Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 156 Rescue Plan

"Let Miss Akemi pretend to be Asai's sister?"

Lin Xinyi fell into deep thought:

According to Japan's current chaotic household registration management situation, stealing the identity of a person who has lived overseas for a long time will probably not be discovered.

"That's okay, but you have to be low-key."

"If possible, Miss Mingmei, I hope you can hide in this villa as much as possible and not go out."

"Especially in the recent period, please do not go out for activities."

"The farther apart the time between the disappearance of Miyano Akemi and the appearance of 'Kana Asai' is, the better."

Lin Xinyi gave the instructions in a solemn tone.

According to his opinion, Miyano Akemi would be better off just being a homebody.

After all, whether it's identity theft or fake household registration like Conan, you can't help but investigate.

After all, the best way to hide is to keep a low profile and not let others notice you from the beginning.

As long as Miyano Akemi can squat in a small dark room every day like a full-time Internet writer, never going out or seeing anyone, except for food delivery people, who will come to her when they have nothing to do?

"Yeah, I understand."

Miyano Akemi nodded sensibly.

Unlike Conan, who dared to show off everywhere despite a fake household registration, she could clearly distinguish between life and life.

"As long as you can cooperate." Lin Xinyi let out a long sigh of relief.

After discussing the future arrangements, everyone had nothing to talk about.

Asai Chengmi volunteered to go out to help Miyano Akemi buy food and daily necessities for the house.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, stayed at Miyano Akemi's bedside, paying attention to the patient whose lingering poison had not been cleared away.

There was some silence in the air.

Because Lin Xinyi and Miyano Akemi were not familiar with each other.

Before today, they had only met each other and had never had formal contact.

Lin Xinyi was not good at dealing with strangers, so he simply sat in a daze and never spoke.

"That Lin?"

Miyano Akemi thought for a moment and took the initiative to break the awkward silence:

"My sister said that you have had a crush on her since you were in college. Is this true?"

She was obviously talking about gossip-like topics, but her voice was full of concern.

Suddenly, he had the illusion that Lin Xin's prospective son-in-law was meeting his mother-in-law.


He had no memory of the original owner at all, so he just dealt with it randomly:

"Yes, I've liked Shiho since I was in college."

"That's true"

Miyano Akemi frowned slightly, but hesitated to speak:

"But. I remember."

"Shiho was only 12 years old when he went to college with you."

Lin Xinyi: "."

He regretted a little that he didn't think clearly when he answered.

"Forget it. At least you waited until she grew up before confessing."

Miyano Akemi wisely avoided this topic, which made the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

When talking about her sister, she couldn't help but feel a little heavy:

"I'm afraid Shiho already knows about my 'death'."

"With her temperament, I don't know how she will react."

"rest assured."

Lin Xinyi finally spoke and comforted:

"Gin said that there is still use for the organization to keep her."

"Shiho, she shouldn't be in danger."

"That is if she is willing to cooperate."

As the person who knows Miyano Shiho best in the world, Miyano Akemi can’t help but feel a little worried:

"I'm afraid that Shiho won't be able to bear the blow and will do something drastic."

"This" Lin Xinyi hesitated.

Indeed, he was very worried about this.

Overnight, her sister died unexpectedly and her boyfriend turned into an enemy. I don’t know if Shiho can bear this kind of pain.

If she couldn't bear it and went out of her way to resist the organization and offend Gin, or fell into despair and committed suicide, the consequences would be disastrous.

You know, in that laboratory, there are too many things that can be used to commit suicide.

"Lin" Miyano Akemi also thought of this.

She pursed her lips tightly and asked with some concern:

"If possible, can you think of a way to rescue Shiho as soon as possible?"

Lin Xinyi's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed:

"There is a way. However, the follow-up troubles will be huge."

Of course he thought about how to rescue Miyano Shiho.

The method is actually very simple:

Using his familiarity with laboratory security and his ability to disguise himself, he directly disguised himself as gin or vodka, and went in openly to bring people out.

But the problem now is.

"Gin knows that I can disguise myself, and also knows about my relationship with Shiho."

"If I use this method to rescue someone, he will 100% doubt me."

Lin Xinyi originally wanted to use the scientific ability of disguise to catch the enemy off guard.

But he never expected that the original owner himself was very good at the art of disguise, and everyone knew this.


If he uses disguise to save people, Gin will be the first to trouble him without even thinking about it.

If Gin finds out something fishy by then, everyone will be doomed.

"Now I have no ability to protect myself and no preparation to escape."

"If you rush to save people and arouse Gin's suspicion, you will put everyone in danger."

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly.

"You have a point."

Miyano Akemi also knew that Lin Xinyi’s worries were not groundless:

"But... I'm really worried that Shiho will do something stupid."

"And since the organization has already attacked me, they must have decided to give up on Shiho."

"The longer Shiho is allowed to stay in the organization now, the more dangerous her situation will be."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but hate her own powerlessness.

In the end, Miyano Akemi struggled for a long time and finally suggested to Lin Shinichi:

"Otherwise, let me contact my boyfriend."

