Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 145 Bandage Monster

Maybe it was because he was too soft-spoken and didn't know how to refuse. Under Ohta Satoshi's "tyrannical president" force, Mao Lilan actually ran away.

Conan watched from behind and was furious:

Can you dig him out with a shovel?

Forget about Lin Xinyi, you, Ohta Satoshi, are nothing!


Conan's mind got excited, he took an umbrella, followed Mao Lilan and Ohta Satoshi, and followed them out quietly.

But his number one love rival didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

Lin Xinyi was still chatting with Suzuki Ayako and others.

His eyes were still on the fat Mr. Takahashi, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, everyone was chatting.

The initiator of the party, Suzuki Ayako, suddenly couldn't help but sighed:

"It's nice to have everyone together. It reminds me of my college days when we would discuss movies together."

"If nothing like that happened to Atsuko, she would have come, right?"

Atsuko, as soon as this girl's name came out of Suzuki Ayako's mouth, the air became silent and dead.

Except for Ota Satoshi who has already taken Mao Lilan for a walk.

The three people who were still here chatting, Hiroki Kakutani, Ryoichi Takahashi, and Chikako Ikeda, all changed their expressions.

Especially Chikako Ikeda.

Her face became extremely ugly, and even the thick makeup could not hide her nervous and fearful emotions:

"Stop talking about Atsuko!"

"Everyone took time out of their busy schedules to come to the party, so why let the dead man's matter spoil the fun!"

Saying extremely mean words, Chikako Ikeda turned away angrily.

"Yeah, sorry"

Suzuki Ayako apologized helplessly.

But the atmosphere has become completely cold because of this.

We can no longer talk to each other.

"I'll go fix the roof."

"The roof of this house is a little old. It's raining now. If it's not repaired, it will leak."

With these words in his mouth, Takahashi Ryoichi turned around and left directly.

"W-How about we play cards?"

Hiroki Kakutani wanted to change the topic and bring back the atmosphere.

"No interest, I'm going for a walk!"

Chikako Ikeda stood up and thought about leaving the villa alone.

Lin Xinyi looked at Ryoichi Takahashi's figure disappearing behind the door, but turned around in time and stopped Chikako Ikeda who wanted to act alone:

"Wait, Miss Ikeda."

"I'm curious, who is Atsuko you're talking about?"

"You?!" Chikako Ikeda's gloomy expression suddenly became even more ugly:

"You are an outsider, why do you ask about us?"

"I am a police officer, and I am always interested in things involving human life."

Lin Xinyi stopped Chikako Ikeda and asked unabashedly:

"So, who is Atsuko?"

"Why is it that when other people mention this 'dead man', the expressions they show are nostalgia, but you are so disgusted, nervous and even afraid?"

"You, you" Chikako Ikeda was choked to the point of being speechless.

To the end, this accomplished writer could only hold back one vulgar curse word: "None of your business!"

"If there's any doubt about a human life case, that's none of my business."

Lin Xinyi and Chikako Ikeda faced off tit-for-tat, making the atmosphere tense.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, there's really nothing suspicious."

Suzuki Ayako stood up to smooth things over and told what happened that year:

It turned out that Ms. Atsuko was also a member of the film research club and was several of their close friends back then.

This little girl has always been lively and cheerful.

But two years ago, Atsuko suddenly hanged herself in the club office without any reason.

"There's no reason to hang yourself?" Lin Xin suddenly became suspicious.

Chikako Ikeda felt uncomfortable when he looked at him like he was looking at a prisoner, so she replied angrily:

"Is there any problem? Atsuko's suicide has been verified by the Metropolitan Police Department!"

"And her parents paid for the institute to do an autopsy afterwards. There is no way the results are false!"

Chikako Ikeda presented evidence proving Atsuko's suicide, but Lin Shinichi's attitude still did not give in at all:

"I don't know if there is any problem with Atsuko's suicide."

"But, Miss Ikeda, your current attitude is very problematic."

"Why are you so disgusted with your best friend who committed suicide? You even want to run away when you hear her name, and you don't even dare to mention it?"

"Could it be that you have done something wrong to this Miss Atsuko, so you feel guilty?"

Lin Xinyi said these heart-wrenching words in a calm tone.

