Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 120: Digging for gold in shit

(Note that you can skip this chapter if you just had dinner)


This character can be said to be an outstanding representative of the characteristics of pictographic characters.

The combination of the ideographic word "worm" and the symbolic word "and" together makes people think of a long, squirming worm with links on its body just by looking at the word.

Mao Lilan may not be able to associate the appearance of maggots from the Chinese characters, but now she is standing next to a disemboweled corpse, smelling the pungent smell of charred tissue and internal organs.

In such a dirty and smelly environment, vision, smell and imagination produced wonderful synaesthesia reactions.

Therefore, she was able to imagine the horrific scene more immersively.

"Maggot, maggot"

"Human anus and forehead butt"

As a lovely girl, she is still a little embarrassed to say such indecent words directly:

"Will maggots still grow in that place?!"

When she said this, Miss Maori turned pale and spoke incoherently.

She only felt a chill near her tailbone, and it seemed as if there were real bugs burrowing around.

"Of course a living person won't!"

Lin Xinyi shook his head in amusement.

Mao Lilan was just a little relieved when she heard Lin Xinyi give a piece of science that made people feel even more numb:

"A living person will only develop roundworms, nematodes, hookworms, tapeworms, liver flukes, etc. There will be no maggots."

"Speaking of which, human parasites are also one of the focuses of forensic research."

"Analyzing the geographical distribution and population distribution characteristics of human parasitic infections can help characterize the victim's living environment, space, occupation, medical experience, etc."

"Since you want to be a forensic doctor, you might encounter corpses with parasites in the future."

"Don't be afraid - finding bugs in corpses is definitely a good thing for us."

Mao Lilan: ""

Lin Xinyi once again successfully tested her psychological endurance limit.

For girls, bugs are probably something more difficult to accept than corpses.

Lin Xinyi didn't notice the student's resentment at all now, and just continued to explain immersedly:

"Of course, necrophilic insects are more helpful to our forensic medicine than parasites."

"It is difficult to accurately determine the time of death for corpses in the late postmortem period. Insects are the biggest helper in helping us estimate the time of death."

"For example, the most common flies and maggots-"

"According to research, during the hot summer weather in recent days, flies that are sensitive to 'food' can arrive at the body about 10 minutes after death."

"Eggs are laid in about an hour, and maggots appear on the bodies in 10 to 20 hours."

"If the recent temperature is higher than 30 degrees, the incubation time can be shortened to 8 to 14 hours."

"Thereafter, the fly maggots grow by an average of 0.2 to 0.3 centimeters per day, mature in 4 to 5 days, and are approximately 1.2 centimeters in length."

"So, as long as we can find fly maggots from the corpse and measure the length of the maggots, we can infer the time of death of the corpse based on the growth of the maggots!"

Lin Xinyi earnestly explained the basic knowledge of using forensic entomology to estimate the time of death.

As he spoke, he specifically asked Mao Lilan:

"There should be more flies in the summer in rural areas of Gunma Prefecture, right?"

"Yeah." Mao Lilan nodded.

Lin Xinyi, a "spiritual foreigner" in the true sense, is not familiar with Japan's geographical environment.

But as a native of Tokyo, Mao Lilan is still familiar with Gunma County, which is barely included in the Tokyo urban agglomeration:

Gunma Prefecture is a mountainous area, where the famous Mount Akina is located.

There are high mountains and dense forests. Affected by the Pacific climate, there are frequent rains and thunders in summer and abundant water vapor. Naturally, there will be no shortage of flies in rural areas.

"It's a country saying from Gunma Prefecture. There will definitely be a lot of flies in this weather."

Mao Lilan answered Lin Xinyi's question like this, and then she asked hesitantly:

"But, Mr. Lin Xinyi"

"Even if flies really lay eggs on the corpse, and maggots grow on the corpse, after being roasted at such a high temperature, the maggots will probably be burned to ashes, right?"

As he said that, Mao Lilan couldn't help but glance at the charred corpse:

Such a thick layer of soft tissue is almost burned to charcoal. Can the maggots survive?

"That's really what worries me the most."

"But the good news is that we still have a glimmer of hope."

Lin Xinyi was not hindered by difficulties and always maintained a positive and optimistic spirit:

"Because flies are truly 'pervasive'."

