Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 160 Hui Yuan Ai

Lin Xinyi found a deserted alley and parked the car, debating whether to help Miyano Shiho with his first aid to dissipate heat.

And his confusion only lasted a moment.

Because he hasn't had time to do anything yet.

His girlfriend had a flat tire.

Accompanied by a painful groan and the rising heat, Miyano Shiho's body trembled violently like a washing machine running at full capacity.

In just a moment, Miss Miyano, who was not very visible from the outside, but had an unexpected figure, turned into a tiny one huddled in Lin Xinyi's arms, wrapped in that big white coat.

"It's okay." Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief.

He could feel that, just like Kudo before, Miyano Shiho's body temperature began to drop rapidly after his body became smaller.

Her vital signs gradually became stable, and she was soon out of danger.

The only drawback is.

"Shiho has turned into a child too."

Looking at little Zhibao lying in his arms, Lin Xinyi's expression was very complicated.

Holding this sleeping little one, he felt like he was not holding his girlfriend, but his daughter.

This feeling is extremely strange.

Lin Xinyi thought for a moment and sighed helplessly.

He reached out his hand and carefully helped Xiao Zhibao wrap her clothes tightly, so that her sweaty little arms and legs would not be exposed from the loose white coat.

Then, he wrapped the "swaddling clothes" around himself and tied a knot tightly. After confirming that it was tied tightly, he continued to move forward on his motorcycle.

This look does not look like a hero saving beauty, but looks like Zhao Zilong saving Adou.

In this way, with that indescribable delicate mood, Lin Xinyi took Xiao Zhibao and rushed back to Sister Asai's villa.

Miyano Akemi is waiting anxiously in this villa.

Before Lin Xinyi took action to rescue Shibao, he had informed Mingmei in advance.

She had been praying silently in her heart, hoping that Lin Xinyi could bring her sister back safely.

After a long wait, Miyano Akemi finally saw Lin Xinyi's return.

It's just that Lin Xinyi seems to be the only one here.

"Where's Shiho?"

Looking at Lin Xinyi, who was holding a large package in his arms but with no other person around him, Miyano Akemi's tone was a little nervous.


Lin Xin walked into the villa, closed the door, and replied with a strange expression:

"It's just that there was a little accident."

As he spoke, he slightly lifted the corner of the "swaddling clothes", revealing Shiho's fair and tender little face.

"This child," Miyano Akemi looked a little stunned, "looks like my sister when she was a child."

Lin Xinyi: "This is your sister."

Miyano Akemi: "???"

"I'll explain the situation to you slowly."

"Shiho's whole body is soaked with sweat now. She should wipe it off quickly. Otherwise, she will easily get sick in her current weak state."

"Miss Akemi, please help give Shiho a bath first. It's not convenient for me."

Saying that, Lin Xinyi handed the "swaddling clothes" in his arms to Miyano Akemi without any explanation.

Looking at that all-too-familiar face, Miyano Akemi was completely confused.

A few minutes later

Miyano Akemi was in the bathroom, using a warm wet towel to help Shiho, who was soaked in sweat, wipe his body carefully.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, stood outside the bathroom door, carefully telling Miyano Akemi what happened today through the closed door.

“This kind of thing could happen”

"Shiho, has she really turned into a child?"

Miyano Akemi felt very incredible.

However, looking at the little guy in front of her who seemed to run out of her memory, she had to believe this crazy statement.

"Then what should we do now."

"Is there any way Shiho can change back?"

Miyano Akemi was a little at a loss and just asked Lin Xinyi's opinion blankly.

"I don't know either."

Lin Xinyi's tone was very helpless.

But he let out a long sigh and finally said optimistically:

"No matter what, Shiho's life was saved."

"As long as she hides here low-key and finds a way to forge a fake household registration, she should be able to live safely."

"After all, the organization would never have thought that Shiho, who committed suicide by taking poison in public, would continue to live as a child."

"When the time comes, I will teach Shiho the art of disguise and let her change her appearance appropriately so that no one will recognize her."

"I can also try to let her learn the kung fu I know."

"Now she has shrunk by accident, and has reached the age most suitable for martial arts training."

Lin Xinyi explained his arrangements in an orderly manner.

According to his ideas, he would shrink, fake death, and disguise himself. If he could learn his cheating skills, Miyano Shiho's situation would be absolutely safe.

"makes sense."

After hearing Lin Xinyi's analysis, Miyano Akemi became cheerful.

She moved faster and helped Xiao Zhiho clean himself.

There were no children's clothes in the villa, so Miyano Akemi wrapped little Shiho in a bath towel, then carried her out of the bathroom, placed her on the big bed in the bedroom, and carefully covered her with a quilt.

Miyano Shiho was still sleeping deeply.

Her little face was exposed outside the quilt. Her cold face, which had always been repulsive to others, now looked a little childish and cute.


Lin Xinyi's expression changed slightly:

"Why does this face look so familiar?"

It was dim outside, and he was in a hurry to come back, so he never saw Miyano Shiho's smaller cheeks clearly.

And now, quietly observing Xiao Shiho's sleeping face from a distance

Lin Xinyi suddenly discovered that he was somehow very familiar with this trumpet Miyano Shiho.

That inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if I've known him from a previous life.

It was exactly the same as when he first met Conan.

"Wait. It's her?!"

Lin Xinyi suddenly thought of the cartoon pencil case from "Detective Conan" that had accompanied him throughout his childhood.

At that time, in addition to Conan printed on the pencil box, there was also a cute little girl printed on it.

