Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 151 The second round of testing

Lin Xinyi took the initiative to get out of the way.

At the same time, he quietly held the deadly poisonous needle dissolved in APTX4869 powder in his sleeve.

Lin Xinyi couldn't tell whether Miyano Akemi's fake death was successful or whether her vital signs were still obvious after the fake death.

It is also impossible to determine the level of knowledge about vodka and whether he has discovered the technology of suspended animation.

It is indeed possible that he will be exposed now. When the time comes, we will have to fight to the death.


Lin Xinyi hid his murderous intention and let Vodka test it.

Vodka stepped forward and stopped at first, carefully observing Miyano Akemi, who was staring at her eyes and lying motionless on the ground:

"It seems like he is really dead"

Looking at Miyano Akemi's dilated pupils, Vodka thought to himself.

In fact, he was just looking for trouble.

He said he doubted Lin Xinyi, but in his heart, he didn't quite believe it.

After all, the symptoms of Miyano Akemi's poisoning and death just now were exactly the same as what he saw when he used APTX4869 to kill people.

Not to mention, Lin Xinyi was suddenly attacked by Gin Jiu and him this time, and he came here with basically no time to prepare.

Overall, the possibility of Lin Xinyi doing anything is very small.

However, with a bad mentality of "I have to find out something for you today"

Vodka still tried his best to examine Miyano Akemi's "corpse" carefully:

He checked his breathing first and found no breathing.

I pinched Miyano Akemi's wrist and didn't notice a pulse.

In the end, Vodka even took out the flashlight from his arms and shined it brightly on Miyano Akemi's eyes with dilated pupils.

Miyano Akemi still had no reaction.

She is now completely like a dead person, able to look at the sun without restraint.

"Uh" Vodka has nothing to say.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xinyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief:


The vital signs of the pseudo-dead were so weak that they were no different from the dead. In addition, this situation was extremely rare. If Miyano Shiho hadn't reminded him last time, he almost would have been deceived by tetrodotoxin.

Vodka has no such ability at all and discovers that Miyano Akemi faked her death.

In fact, suspended animation, as a special symptom that is extremely rare in medicine, is not so easy to detect.

Not to mention Gin and Vodka, killers who care about killing but not burying people, and are accustomed to running away after killing people.

Even the forensic doctors responsible for autopsies and the doctors responsible for rescuing people, as knowledgeable and experienced professionals, may be deceived by the patient's fake death if they do not examine carefully.

Not only are there such scenes in fictional works such as "CSI", but there is no shortage of such examples in the real world.

For example, in 2013, there was an anecdote in China about a 19-month-old baby boy who was declared dead after rescue efforts failed in a large provincial capital hospital, and then was miraculously "resurrected" after being sent to a funeral parlor.

Now, Vodka, who lacks knowledge, naturally makes a misdiagnosis.

"How is it?" Lin Xinyi said dissatisfiedly: "Is there a problem?"

"No problem." Vodka stepped aside with an unhappy expression: "Miyano Akemi is dead."

"Speak directly to me if you have any opinions. There is no need to play such tricks."

Seeing that Vodka had nothing to say, Lin Xinyi simply imitated Gin and released his murderous intent coldly.

He is indeed very dissatisfied with vodka now, and his murderous intent is very real.

"Okay, everyone, calm down."

"The little conflict between you two should end."

After acquiescing to Vodka to check the body and getting a reassuring result, Gin finally spoke up to stop the mutual hostility between the two younger brothers:

"Miyano Akemi is dead, we can leave!"

"Yeah" Lin Xinyi nodded calmly.

But his eyes still quietly stayed on Miyano Akemi, and he felt a little worried in his heart:

Having cheated gin and vodka is just the first hurdle.

Next we still have to bet——

I bet Miyano Akemi is strong enough to survive the effects of tetrodotoxin:

In 1982, American botanist Wade Davis discovered that Haitian voodoo masters used toxin powder extracted from puffer fish in their medicines, and the brains of the poisoned people could remain completely awake during the entire process.

If they can survive the 24 hours, they will return to normal quickly and without complications.

Recovering from suspended animation by relying on your own body is theoretically possible, and some people have done it in practice.

Lin Xinyi has also carefully adjusted the dosage based on animal test results, so the success rate will only be greater.

But people and their constitutions cannot be generalized.

No one knows whether Miyano Akemi can survive with her own physical strength.

If possible, it is best to give her first aid promptly.

Only in this way can Miyano Akemi be ensured to recover from the edge of death.

But the problem is

"Gin is taking me back to Tokyo now."

"What reason should I find to stay?"

"No matter what reason you find, suddenly asking to be left alone is very suspicious."