"In order for the larvae to eat easily, they will bypass the difficult-to-gnaw skin and lay their eggs in various orifices of the human body."

"Eyes, nostrils, mouth, ear canals, anus, and forehead."

"And that place, you know."

Realizing that he was giving a lecture to female students, Lin Xinyi suddenly felt a little embarrassed:

"Anyway, wherever there is a hole, they will drill it."

"And this corpse was seriously damaged by the high temperature. The eyes, nostrils, mouth, ear canals, and the egg-laying sites close to the body surface have all been burned to carbon by the high temperature. It may be difficult to find intact maggots."

"But the anus and rectum are different."

"The meat layer there is thick and insulating, just like the mud seal on the outside of a beggar's chicken."

"Even if the outer mud seal is hard and blackened, the meat inside is still tender."

Lin Xinyi said the metaphor that made Mao Lilan's acid water rise without consciously, and gave the conclusion with great devotion:

"So, as long as there are really maggots in the deceased's anus."

"Those bugs will only be scalded to death by the heat that penetrates from the outer layer, and will not be burned into indistinguishable ash like the skin on the body."

"I see."

Without Lin Xinyi's explanation, Mao Lilan could imagine what Lin Xinyi would do in the next step.

"I'm going to get the gas mask now!"

She was like Sun Shiwan who turned around and ran away with a pale face when she heard Zhang Liao was coming.

Soon, Mao Lilan ran to the equipment room and took out the gas mask.

Lin Xinyi also changed his mask and put on a gas mask——

Although he could actually tolerate the smell, since it was useful, he had to use it.

Moreover, these good things, which are 100% new, have been sitting in the Metropolitan Police Department gathering dust. It is a waste if they are not used.

Change the equipment and officially start the operation:

"To remove the rectum, we must first separate the retropubic and extraperitoneal soft tissues."

While explaining to Mao Lilan, Lin Xinyi cut open the peritoneum around the bladder and separated the bladder, prostate and the back of the urethra.

Then separate the soft tissue behind the rectum, cut it off about 2 cm above the anorectal commissure line, and remove the rectum, bladder, prostate and vagina together.

When these organs were removed, the sight was indescribable and the smell was extremely unpleasant.

Even with the gas mask on, Mao Lilan felt a pungent smell constantly entering her nose.

But the next operation made the smell even more pungent.

Lin Xinyi was seen placing the separated rectum on the pathology collection table and carefully cutting the posterior wall of the rectum along the midline to expose the intestinal contents inside.

The rectum is just a path for feces, so you can imagine the smell after opening it.

Faced with this suffocating aura of King Baba's lust, ordinary people would have fainted long ago.

But Lin Xinyi looked calm and kept busy.

He asked Mao Lilan to help lift the magnifying glass, holding a pair of tweezers in each hand, and very carefully rummaged and searched among the intestinal wall mucosa and those indescribable substances.

Just seeing this scene, Mao Lilan couldn't stand it.

But seeing Lin Xinyi's focused, dedicated and perseverant expression, she unknowingly forgot about her nausea and nausea, and worked hard to help Lin Xinyi stabilize the magnifying glass and persisted.


After a difficult time panning for gold, Lin Xinyi was surprised to find something smaller than a grain of rice:

"found it!"

"This is the larvae of fly maggots!"

Lin Xinyi was very excited.

If this thing appeared in the restaurant's hot pot base, it would certainly be disgusting.

But if it is found in a corpse, although it is still disgusting, it will definitely be good news that will make investigators happy.

"Sure enough, although the larvae had been scalded to death, the 'whole corpse' was still left behind."

"Let's measure the length of 0.3 centimeters!"

Find the maggots and measure their growth length, and the answer will be obvious:

"Including the hatching time, the death time of the deceased can be confirmed to be at least about 2 days!"

"In other words, on Thursday evening when the body was burned and the maggots were scalded to death, the deceased had been dead for two days."

"The real time of death was at least Tuesday night."

"And Yutaka Abe left Tokyo on Wednesday morning."

"Miss Mori, we succeeded-"

After going through untold hardships, Lin Xinyi finally spoke up for the deceased and let the truth emerge:

"Abe Yutaka's carefully designed alibi has completely failed!"

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