Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 133 Prisoner’s Dilemma

Many people are familiar with the concept of the Prisoner's Dilemma, so I won't go into detail here.

In short, everyone knows that if you rush to buy a house, house prices will rise, and if you don’t buy a house, house prices will fall. However, most people are still worried that they will lose money if they get on the bus late, so they rush to buy a house.

The more people there are in a group, the easier it is for the Prisoner's Dilemma theory to succeed.

Now, the good news is that there are three suspects in this case.

Mutual trust between three people is difficult to maintain stably. After separate interrogations, the psychological pressure they endure will be more than ten times that of the two-person model.

"Take Nishimoto Ken, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, and Kawashima Hideo to three rooms for separate interrogation."

"Tell them that the one who pleads guilty first has serious surrender circumstances and can get a huge reduction in sentence."

"The second person who pleads guilty is considered surrendering and his sentence can be appropriately reduced."

"The last person to plead guilty was directly identified as the main murderer and the sentence was increased."

Such an operation is actually illegal, but it is not impossible.

If the police reach a private agreement with the first two prisoners and directly pin the main culprit on the third person, it will indeed allow the last prisoner to confess to share part of the crime for the other two and bear the biggest blame.

"In short, the sooner you plead guilty, the better, and the later you plead guilty, the worse it will be."

"Besides, remember to keep the three houses far apart and never let them know each other's situation!"

Lin Xinyi assigned tasks to the police officers, preparing to strike while the iron was hot and conduct an on-site interrogation on Yueying Island.

Although what we are here today is not a search class that is specifically responsible for criminal investigation, but a security class that is mainly composed of SAT SWAT officers.

However, the Fourth Investigation Section, which is responsible for group violent crimes, and the Drug and Gun Countermeasures Section, which is responsible for arrests, also had some people involved in the operation.

They deal with violent gangs and trafficking groups every day, and they are very good at interrogation work.

It's easy to help solve a murder trial.

"Each suspect is assigned two interrogators, so everyone knows how to interrogate them."

"By the way, I also participated in Ken Nishimoto's interrogation."

Lin Xinyi also specially arranged a position as an interrogator for himself.

Because Asai Narumi told him:

Among the three of Nishimoto, Kuroiwa, and Kawashima, Ken Nishimoto has the worst mentality.

Ever since Isamu Kameyama died mysteriously two years ago and the legend of the "Moonlight" curse spread on the island, he has become mysterious and confused.

He didn't even dare to continue the Aipin business. He stayed at home all day without going out, worrying that the "resurrected Keiji Aso" would come to take revenge.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi felt that Ken Nishimoto would definitely become a breakthrough in this case.

"And Miss Mori."

Lin Xinyi turned his head again and greeted his good student.

It is still vacation. As a student and assistant, Mao Lilan followed Lin Xinyi to Yueying Island this time.

And because he really couldn't find a more reliable assistant in the forensics class, Lin Xinyi also used to let Mao Lilan, who was always by his side, assist him in his work:

"Miss Maori, you will wait outside while the interrogation begins."

"After about twenty minutes, if the interrogation has not yet concluded, you can knock on the door and come in like a formal policewoman, and say this to me:"

"'Manager Lin, Officer XX has something important to communicate with you.'"

"Then, you ask me to go out with you in front of Ken Nishimoto."

"Yeah." Mao Lilan nodded smartly: "I understand."

Lin Xinyi didn't need to explain, she could understand the purpose of this arrangement:

"Mr. Lin, is this a tactic used to disturb the suspect's mind?"

"That's right." Lin Xin nodded:

Although the theory of the prisoner's dilemma sounds powerful, in practice, it is not easy to trap opponents.

After all, reality is not an ideal model. As the three suspects should know very well now, it is difficult for the police to find clues to solve a case that has been unresolved for 12 years.

In this situation, knowing that if they insist on fighting to death, they will most likely be able to escape guilt, the resistance of the three of them will become much stronger.

At this time, just as Lin Xinyi had just arranged, some tricks need to be used to disrupt the enemy's mind.

Although this trick is simple and crude, it cannot stand up to careful examination.

But for a person on trial who is already facing huge psychological pressure, it can have a great effect.

"By the way, in addition to interrogation, other avenues of investigation must not be relaxed."

"Although the investigation is very difficult after 12 years, we still have to actively visit island residents who have memories of the case to see if we can find clues that can help solve the case."

"It would be great if we could find some useful evidence."

After carefully arranging everything, Lin Xinyi kicked off the action:

"Then, let's start the interrogation now!"

Soon after.

In the temporary interrogation room of Yueying Island Village Office.

Ken Nishimoto, a middle-aged man with messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and a somewhat slovenly appearance.

At this moment, facing Lin Xinyi as the interrogator, his reaction was very ugly:

His eyes were evasive, not daring to look at anyone.

