Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 135 Autopsy Department Recruitment Advertisement

The case of Keiji Aso twelve years ago has finally been settled.

Ken Nishimoto, Tatsuji Kuroiwa, and Hideo Kawashima, who signed the confession, as well as those involved in the business, were all escorted back to Tokyo by the Metropolitan Police.

The suicide note of Keiji Aso was also sent back to the Department of Science and Technology for identification under Lin Xinyi's careful instructions.

Lin Xinyi also came to the dock with Mao Lilan, preparing to board the ferry back to Tokyo and leave this island that was once shrouded in crime.

Before leaving, Asai Narumi came.


Standing in the sea breeze at the pier, looking at Lin Xinyi who was about to leave, Asai Narumi seemed to have a lot to say.

But in the end, he saved unnecessary words and summarized his feelings into a grateful smile:

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

"It's just your job, you're welcome." Lin Xinyi responded very calmly.

But he looked at Asai Narumi in front of him, and after some thought, he seemed to suddenly think of something:

"By the way, Doctor Asai."

"The matter on Moon Shadow Island is over, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Xinyi stopped boarding the ship and left, and asked very seriously.


There is relief and determination in Asai Narumi's smile:

"In the music score left by my father, in addition to testimonies identifying Nishimoto, Kuroiwa and others, there are also last words to my son:"

"He told me at the last moment of his life that even if I am alone, I must live strong."

"So I finally woke up."

Asai Narumi said optimistically and firmly:

"From now on, I will live for myself seriously."

"This Moon Shadow Island, let it become my memory!"

"That is to say" Lin Xinyi did not comment much on Asai's life remarks. Instead, he directly asked a very practical question: "Are you leaving Yueying Island and going back to Tokyo to work?"

"Then where are you going to work and what kind of job are you looking for?"

"This" Asai Narumi suddenly showed hesitation.

He had already decided on the direction of his life, but he hadn't really had time to think carefully about what kind of work he would do in the future.

"Probably become a doctor."

"My adoptive parents are also doctors. They run a private hospital and have always wanted me to come back and help."

"I used to be obsessed with my father's death, but I ignored the feelings of my adoptive parents."

Asai Narumi sighed lightly and gave such a very reasonable answer.

"That's it." Lin Xinyi's expression was a little subtle:

Even from his outsider's perspective, it was Asai's best choice to go back and become a promising doctor and work in his own private hospital.

But Lin Xinyi hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but confide in his heart:

"Um, I want to ask, are you interested in becoming a forensic examiner at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Forensics and clinical doctors actually learn about the same content. If you have a medical foundation, you can get started quickly."

"Huh?" Asai Narumi was slightly startled: "You want me to work in the Metropolitan Police Department?"

He subconsciously showed hesitation, but Lin Xinyi struck while the iron was hot and started advertising directly:

"That's right!"

"Our forensics class needs medical talents like you now."

"Now the Metropolitan Police attaches great importance to the application of criminal science and technology. (It didn't pay attention at all before and had to start from scratch)"

"The forensic profession has a promising future. (Not now)"

"Join us and I guarantee you will be promoted to the core team. (If there are few people, there will be no non-core team)"

"Here, you can have all-round growth opportunities. (There is a lot of work, and you have to be able to do everything)"

"Here, you have enough room for development. (There are basically no people who can really work)"

“We are a dynamic and cutting-edge technology team. (Most people have no professional work experience)”

"The team implements flat management, with equal status among members and a harmonious relationship between superiors and subordinates. (A large number of key positions are vacant, but there are only a few officials)"

"The benefits are good. (This is true. Most of the Metropolitan Police Department's annual funding of 600 billion is used to support civil servants)"

"The salary level is high. (Compared with ordinary professions, it is indeed good. Compared with doctors, the average annual salary of forensic doctors in Japan is only one-half of that of doctors)"

"There is no compulsion to work overtime. (It is your choice)"

"Flexible working hours. (You have to go to work if you have a case, and I'll wake you up in the middle of the night)"

“The working environment is good. (Except for on-site and dissection time)”

"Provide pet leisure area. (Police Dog Series)"

"Beautiful women are like clouds. (referring to Mao Lilan)"

"Masters gather together. (referring to Lin Xinyi)"

"Reliable colleagues. (referring to Caesar)"

"The leaders are considerate. (Really, if someone is willing to be a forensic doctor, the leaders can wake up from their dreams at night with a smile)"

"The most important thing is that working here is not just for yourself, but also to protect the tens of millions of citizens in Tokyo's 23 wards! (Sublimating the theme, if you can't talk about salary, let's talk about dedication)"

"Dr. Asai, what do you think?"