"Let him use the power of the FBI to raid the laboratory, and maybe there is hope to rescue Shiho."

"FBI?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled: "Is your boyfriend from the FBI?"

"That's right." Miyano Akemi nodded.

She thought Lin Xinyi had never understood her situation in depth, so she simply told her story in detail:

It turns out that her boyfriend is an undercover FBI agent who broke into the organization. His real name is Akai Shuichi and his alias is Morohoshi.

This Mr. Morohoshi is the kind of perfect handsome man who is handsome, strong and smart, comparable to 007.

Then, this "Mr. 007" used Miyano Akemi to enter the organization and became a core member. Later, his identity was exposed and he ran away alone.

And Miyano Akemi, who was left behind by him, was completely hostile to the organization from then on, which eventually led to her death.

"Wait, this."

Lin Xinyi didn't like the FBI who warned him every now and then.

Listen again, haha.

Co-author Shiho lost the trust of the organization, Akemi was targeted by the organization's hostility, and she was forced to break up and kill someone.

All these bad things were caused by that bastard!

"Is this person really reliable?"

"Why do I feel like he's just a scumbag who just runs away after taking advantage of you?"

"For him to fall in love with you is just a task of the FBI."

Lin Xinyi expressed his true opinion.

"No, we are true love." Miyano Akemi said stubbornly:

"Your Majesty truly loves me. I know this in my heart."

There were stars in her eyes when she said this.

But in the eyes of Lin Xinyi, a layman who doesn't quite understand true love, Miyano Akemi is as if she's been beheaded:

"True love? Really?"

Your boyfriend is strong, smart and true love, why didn't you call him back earlier?

No. We should ask, when he escaped on his own, didn't he think of taking your sisters with him?

Did he really not think about the consequences of leaving you two in the organization?

If it weren't for my brother-in-law who sacrificed his life to save others today,

Your perfect boyfriend can only go to heaven to find true love now!

"If your boyfriend is really so reliable, then he should call for help as soon as possible."

"It's fine now. I have to risk my life and even Shiho is in danger."

That bastard completed his mission and ran away, leaving the mess behind for his brother-in-law to clean up.

What is this thing called?

Sure enough, when looking for a partner, you still have to look at the family of origin.

There are problems in the original family, and your life will be cheated by this cheating relative.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi's tone became increasingly resentful.

Miyano Akemi was also speechless for a moment when she was asked, not knowing what to say.

She knew that Lin Xinyi was right. It was because she fell in love with someone she shouldn't love that she had deceived her sister and brother-in-law so miserably.

"I'm sorry" Miyano Akemi felt a little guilty.

Lin Xinyi waved his hand: "There's nothing I'm sorry about. It's not your fault."

"But it's best not to rush to find your boyfriend in the FBI now."

"That will definitely greatly increase our risk of exposure, and people may not be able to be rescued."

After hearing the brother-in-law's "heroic deeds", Lin Xinyi had no confidence at all in him:

If this person was really reliable, would he have been saved sooner in the past few years?

"Yeah" Miyano Akemi nodded helplessly:

" should we save Shiho?"

"Isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds, to rescue Shiho as soon as possible without arousing Gin's suspicion?"

After a long detour, the topic returned to its original point.

But this time, Lin Xinyi frowned tightly and thought of something:

"Your boyfriend, Gin, should know him, right?"

"Yeah." Miyano Akemi was a little confused: "What?"

"Then what if I pretend to be your boyfriend and go rescue people?"

"Then Gin will definitely only suspect the FBI, but not me."

Lin Xinyi expressed his bold idea.

"This" Miyano Akemi hesitated: "Isn't this unnecessary?"

"Gin knows that you can disguise yourself. If Shihozhen is rescued, won't he suspect that you are also the one pretending to be the 'Morohoshi Dai'?"

"No." Lin Xinyi shook his head:

"I also have a disguise technique that can really change my appearance."

"As long as we find a way to make Gin realize that the face is not disguised, he will believe that what he saw is the real Akai Shuichi."

"Is it possible to actually change your appearance?"

Miyano Akemi was a little surprised.

And in her eyes of astonishment.

On Lin Xinyi's handsome face, the skin suddenly softened, the flesh and blood squirmed, and the facial features were out of place.

When the storm calmed down, a face exactly like Akai Shuichi appeared quietly.

"This this"

Miyano Akemi's eyes were full of disbelief.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pinched the face she was so familiar with.

"It's a real face. Not a disguise mask."

Miyano Akemi murmured.

"I changed because of the photo in your wallet."

"I only took a look at it at that time, so there shouldn't be any difference, right?"

Lin Xinyi asked in a calm tone with Akai Shuichi's face on his face.

"No difference."

Miyano Akemi looked at Lin Xinyi carefully and subconsciously replied:

"It's just that his mouth is a bit swollen, and he doesn't look like the king."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Miyano Akemi: "."

The air fell into awkward silence again.

Miyano Akemi silently retracted her head into the quilt and did not come out.

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