Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 123 Conan’s Combat Power

The small details that Conan discovered from the error in the time on the dial made the watch even more suspicious.

At this moment, it was like walking out of the college entrance examination room with confidence, but suddenly found that he seemed to have filled in the wrong answer sheet. Abe Yutaka was frightened, but he was not sure:

Is there any blood in the watch movement?

Lin Xinyi was actually not sure, but he believed that even if he couldn't find it in the watch, sooner or later he would be able to find traces elsewhere.

It's just the difference between spending more effort and spending less effort.

Because the passing geese leave traces and the passing wind leaves sounds. The more you do, the more traces you will get.

Now that a major murder has been committed, there will definitely be so many small things like watch movements that are easily overlooked that the murderer himself won't even notice.

In reality, there are smart, bold, and self-proclaimed murderers like Yutaka Abe:

A man dismembered his girlfriend's body and threw it into the bottom of the lake. He cleaned the toilet where the body was dismembered, so that the police could not find the body, find no blood, and could not even determine whether the missing person was alive or dead.

As a result, because the cleaning site consumed too much water, the water consumption that month was several tons more than normal. In addition, the house was cleaned too much. The perfect and thorough cleaning work only aroused the suspicion of the police.

The police went directly to the door and lifted up the toilet floor tiles, and found the deceased's blood from the gaps in the floor tiles.

Instead of committing a perfect crime, the murderer was featured in an issue of "Today's Statement" in 2013 and became a negative example of crime warning.

"Someone, open the movement of this watch!"

Lin Xinyi snatched the watch from Yutaka Abe's wrist without any explanation.

He ordered his subordinates in the forensics department to find suitable tools, and without any hesitation, he opened the movement of the watch in front of Yutaka Abe.

The "good" news is that there is no blood visible in the watch movement for the time being, at least it is difficult to tell with the naked eye.

"Huh!" Abe Yutaka breathed a sigh of relief instinctively.

"Don't be too happy too early!" Lin Xinyi said coldly:

"Mr. Yutaka Abe, didn't you just teach us how to do things?"

"There is also a luminol occult blood test, don't forget it."

Abe Yutaka: ""

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he felt uneasy.

Lin Xinyi quickly asked his subordinates to prepare reagents and measuring instruments for luminol.

The commonly known luminol reagent is a mixture of luminol (C8H7N3O2) and hydrogen peroxide, which needs to be prepared on site before use.

Lin Xinyi did not do such a simple thing by himself this time.

He habitually seized every opportunity that could give Mao Lilan practical training and entrusted the student with the operation of the luminol occult blood test.

"Well Luminol 0.1 g."

"Anhydrous sodium carbonate 5 g."

"100ml of distilled water."

"6ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide."

Xue Balan, who has a good memory, now recited the luminol reagent formula that Lin Xinyi told her once, word for word.

Although the actual operation was still a bit unfamiliar, Mao Lilan quickly prepared the luminol reagent in proportion and poured it into a custom-made sealed spray bottle.

At this time, take the watering can again, keep the nozzle at a distance of 30 to 45cm, and aim it at the watch movement that looks bloodless to the naked eye.

"Turn off the lights first."

Lin Xinyi ordered the police officers to turn off the lights in the lounge.

Because the fluorescence emitted by the luminol reaction is very dim and often only lasts for a few seconds, it is difficult to observe it with the naked eye if there is interference from other light sources.

Soon, the lights were turned off.

It was approaching 12 o'clock, the night was already dark, and the lounge was dark.

Mao Lilan carefully pressed the spray can button, allowing the sprayed liquid to form a fine and even spray, spraying it on the watch core as the object.

A faint fluorescent light suddenly flickered in the darkness.

The iron in hemoglobin catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and monooxygen, which then oxidizes luminol, allowing it to emit righteous light in this darkness.

"Turn on the lights, we found it." Lin Xinyi calmly asked the police officer to help turn on the lights.

After successfully finding the evidence, he was not too excited. He just told Mao Lilan:

"Send it to Kesouyan for DNA testing to determine whether the blood stains are human or animal blood."

"If it's human blood, compare the DNA with the sample I extracted from the brain tissue to see if the blood stain is Mr. Negishi's."

Out of caution, Lin Xinyi is still not sure whether the blood in the watch movement belongs to the dead Mr. Negishi.

But Abe Yutaka was already desperate.

He knew that it must be Negishi Masaki's blood.

Because, although he always wears a watch habitually, when he took the company employees on a trip to Kyushu two days ago, he deliberately took over the work of slaughtering live fish and cooking seafood.

At the special reminder of fellow members, Yutaka Abe took off his watch while cooking.