After thinking about it, Lin Xinyi couldn't find any excuse for him and Gin to act separately.

Actively asking to stay will only arouse the other party's suspicion and bring about a real disaster for Miyano Akemi.

After obediently leaving with Gin, Miyano Akemi still had hope and could rely on her own life force to survive the 24-hour toxin attack.

"Miss Mingmei, I hope you have enough luck."

Lin Xinyi secretly prayed for Miyano Akemi in his heart.

At the same time, he followed Gin and Vodka with a cold face, preparing to get in the car and leave.

But at this moment

Gin suddenly stopped.

He pointed to Miyano Akemi's body and the car that Miyano Akemi left here:

"Lin, just stay and clean this place before going back."

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly stunned.

He was still struggling with how to find a reason to stay, but Gin actually gave him this opportunity.

What’s more, this kind of drowsy encounter with pillows is a good thing?

Lin Xinyi was a little unable to react, but Ginjiu just said calmly:

"You are now the most important undercover agent of the organization. You must eliminate any hidden dangers of exposing your identity."

"I'll leave it to you to clean up the traces here."

"I think as a medical examiner, you should know what to do."

Indeed, as a forensic doctor, if he practiced "Today's Statement" backwards, Lin Xinyi could even achieve the so-called "perfect crime"——

Of course it can't be done in reality, but it shouldn't be too easy for the Metropolitan Police to deal with it.

Gin valued his professional ability and asked him to stay and clean up the traces, which was reasonable.

So does the fact that he made this arrangement mean that he is sure that Miyano Akemi is dead and is completely at ease with himself?

Lin Xinyi cautiously suspected.

And it was as if Gin completely trusted his little brother.

After giving the order, he didn't say a word, just got into the Porsche 356A, closed the door, and let Vodka drive away.

Soon, the dark classic car gradually drove away on this winding coastal road.

Rounding a big bend in the mountains in the distance, Gin and Vodka left Lin Xinyi alone and completely disappeared from Lin Xinyi's sight.

"Big brother"

In the car, Vodka asked with some concern while driving:

"Are we really going to leave like this? Only that kid is left alone?"

"What?" Gin's voice was calm:

"Are you still doubting what Lin Xinyi did just now?"

"Vodka, didn't you personally confirm that Miyano Akemi is dead?"

"I" Vodka was speechless: "That's right, but"

"But you still feel bad about him?"

Gin's voice suddenly became a few degrees colder.

Vodka's pointless internal fighting, or "jealousy", obviously made him a little dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry" Vodka admitted his mistake a little aggrievedly.

But what he didn't expect was that Gin would change the topic next:

"However, appropriate skepticism is also necessary."

"Shirley's incident has made Lin Xinyi less trustworthy. He must pass the test I set before he can win back the trust of me and the organization."

"That's why I purposely left him there alone."

"Uh" Vodka looked confused: "What do you mean?"

Gin gently lit a cigarette and sneered:

"Aren't you suspicious that Lin Xinyi was tampering with something just now?"

"Then let's give him a chance and see how he reacts."

"Uh" Vodka looked confused: "What do you mean?"

Gin: ""

I have already said this, but I still haven’t reacted.

Vodka, it’s useless for you to be jealous of Lin Xinyi.

Gin felt helpless, his expression still extremely indifferent.

In Vodka's curiosity and confusion, he had to speak in the smallest detail:

"Idiot, we left, but Cohen and Chianti are still here."

"Lin Xinyi didn't bring a telescope, so it's impossible for him to notice their existence."

"So, leave him 'alone' there"

"If he really has a secret, it will be exposed."

Vodka was stunned for a moment, and finally reacted belatedly:

A person's true face is like underwear, it is only exposed when there are no outsiders.

That's why Gin left with vodka, assuming a posture of complete trust, and created a "safe and free" environment for Lin Xinyi.

At the same time, two sniper rifles were secretly pointed at his head.

If he really did something suspicious

"That kid is dead!"

Vodka was excited and laughed naively:

"Hahaha, that's awesome, big brother!!"

"Yeah" Gin responded expressionlessly.

Although his face was calm, looking at this little brother who could only call "666" except driving, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

If he didn't still need Lin Xinyi to be an undercover agent, he would really want to find another assistant.

Gin and vodka have left.

Next to Miyano Akemi's body, only Lin Shinichi was left.

In the distant mountain forest, the two sniper masters of the organization, Cohen and Chianti, are still ambushing there.

They were looking at Lin Xinyi from a distance with an 8x scope.

Of course Cohen and Chianti didn't realize it either

Lin Xinyi, the cheating "god", was now using a pair of internal-strength-enhanced naked eyes to stare at them from a distance:

"Test me again."

"This guy Gin is so insidious."

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