And that little girl's name is

"Haibara Ai."

"Is Shiho the same as Haibara Ai?"

After all, there was a difference between the cartoon and the real person, and he was a little unsure.

But that lingering sense of familiarity made him unable to let go.

"So I met my girlfriend when I was in elementary school?"

Lin Xinyi felt extremely stunned.

He just stared at Xiao Zhibao's sleeping face, feeling a little dazed.

Miyano Akemi's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"That's not possible, Lin."

Thinking of Lin Xinyi's terrible deeds of falling in love with her sister when she was 12 years old, Miyano Akemi couldn't help but worry:

"She's still a child!"

the next morning.

Gin and vodka came to the lab.

Yamada, the current security director, is trembling in front of these two elder brothers:

“The gin boss, the vodka boss”

"I, I really don't know, that would be a lie!"

Yes, it has been revealed that Miyano Shiho was taken away by "Gin".

Because the researchers in the laboratory could not find their leader when they woke up, and no one was in charge of the project work for a while, they asked Yamada to help ask about the arrangements from above.

And Yamada called Gin again and told him what happened last night.

The situation is serious.

Gin and Vodka hurriedly drove here to question Yamada Xingshi.

Yamada was so frightened that his legs became weak and he could only keep explaining:

"That guy looks exactly like Boss Gin, even his tone of voice is similar!"

"Boss, take a look at the monitoring of this laboratory."

"We can't tell it's a fake at all!"

He kept on defending himself.

But Gin just had a sullen face, staring coldly at the surveillance video played back on the computer screen in the control room, not knowing what he was thinking.

The laboratory may be the most monitored and comprehensive place in Tokyo.

The whole process of the fake gin rescuing Miyano Shiho last night was faithfully recorded by the surveillance cameras.

"Indeed, it is a perfect disguise."

"A guy who can master this kind of disguise technique will definitely not be a simple thing."

After watching the video, Gin commented in a solemn tone.


Gin watched it several times again, the scene of Miyano Shiho committing suicide in public by taking poison.

The determination when taking the medicine, the pain after taking the medicine, and the tragic symptoms that could not be acted out, all truly prove that Miyano Shiho really swallowed APTX4869.

And she had been living under the closed management and strict monitoring of the organization, and it was impossible for her to get through to the rescuers in advance.

Not to mention, even if he colluded in advance, Miyano Shiho didn't have the acting skills to perform so flawlessly.

"He came in disguised as me to save people, but in the end he drove Shirley to death."

"After so much effort, we only got one body in the end."

"Haha, that's really interesting."

Gin sneered in a low voice, his smile was very playful.

The vodka on the side was not in such a good mood.

He frowned and said to Gin seriously:

"Brother, although Shirley was not saved, the unknown rescuer is still a big trouble."

"This guy knows what you look like, knows that Shirley is here, and he knows such advanced disguise skills."

"I suspect he is"

"Is it Lin Xinyi?"

Without even hearing the answer, Gin already guessed what Vodka wanted to say.

Anyway, in recent times, Vodka will say something bad about Lin Xinyi whenever he gets a chance.

This time, Gin had the same vague suspicion in his mind, but

At the same time, he didn’t quite believe it:

"If Lin Xinyi really dared to do such a thing to resist the organization, why didn't he do it when he killed Miyano Akemi?"

When he killed Miyano Akemi, Gin specifically tested Lin Shinichi's extreme loyalty.

At that time, he handed the gun to Lin Xinyi's hand, showing his flaws without any defense, and deliberately used words to force him to kill his lover's sister.

If Lin Xinyi really wants to rebel, then it will be the best time to rebel.

But even in that situation, Lin Xinyi did not choose to betray the organization.

He chose to kill Miyano Akemi and completely broke with Miyano Shiho.

At this point, Miyano Shiho could no longer forgive him.

So why did Lin Xinyi choose to save a woman who had become an enemy and break with the organization at the last moment when there was no turning back?

Due to such considerations, Gin was reluctant to believe that the rescuer would be Lin Xinyi.

But no matter what, Lin Xinyi's suspicion is still there.

"Let's take a look at the recent surveillance video first."

"Play back all the laboratory surveillance videos at accelerated speed over the past few days, especially yesterday."

Gin thought for a moment and gave this order.

Dozens of small screens on the walls of the monitoring room began to play back at accelerated speeds, displaying the surveillance images captured by various cameras at the same time.


From the surveillance videos, Gin keenly captured an all-too-familiar figure:

"Is this.Rye?!"

Rye, rye whiskey, was Shuichi Akai’s original code name in the organization.

"Why is Akai Shuichi here?"

"Did he do the rescue of Shirley?"

Vodka was stunned for a while, but he reacted instantly:

"Wait a minute. Brother, that's not right."

"I think this must be Lin Xinyi's conspiracy!"

"He must have dressed up as Shuichi Akai and ran to the side of the laboratory, trying to mislead us!"

Gin was silent for a while, and then slowly said:

"Vodka, don't just focus on Lin Xinyi and lose your basic vision."

It is different from the vodka that is just based on imagination and malicious imagination.

Gin's sharp eyes immediately discovered the problem from the surveillance video:

"Let's see"

"The man caught on hidden camera wearing wind goggles walking in heavy rain showed no change in his cheeks."

"If this was a human skin mask made using the art of disguise, it would have been deformed and fester long ago."

"So, this is not a fake disguised as a disguise."

Seeing this man who was like an old enemy, Gin's eyes filled with murderous intent:

"This is the real Rye."

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