So, if there is indeed blood found in it, it must be human blood, not fish blood.

"It's over, everything is over."

Abe Yutaka's eyes were bloodshot, like a crazy wild dog.

He knew that his life was ruined and his criminal plan failed.

This criminal who thought he was smarter than others turned out to be a complete loser in life.

"If you don't give it to me, take the watch back!"

Abe Yutaka completely lost his mind in despair and rushed forward with a crazy expression.

Lin Xinyi didn't stop him.

After all, it is Miss Mao Lilan who is keeping the watch now.

Those criminals who jumped over the wall to attack her were simply warriors who used sliding tackles against tigers.

Sure enough, it's the same this time too

"It's too much to kill your friend and deceive your insurance provider without repenting!"

There was righteous anger in Mao Lilan's eyes.

Abe Yutaka's dirty behavior and ugly face deeply disgusted her. Facing such a crazy and cruel man, she would certainly not have any mercy.

So, I saw Mao Lilan flying up with a kick

Yutaka Abe is like the epidemic curve in the United States, rising straight into the sky.

After hitting the ceiling, it was like the U.S. stock market curve, going down in an emergency.

In the end, Yutaka Abe fell onto the soft sofa, vomiting blood and breaking his ribs. He managed to save his life.

"Justifiable defense, this is legitimate defense, please remember to testify."

As if it had become a habit, Lin Xinyi was able to help Mao Lilan smooth things over naturally.

"It's okay, Mr. Lin Xinyi."

It seems that because he has encountered many people, Mao Lilan behaves very capable:

"That guy is bankrupt and can't afford a lawyer."

"Even if you hire a lawyer, you can't win against my mother."

She said terrible lines like "If you have money, you can do whatever you want", but the atmosphere seemed very righteous.

"That's good." Seeing how thoughtful Mao Lilan was, Lin Xinyi no longer worried about the student.

"Abe Yutaka is so impatient that this case is basically settled."

"In this case, let's put him in the forehead first and send him to the ICU."

Lin Xinyi ordered the police officers to arrest Yutaka Abe, but at this time, the situation changed unexpectedly:

I saw Yutaka Abe, who had been kicked almost to death, staggeringly stood up from the sofa again.

In that extremely angry situation, he actually withstood such a serious injury and exploded with strength beyond what he had ever experienced before.

This power was certainly not enough in front of Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan, but it was enough to support his final madness:

"Assholes you bastards!"

"Can you understand what it feels like when a company is on the verge of bankruptcy?"

"If you want to blame me, I can only blame Negishi for being so stupid! He made a bet with me without any suspicion, and even foolishly followed me to the mountains of Gunma Prefecture, hahaha."

"Idiots like him deserve to be sacrificed for my success!"

Abe Yutaka has gone completely crazy.

He is now like a player with low health trapped in a dragon pit by a group of enemies. He just wants to maximize his output at the last moment of his life, and have a satisfying extreme exchange.

And the seemingly weak Mao Lilan has proven her strength, and it is obvious that he cannot replace her.

With his current broken body, the only thing that can possibly be replaced is

"You brat, go to hell!"

Like a tiger pouncing on its prey, Yutaka Abe rushed towards Conan beside him with all his teeth and claws.

Conan was not far away from him, but his small body was simply not enough in front of Abe Yutaka.

"Conan!" Mao Lilan panicked and rushed forward immediately.

"This kid!" Lin Xinyi was also worried.

As for the police officers who originally turned a blind eye to Conan because of his "passive invisibility", they finally noticed this child who should not have been here in the first place.

And because the incident happened suddenly, no one had time to stop it.

Yutaka Abe's last ditch effort was about to succeed. Although it probably wouldn't kill Conan, it might still seriously hurt the little guy.

But at this time

I saw Conan squatting down and gently pressing on his shoes.

The ordinary-looking shoes were like a host chassis with fancy peripherals, suddenly emitting a dazzling stream of colorful light.

Then, Conan jumped three feet into the air.

Another volley kick hit Abe Yutaka directly in the chest.

Abe Yutaka was like a fired cannonball, flying backwards quickly and hitting the wall hard.

Lin Xinyi: "????"

Depend on! what is this? !

How come Kudo, the fifth scumbag, has become so strong now? !

Could it be that everyone in this world is like King Frieza, and their combat power will explode after they become smaller?

Lin Xinyi was silent for a long time, sighing in his heart:

You will not deceive me sincerely, and "The Blasphemer" did not deceive anyone.

It is not impossible for a Japanese primary school student to walk 100 kilometers while carrying a weight of 20 kilograms.

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