Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 127 Lightspeed Transaction

Conan actually wanted to participate, but there was no room for bargaining.

Because Lin Xinyi told Xiaolan about it immediately.

After knowing the truth, Xiaolan actively agreed to stay in this dangerous place with Lin Xinyi, but there was absolutely no way she would agree to take a little boy like Conan to the battlefield.

Therefore, under the emergency situation, Xiaolan quickly sent Conan to a convenience store next to the library to settle down.

After asking the store owner to help look after Conan and seriously warning Conan not to come out and cause trouble, Xiaolan returned to the library with Lin Xinyi and lurked quietly.

They moved very quickly, and it only took 2 or 3 minutes from the time they decided to stay until they were in position.

It was still evening, the sun was dim and the light was dim.

The library was quiet and empty, with many rooms and no lights, which gave Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan just enough space and cover to hide.

"I have called the police and explained the situation. The police will be here soon."

"It's best if they can get there in time, and if not, it's best if we don't show up."

"Although Miss Maori, you are very strong, we don't know what weapons and equipment those guys have. It would be dangerous to attack rashly."

Hiding behind the door of a reading room on the first floor of the library, Lin Xinyi whispered to Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan's performance is much more reliable than Conan's.

Conan is like a man who got sick from eating too much curry, and got dizzy from riding too many motorcycles. His strength is obviously limited, and he always likes to come to his house every day to look for trouble.

Although Mao Lilan is so powerful, she is still so low-key, cautious, and knows how to restrain herself.

"Understood, Mr. Lin."

"I will definitely act carefully and not cause any trouble to you."

She pursed her lips nervously when she answered, and then she closed her mouth obediently and carefully after she finished speaking. She was so quiet that even her breathing was clearly audible.

This cautious look with a hint of apprehension made her look like an ordinary high school girl who was accidentally involved in a drug deal, rather than the goddess of war who was specially kept by Lin Xinyi as a bodyguard.

"Very good." Lin Xin felt relieved for a moment.

My teammates are strong, not aggressive, and they also know how to listen to orders. This is a sure thing.

Just as he was thinking this, the sound of a car engine suddenly came from the parking lot outside the library, getting closer and clearer.

Soon, the sound of the engine stopped suddenly. Looking out the window of the reading room, I saw an ordinary white car parked at the entrance of the closed library.

Two people quickly got out of the car, and the driver was left sitting in the car to relax and wait.

The two people who got off the bus each carried an ordinary travel bag. They stood at the door of the library and looked around, then walked in the door of the library with familiarity.

They moved very quickly and looked very professional.

"Arrived so soon?"

Lin Xinyi frowned slightly:

These guys must have been anxious to meet Director Jinchuan.

He, Conan, and Xiaolan had just been cleared out of the library a few minutes ago. These guys, who looked like smugglers, rushed over as soon as possible.

"I hope their transaction process can take a little longer."

"It only takes a few minutes and people from the Metropolitan Police Department should be able to arrive."

Lin Xinyi is very satisfied with the police dispatch speed of the Metropolitan Police Department.

As long as Director Jinchuan and the traffickers wait a little longer, they may be caught by the Metropolitan Police Department and take away the stolen goods.

And he and Mao Lilan also took advantage of this opportunity to quietly overhear some clues from the transaction process to help with the subsequent interrogation.

Lin Xinyi thought so in his heart

I saw the two dealers dressed in ordinary clothes and carrying backpacks on their shoulders, pushing open the library door and walking into the hall.

At the same time, Director Jinchuan, who had gone upstairs earlier, also walked out of the opened elevators carrying a heavy black leather briefcase.

The two parties meet and the transaction begins:

"Old rule, one month's supply."

"Well, here's this month's money."



The two parties exchanged the backpack containing goods and the leather bag containing money.

In less than 3 seconds, the transaction was over.

Immediately afterwards, as if they thought they would get sores on the soles of their feet if they stayed here for a second longer, the two dealers who had completed the transaction with Director Jinchuan turned around, picked up the leather bag containing the money, and walked away in a hurry.

Director Jinchuan didn't hesitate, picked up the two backpacks, turned around and got on the elevator going upstairs.

Lin Xinyi: "???"

Depend on! Why so fast? !

Although he has never participated in the arrest operation, according to the operation in the movie

Shouldn't it be that after the two parties meet to make the transaction, the buyer's boss first sends out a vicious boy to insert a knife into the goods, dip some samples into it, lick the knife edge arrogantly, and inspect the goods on site?