After saying these impassioned slogans, Lin Xinyi looked at Asai Narumi with great anticipation.

"I" Asai Narumi is still a little hesitant.

But unlike Lin Xinyi's imagination, Asai Narumi was not struggling with treatment, but with another issue:

"Is it really appropriate for me to work in the Metropolitan Police?"

What he is worried about is his status as a "prepared murderer".

He disguised himself as a woman and lurked on the island for two years. He was not secretly collecting evidence, but secretly preparing to kill people.

Asai Narumi didn't know if Lin Xinyi had seen through this.

But at this moment, facing Lin Xinyi's sincere invitation, he still couldn't help but want to reveal his true feelings:

"Mr. Lin Xinyi, I am a person who once fell into darkness."

"If you hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid I would have done something terrible."

"Can a person like me really be a forensic doctor who upholds fairness and justice?"

Asai Chengmi plucked up the courage and boldly revealed his true purpose of lurking on Moon Shadow Island.

What surprised him slightly was that Lin Xinyi acted very calmly:


"A gentleman's deeds do not concern his heart."

"Since you haven't done those bad things, you are not a sinner."

"As an adult with a clean background and clean identity, you can live openly and openly."

"There is actually only one problem now, and that is -"

"Dr. Asai, are you willing to change your career to a forensic doctor?"

Lin Xinyi asked solemnly.

"I" Asai Narumi fell into deep thought:

In fact, he did not have a deep understanding of the forensic profession, and Lin Xinyi did not show much forensic skills in solving the case this time.

However, at this time, he thought of Lin Xinyi and Lin Xinyi's persistence and dedication to let the truth surface and let the evil be exposed to the sun.

When he was about to fall into darkness, it was this person who brought him back to the light.

Forensic medicine may be a profession that can find light from darkness.

Asai Narumi suddenly became interested in this job he didn’t understand:

"Maybe it would be good to be a forensic doctor."


Lin Xinyi was overjoyed and decided immediately:

"Dr. Asai, you will be the head of our third department of autopsy from now on!"

"Department chief?" Asai Narumi was shocked by such a generous offer:

"I am just a doctor who has just graduated two years ago. I have limited understanding of forensic work. I have to learn while doing it."

"How can a novice like me hold such an important position?"

Asai's attitude is extremely cautious and modest.

But Lin Xinyi put on the appearance of a courteous corporal and said with great hope:

"Don't worry, I believe in your potential——"

"Dr. Asai, you will definitely become the forensic doctor in the entire forensics class who is second only to me in ability!"

The next day, morning, the Metropolitan Police Building.

Yesterday, after Asai Narumi agreed to become a forensic doctor, Lin Shinichi quickly reported the matter to the Criminal Affairs Minister Odagiri Toshiro in order to fulfill the department head position assigned to Asai.

Minister Odagiri heard that while Lin Xinyi was handling the case, he even recruited a general through deception.

He was overjoyed and pleasantly surprised. While praising Lin Xinyi for his superior ability and conscientiousness, he also agreed without hesitation to Lin Xinyi's personnel arrangements.

Then, the Metropolitan Police seemed to be afraid that Asai Narimi would regret it and run away.

This bloated bureaucracy suddenly exploded with the speed of a start-up company. There was no need to go through any cumbersome procedures. He just briefly reviewed his background and resume, and helped Asai Narumi complete the entry procedures that night.

On the second day, Asai Narimi officially came to work at the Metropolitan Police Department as the head of the third department of autopsy.

"This entire department will be your territory from now on."

"In the near future, when our autopsy department staff is fully expanded, you will at least be a big leader who can manage a 50-person technical investigation team!"

Standing under the dusty door sign of "Three Departments of Autopsy" and pointing at the empty big office, Lin Xinyi and Asai Narumi began to have beautiful thoughts.

Asai Narumi: ""

After seeing with his own eyes the territory he managed as department head, he finally began to realize what a big pit he had fallen into.

"Let me do the first and second autopsies."

"It doesn't matter if I'm not the department head, I just have someone to help me with the work."

Asai Narimi no longer wants to be the department head.

When Lin Xin heard this, he warned him earnestly:

"No, Doctor Asai, I advise you to be the head of this third department."

"Although there is no one in the third series, there is no one holding us back."

"When you work in the first or second departments, your blood pressure is likely to rise. If you have a bad heart, you are more likely to get sick."

"If you really want to go, I suggest you take nitroglycerin tablets with you and take some valsartan every day."

Asai Narumi: ""

"Is it too late for me to resign?"

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