he is highly suspected of murder and bail fraud, we can't accuse him of murder!"

The Mumu Police Department said worriedly.

"This" Lin Xinyi was a little helpless:

The on-site investigation was done by the police in Gunma County. Who knows how good the police in Gunma County are?

If the Qunma County Police's investigation capabilities are as bad as those of the Metropolitan Police Department, then the sentence "No useful evidence was found at the scene" will be a big question mark.

In this case, if he really couldn't find any evidence, he would probably have to personally lead a team to Gunma County to conduct on-site reconnaissance.

To solve a case, you must first determine the reliability of your teammates’ reports.

What a trouble

Lin Xinyi had a headache.

And his good student Mao Lilan couldn't wait to ask a question:

"Did the deceased really die after Wednesday night?"

"Mr. Lin Xinyi taught me that there should be many ways to determine the time of death directly from the corpse, right?"

"If the real time of death of the deceased can be confirmed, which was actually on Wednesday morning, before Abe Yutaka left Tokyo, wouldn't Abe Yutaka's alibi become invalid?"

"That's true"

The Mumu Police Department sighed and replied:

"But the Gunma Prefectural Police coroner said that the body was so badly burned that they could not determine the time of death."

"So, now we can only rely on the testimony of Brother Maori to speculate on the time of death of the deceased."

"That's it." Mao Lilan sighed with some disappointment:

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, Lin Xinyi taught her the conventional methods of using corpse spots, rigor mortis, and corpse temperature to determine the time of death.

It would be of no use on a charred corpse.

In this way, everyone can only confirm that the deceased died after Wednesday night based on the photos taken by Kogoro while following him.

Yutaka Abe left Tokyo on Wednesday morning and flew to Kyushu Island.

"Is he really not the murderer?"

The Mumu Police Department couldn't help but have self-doubt.

"Don't give up your doubts yet."

Lin Xinyi suddenly asked:

"Where is the body of the deceased? Is it still in Gunma County?"

"No, it has been handed over to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Has it been dissected?"

"No, the Gunma Prefectural Police did not recruit forensic scientists, so they were sent to Tokyo for us to take over."

"Okay." Lin Xin stood up suddenly, his expression extremely serious.

"Mr. Lin Xinyi"

Mao Lilan's eyes suddenly flashed with anticipation:

"Could you tell the time of death from the burnt corpse?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on luck."

Lin Xinyi answered very calmly.

Determining the true time of death from bodies burned after death has always been a difficult problem in the industry.

He didn't dare to guarantee that he would be able to do it.

But since there is still a glimmer of hope, he has to give it a try:

"Pack away all the equipment that has never been used in the autopsy department—"

"Get ready for the dissection!"

Ahem 10 more failures. I still owe 3 updates, I will try my best to make up for it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

I have no choice but to look up information and write at the same time. I also feel that the quality of the chapters written in order to be stronger is not good enough. It always feels wrong when I write it. I hold it in and change it again and again, but it can't make any difference.

As expected, I am still more suitable for the salted fish rhythm of 2 updates a day, which is too difficult.

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