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Recommend books

Recommended two books to friends!

"One Piece: The Great General" "I really don't want to be a trainer"

They are all masterpieces that have been ordered by thousands of people since they were first released. They are worth a look~

"One Piece: The Great General"

The Age of Great Pirates.

The sea is turbulent and the strong ones are destroying the heaven and the earth. They are fighting each other. It’s really frustrating——

Can't get excited!

I, Rusiru Kulo, am twenty-four years old, and my biggest dream is:

Live this life safely!

"I really don't want to be a trainer"

What's standing in front of you now is——

Board of Directors of Dewen Company, founder of Rainbow Rockets, master of reverse attributes, world championship champion...

Legendary trainer Lu Ye sighed deeply as he recalled the scene during his first live broadcast.

"You may not believe it, but my original wish was just to show my face after breaking 100,000 subscriptions."

"I just want to make enough money and start as a game zone UP owner."

"I really don't want to be a trainer!"

This book is also known as: "Fifth Quarter of Riku Ye", "Adolescent Trainers Don't Dream of Sinnoh Champions", "Miss Zhulan Wants Me to Confess", "Becoming a World Champion Starts from the Anchor"...

[Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game settings + special chapter]

Keywords: Pokémon, Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon, special

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