"I-I don't have a guilty conscience!"

"I just don't have a good relationship with Atsuko, so I don't want to hear about her."

Chikako Ikeda stuttered in response.

She instinctively wanted to leave this breathless place as quickly as possible, but she felt that doing so would make her look guilty.

Therefore, Chikako Ikeda simply sat back on the table with an ugly face, shouting to Hiroki Kakutani who was holding playing cards in his hand:

"Play cards! Didn't you say you want to play cards? Hurry up and deal the cards!"

She was like a frightened ostrich, burying her head in the soil and ignoring Lin Xinyi again.

And Lin Xinyi did not chase after Chikako Ikeda.

He just observed Miss Ikeda's embarrassed and gloomy expression, and then suddenly asked confusedly:

"Who had the best relationship with Miss Atsuko when we were in college?"

"Huh?" Everyone didn't quite understand why Lin Xinyi asked this.

Before they had time to answer, Lin Xinyi said meaningfully:

"If I'm not wrong"

"The person who had the best relationship with Miss Atsuko back then was probably Mr. Ryoichi Takahashi who just left, right?"

"No, that's right, it's Takahashi."

"We could all see back then that Takahashi had always had a crush on Atsuko."

Suzuki Ayako's expression was a little surprised:

"But Mr. Lin Xinyi, how did you know?"

Lin Xinyi didn't explain much, just sighed:

Finally sure

There is really going to be a murder today.

Because he was always worried about this, while he was trying to chat, he had also been testing the past relationships of Ayako, Takahashi, Ikeda and others.

As a result, he really saw an extremely dangerous signal——

The suspicion of suicide surrounding Miss Atsuko was enough to be a motive for the murder.

And Chikako Ikeda, a woman who clearly feels guilty about Atsuko, will most likely become the target of revenge by the murderer.

As for the murderer who took revenge on her

Naturally, it would be Ryoichi Takahashi who had the best relationship with Atsuko back then and who still had some "strange things" about him.

"Chikako Ikeda should be the victim."

"Ryoichi Takahashi is a murderer who wants to kill people."

"He is leaving now with an excuse, probably to prepare killing tools."

"Fortunately, the murder hasn't happened yet and I still had time to stop it."

With this thought in his mind, Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief.

The cause of the case was finally found, and the identities of the murderer and the victim were roughly confirmed.

And the "victim" Ikeda is still sitting among everyone, so he is definitely not in any danger.

As long as he keeps a close eye on the "murderer" Takahashi and stops him before he takes action, today's murder will not happen.

And Lin Xinyi was thinking like this in his heart

In the woods outside the villa, a piercing scream suddenly came:

"Ahhhh! Help, help!"

"M-Miss Mao Li?"

Lin Xinyi's expression was extremely astonished:

He never expected that this invincible female warrior who made him feel so reassured would be in danger.

Does anyone dare to attack Miss Maori? Is it Takahashi?

Impossible, just him?

To be able to scare Maori Lan like this, couldn't it be that the Saiyans invaded the earth?

Lin Xinyi was very shocked, but his body still acted quickly.

"You all get together, especially Miss Ikeda, don't leave here!"

"Caesar, watch them!"

Caesar sat up suddenly and looked at the people in the living room closely.

Lin Xinyi quickly rushed out of the villa and plunged into the increasingly heavy rain.

Although Mao Lilan was in the forest at the moment, her location was not far from the villa.

Lin Xinyi quickly followed the sound and rushed to the scene.

When they arrived at the scene, there was no sign of the attacker.

Mao Lilan leaned against a big tree and sat slumped on the muddy grass, with fright written all over his face.

"Are you okay, Miss Maori?" Lin Xinyi asked.

"No, it's okay." Mao Lilan said in shock:

"Just now, a bandaged man suddenly attacked me with an axe."

"I-after I dodged a few times, the bandage monster saw that he couldn't hit him and that Conan was coming, so he turned around and fled into the forest."

She was unscathed, but her clothes were wet from the rain and her skirt was stained with a lot of mud, which made her look a little embarrassed.

Conan was holding an umbrella and standing aside with a serious expression:

He just came out to follow Xiaolan, fearing that she would be abducted by Ohta Satoshi to do something strange.