Then, doesn’t the seller’s boss have to send out a capable man to take out the banknote detector and plug it in for on-site banknote verification?

In the end, either the goods are impure, or the money is not genuine, or one of the boys has a police undercover agent, or the boss himself is an undercover agent.

In short, such a terrible criminal transaction should be made a little more complicated for me!

"What should I do? They moved too fast."

"Those two guys seem to be getting in the car and leaving. Do we want to stop them?"

Mao Lilan quietly approached Lin Xinyi's ear and whispered nervously and hesitantly.

"This" Lin Xinyi was also hesitant.

He didn't expect that Director Jinchuan's dealings with those dealers were as skilled as buying cigarettes from an acquaintance in the canteen downstairs.

It was over in a matter of seconds, and the police had no time to come over, and they couldn't eavesdrop on any useful clues.

"Mr. Lin? They have already boarded the car."

The hesitation in Mao Lilan's tone became more intense.

"Forget it, let's not do anything this time."

"There are three people in the car. If they are all armed traffickers, even with your skills, Miss Maori, they may be very dangerous."

Lin Xinyi let out a long sigh and made this cautious decision:

"I have written down their physical features, clothing, car model and license plate number."

"Let's leave the next matter to the Metropolitan Police Department for investigation."

"Yeah." Mao Lilan nodded in agreement.

Although she has a strong sense of justice and can't get rid of the sand in her eyes, she will not do something that she is not sure of when her brain is hot and her blood rushes.

Lin Xinyi also made the decision for her safety. She would only feel moved in her heart and naturally would not have any unnecessary opinions.

In this way, both Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan decided to give up the investigation and put caution first.

And they were preparing to leave the library quietly again, waiting for the police to arrive before making plans.

As a result, the three dealers outside the library felt that the transaction had been completed smoothly and started their cars to leave.

In the empty parking lot, small, big-headed, and firm-eyed children suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

It's him, it's him.

Conan, who suddenly appeared, squatted down and pressed the button of the foot strength-enhancing shoes, and then put a bottle of mineral water under his feet.

With a flying kick, the mineral water suddenly rose into the air - like a cannonball, and it was also a cannonball that could turn.

I saw the bottle of mineral water quickly drawing a beautiful arc in mid-air. Almost in the next moment, it flew across and smashed the car glass in the front row, knocking the driver sitting in the driver's seat unconscious with one blow. .

The car, which had just started, suddenly lost control.

The front of the car tilted, the direction veered, and the car hit the wall next to it and stopped abruptly.

"Conan?!" Mao Lilan's expression was extremely stunned.

"Damn!" Lin Xinyi made everyone dumbfounded: "This unlucky kid!"

But no matter how much he cursed in his heart, things had already happened.

Conan had already knocked down the driver with his powerful shooting skills, leaving the other two traffickers in the car to stay.

At this time, after the car hit the wall, the two traffickers in the car also reacted.

Because the speed of the car was not too fast just now, they were not seriously injured.

But these two dealers had already set their sights on Conan immediately:

"That primary school boy did it!"

"I just saw it in the rearview mirror!"

One of the tall men said viciously.

"Why did he kick the mineral water over?"

"Could it be that you discovered what we just did?"

Another shorter man said nervously.

"I don't know how quickly we just finished."

"A child can notice our affairs, right?"

The tall man frowned and his eyes were solemn.

At the same time, Conan keenly noticed the hesitant glances of the two dealers as they looked at him.

He was not in a hurry, and he was prepared to look innocent and innocent:

"Ah, sorry, uncle~"

"I was playing a football game here and accidentally kicked your car."

Conan disguised himself as a child who had done something wrong unintentionally.

He knew that the Mihua Library was located in the center of Mihua Town. Not only was there a lot of traffic outside the door, it was definitely lively.

In this busy city, facing a child who is just "naughty and causing trouble", even if those dealers suffer losses, they probably won't attack him.

In this way, you can prevent criminals from leaving while ensuring your personal safety as much as possible, and buy valuable police time for the police.

Conan thought so in his heart, his face became more and more childish and pitiful.

The two dealers were indeed confused by this illusion, and they became more and more hesitant.

And just when they were wondering whether they should admit themselves to be unlucky, let this naughty kid go, and rush back to do business

The window on the third floor of the library suddenly opened.

A sinister face emerged from the upstairs window.

Those bloodshot red eyes peered through the dim dusk like a yaksha demon, staring at Conan viciously:

"Is this the kid in the library just now?"

"You didn't leave?!"

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