The eyebrows were pulled down and the lips were pursed tightly, as if he was afraid or thinking.

The legs were tightly huddled under the chair, and the hands seemed to have nowhere to put them. Sometimes they were holding the armrests, and sometimes they were placed on their legs.

Lin Xinyi didn't need to learn anything about micro-expressions to know that this guy was panicking.

"Mr. Nishimoto, are you still unwilling to plead guilty?"

"You must know that the interrogations of Kuroiwa and Kawashima are also ongoing at the same time. We don't know the situation on their side."

"If you are one step behind them and plead guilty, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss!"

"Why, are you so confident in them that they won't betray you?"

Another interrogator who was partnered with Lin Xinyi was responsible for playing the bad role and said this in a cold tone.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, played the role of a good policeman and played the emotional card with Ken Nishimoto:

"Mr. Nishimoto, stop resisting."

"I've heard that you were very close friends with Keiji Aso back then."

"If you kill your friends for profit, you probably can't bear such a crime, right?"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have lived in such a hazy state these past two years."

"So, don't go on like this."

"You can't get out of the shadows caused by those crimes at all. Living like a zombie, how much better can it be than going to jail?"

Lin Xinyi Xiaozhi used emotion and reason to persuade Nishimoto Ken to bow his head and surrender from another angle.

"I" Nishimoto Ken murmured, obviously touched.

But he still didn't want to admit the crime of murder, and still refused to let go.

Of course, he was also hesitating in his heart whether his persistence was really meaningful?

Could the other two guys have teamed up to sell him out and let him take the blame for the main culprit?

Time passed slowly amidst the cold scolding and patient advice of the two interrogators, as well as Ken Nishimoto's repeated entanglements, suspicions and panics.

Soon, almost twenty minutes passed.

Bang bang bang.

As agreed in advance, there was a gentle knock on the door of the interrogation room.

"Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and the actor Lin Xinyi arranged in advance, Mao Lilan, came in.

Now every time she and Lin Xin go out to handle a case, she will consciously change her immature-looking high school uniform into a more mature and formal suit and skirt.

Putting on this "social person" dark suit and skirt, coupled with the lean temperament developed through years of practicing karate, even though her facial features are still a bit green and immature, she looks like a mature and capable female police officer overall.

"Forest Manager."

As soon as Mao Lilan came in, he greeted Lin Xinyi formally.

Lin Xinyi was very satisfied with her appearance, temperament and acting skills, so he took up the role with a natural expression:

"Maoli, what's the matter?"

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded.

However, the lines she read were completely different from those arranged by Lin Xinyi:

"News came from the other two interrogation rooms that Kawashima and Kuroiwa have confessed."

"They have always been at odds with each other. They have deep conflicts and have been fighting among themselves for many years."

"After entering the interrogation room, they couldn't trust each other and were worried that the other party would betray them and confess before they did."

"So, not long after entering the interrogation room, both Kawashima and Kuroiwa bowed their heads and confessed."

"Uh" Lin Xin was stunned for a moment after hearing this:

He taught Mao Lilan a phrase, but why does it pop up so many times now?

Winging it? The details are quite similar.

But this won't work

Extracting confessions during interrogation is like trying to lick a dog. Only by making the words ambiguous and ambiguous can people feel unsettled and actively offer tribute.

You spoke in such detail, and you also clearly stated that the opportunity to plead guilty has been taken by Kawashima and Kuroiwa. How can you make people confess obediently?


Lin Xinyi felt very uncomfortable when he saw that Mao Lilan not only did not act as planned, but instead let herself go and went berserk in the plot.

He had no other choice but to continue the trick:

"Okay, that's great!"

"Mr. Nishimoto, your two accomplices have already confessed, why are you insisting?"

"It's better to tell the truth quickly"

"Are you kidding me!" Ken Nishimoto yelled with an ugly face.

"I didn't kill anyone. Aso Keiji's case has nothing to do with me!"

Ken Nishimoto, who had always been frightened, finally burst out all his long-suppressed resistance.

Just as Lin Xinyi worried: because he heard that his two companions had betrayed him and that he had been ranked last in the "competition", he was so excited that he refused to let go.

"Miss Maori"

Lin Xin pulled Mao Lilan aside and said softly with some helplessness:

"What you made up is too inappropriate."

But Mao Lilan replied innocently:

"But, Mr. Lin, what I just said is true."

"With the confessions of Kuroiwa and Kawashima, it is useless for Nishimoto not to plead guilty."

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi was a little surprised: "The two of them really confessed first?"


Mao Lilan said with some emotion:

"They were so fiercely fighting among themselves that they couldn't trust each other at all. They were afraid that the other party would beat them to their confessions."

"When I went to see them, they had already signed the confession and left the interrogation room, and were quarreling in the corridor."

"Whoever you scold surrenders faster."

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