Unexpectedly, after Xiaolan and Ohta Satoshi entered the woods for a walk,

Not long after, a terrifying and scary bandaged man suddenly jumped out of the woods and struck at Xiaolan with an axe.

Who is that bandage weirdo? And why attack Xiaolan?

Conan stood in the rain with an umbrella, lost in thought.

At the same time, after briefly understanding the situation, Lin Xinyi's expression was extremely subtle:

"Bandage freak?"

"Even you are so scared, that guy is very strong?"

"Well, it's not very strong."

Mao Lilan slowly recovered from the shock, and then said with some embarrassment:

"Because the bandage guy looked so scary, I, I thought he was a ghost."

"Are you still afraid of ghosts?" Lin Xinyi's tone became even weirder.

"What, what's the matter? It's normal for girls to be afraid of ghosts!"

Mao Lilan didn't realize at all that in Lin Xin's first glance, she was not a girl at all, but a Valkyrie.

"What are ghosts to be afraid of?"

"It's a good thing that there are ghosts. Let them come out and talk on their own in the future, so that we forensic doctors will not have to work hard to help."

Lin Xinyi complained a few words helplessly.

With that said, he returned to the topic and asked about Mao Lilan's situation at that time:

"What's the shape of that bandage weirdo who just attacked you?"

"Shape shape" Mao Lilan recalled for a moment and replied: "I'm relatively thin, but not fat anyway."

"Okay, I know."

Lin Xinyi sighed softly:

This is a puzzle that has no suspense at all.

Who is that bandage weirdo and why he attacked Mao Lilan? If you think of the clues you got before, you can figure it out at a glance.

"I'm going to catch that bandage weirdo now and end today's farce."

"Miss Maori, please stay at the scene and protect the footprints left by the murderer."


"Don't let the footprints be exposed to the rain for too long, otherwise they will become deformed."

Lin Xinyi decisively arranged work for his students, turned around and was about to leave.

However, when I saw Miss Maori who was unexpectedly very afraid of ghosts, she was even so scared that she sat paralyzed until now.

He couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"Get up."

Lin Xinyi walked over and helped her up from the ground.

Then, I saw the raindrops falling.

Lin Xinyi walked up to Conan again and grabbed Conan's umbrella.

At this time, Conan was seriously reasoning about the identity and purpose of the bandage monster, thinking very deeply.

It wasn't until Lin Xinyi snatched the umbrella in his hand and the cold raindrops hit his face that he finally reacted

"Ah, I forgot to hold an umbrella for Xiaolan!"

Conan's dull head with low emotional intelligence finally remembered his childhood sweetheart who was still soaked in the rain.

But by this time, it was too late.

The umbrella had been snatched away by Lin Xinyi, and he handed it to Mao Lilan:

"Miss Maori, remember to hold your umbrella."

"Well thank you, Mr. Lin."

Mao Lilan closed the umbrella and nodded with some emotion.

"This" Conan felt furious after seeing this:

Grab my umbrella to protect my girlfriend from the rain?

You, you go too far!

Conan was extremely depressed, but he had no choice but to do so:

It has to be said that this time it was his reaction that was too slow, which gave Lin Xinyi a chance to perform.


Shouldn't that guy Lin Xinyi's emotional intelligence be similar to him?

Why did this slow man become so careful in front of Xiaolan?

Difficult, could it be, Yuanzi said

Is it all true?

Detective Conan was feeling extremely anxious at the moment.

He could even imagine the depressing scene of Xiaolan and Lin Xinyi secretly falling in love without telling everyone.

The cold icy rain slapped my face randomly, and the painful tears slowly flowed down:

It's over, he's completely out!

Conan was thinking desperately like this

Lin Xinyi, who hadn't gone very far, suddenly stopped again.

He turned around and said to Mao Lilan with a surprised expression:

"Hey, Miss Maori, please hold up your umbrella!"

"Uh?" Mao Lilan was a little stunned: "I've finished it."

"Who asked you to hold an umbrella for yourself?"

As if seeing a good student who had always received full marks suddenly make a mistake on a score question, Lin Xinyi reminded him with some sadness:

"Didn't I just tell you?"

"Footprints, protect the footprints first!"

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