Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 162 The hormone of love

The pain after taking the medication is unimaginable.

When the toxins in Miyano Shiho's body began to attack, she felt like agarose soaked in hot water, and her entire body was about to dissolve in the high temperature.

The pain, like a burning fire, quickly took away her consciousness.

And after a long time.

When Miyano Shiho Yuyu woke up, she felt that she must be in heaven.

The previous pain has disappeared.

Dimly, she could feel that she was lying on a big, soft and comfortable bed.

"You're awake, Shiho."

A concerned voice came from my ears.

"elder sister."

Miyano Shiho opened his eyes drowsily.

What came into view was an unfamiliar ceiling, the sunlight coming in from the window, and an all-too-familiar face.

"Shiho, how are you feeling? Are you feeling well?"

Miyano Akemi greeted carefully.

Little Shiho looked at his sister in front of him, blankly for a long time, and then murmured:

"It's great. It turns out there really is heaven after death."

Her big eyes filled with moist tears.

Then, she sat up straight, lifted up the quilt, and threw herself into her sister's arms like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

And when she raised her head from her sister's arms and looked back at her little arms and legs, she realized:

No, it’s not that my sister has grown older.

Am I getting smaller?

This genius science girl can’t help but feel a little at a loss:

"Why will I look like a child in heaven?"

"Ha ha."

Miyano Akemi smiled and said:

"Shiho, you are not in heaven now."

"you are still alive."

"APTX4869 doesn't kill you, it just makes you smaller."

"This" Miyano Shiho was stunned on the spot.

She knows that APTX4869 does have the effect of "rejuvenating".

Because in her previous animal experiments, she had personally seen an adult rat degenerate into a baby rat after taking medicine.

The records of that experiment were kept secret by her and no one knew about them.

And in countless subsequent experiments, there has never been a case of shrinkage and survival after taking the drug.

But now, this one-in-a-million chance has happened to her?

Miyano Shiho couldn't believe it.

But breathing this fresh air and feeling this real breath, she had to believe -

He is really still alive, with the appearance of a child.


"If I am still alive, what about you, sister?"

Miyano Shiho was a little afraid that everything in front of him might be an illusion of the flashback before death.

But her sister gave her an unexpected answer:

"Of course I'm still alive."

"This is all the result of Mr. Lin Xinyi."

"Lin Xinyi?!"

Miyano Shiho's heart trembled.

Because of her sister's death, this name has become a deep thorn in her heart.

This thorn cannot be removed, and just thinking about it makes it so painful that it is difficult to breathe.

But now.

"Yes, it was Lin Xinyi who saved me."

"Shiho, you really have a very good boyfriend."

Miyano Akemi gently touched her sister's head and briefly explained what happened in the past two days.

“So that’s how it is”

"Using tetrodotoxin to create suspended animation..."

Miyano Shiho muttered to himself with a dull expression.

She thought of many things:

On the way back to the laboratory, Lin Xinyi pestered her to ask about the toxicology and mechanism of action of tetrodotoxin.

On their first date, Lin Xinyi faced her cold face and pestered her to do animal testing of tetrodotoxin.

turn out to be

It turns out that it’s not because he doesn’t understand taste.

Is it the preparation he is making silently to save my sister?

For me, he decided to betray the organization from that moment on.

Lin Xinyi has never betrayed her, but has been protecting her silently.

At this moment, it was like returning from the icy and snowy outdoors to a heated room. Miyano Shiho's heart, which had been so cold and desperate, suddenly became warm.

It's hard to describe this feeling

But she knew that her body must have secreted enough endorphins.

It is different from the "thumping heartbeat" caused by dopamine and norepinephrine, the kind of stress physiological impulse.

This hormone makes her feel happy, calm, peaceful, comfortable, and wants to live with that man for a long time.

The hormones from the posterior pituitary gland also play a role.

This hormone, known as the "marriage hormone", gave her an unspoken sense of responsibility and mission for Lin Xinyi, which is the so-called "loyalty in love."

Secreting enough of these hormones means that lovers have developed from a stage of pure desire and mutual attraction to a stage of close dependence.

in short.

She has chosen this man and even wants to get married.

As he thought about it, Shiho's little face gradually turned red.

In a daze, she forgot that if her idea came true, Lin Xinyi would be shot.

"Where is Lin Xinyi now?"

Xiao Shiho asked subconsciously.

"He went to work."

"In order to prevent Gin from discovering something strange, he has to work normally now."

Miyano Akemi explained in detail:

"By the way, Lin Xinyi called just now."

"He said that he has to go to Rimai TV Station to participate in a live interview program tonight, and he will not be back until very late."

"Oh." Hearing this, Xiao Zhiho couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Don't worry~"

Miyano Akemi couldn't help but pinched her sister's cute little face and said jokingly:

"Your boyfriend will come to see you sooner or later."

"If we really can't wait, we can watch the live broadcast on Rimai TV tonight."

"It just so happens that Lin Xinyi is going to be on TV. You can see him on TV."

"I didn't miss him."

Miyano Shiho blushed.

She tried hard to regain her usual reserved and cold face.

But in front of her sister, she has never been able to hide her emotions.

Finally, under Miyano Akemi’s playful eyes,

As if she was embarrassed to see people, Miss Shiho held the edge of the quilt with both hands and shrank into the quilt like a snail, leaving only half of her red face exposed.

"Should I call him now?"

Miyano Akemi blinked at her sister and said narrowly.

"No fight." Shiho refused stubbornly.

Then, she hid under the quilt and held back a sentence for a while:

"Well, what show is he going to do tonight?"

"Nippon TV's "Japanese Detective Agency" is a temporary special interview program for Lin Shinichi." Miyano Akemi replied.

"You can take a look at it tonight. There's nothing to do anyway."

Miss Shiho, who was hiding under the quilt, said this in a voice as soft as a mosquito.

And her sister Mingmei was still looking at her quietly with the kind of pleased eyes that said, "My cabbage finally has a pig."

Miyano Shiho was embarrassed.

And after this shy silence

Only then did she react with some guilt:

I was so busy thinking about my boyfriend that I forgot to care about my sister who survived a narrow escape.

"elder sister."

"Are you feeling well now?"

Miyano Shiho poked his head out from under the quilt and looked at Akemi with some worry:

Tetrodotoxin is very deadly.

If the rescue is not timely and severe hypotension leads to organ failure due to insufficient blood supply, even if the poison is finally detoxified, it will take a long time to recover.

She was a little worried about whether her sister's body would have any internal injuries due to the poisoning.

"Don't worry, Shiho."

Miyano Akemi smiled naturally:

"Mr. Lin was well prepared, and Dr. Asai was also very helpful."

"It didn't take long after I was poisoned...uh..."

As she spoke, Miyano Akemi's tone suddenly became a little subtle:

"It didn't take long for the ambulance to arrive."

"Then I received professional first aid and my body recovered quickly."

"That's good"

Miyano Shiho breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, somehow, her focus suddenly and inexplicably went astray:

"Professional first aid?"

Miyano Shiho's tone became a little weird.

Although she has not studied first aid for tetrodotoxin, she has a general understanding of the general first aid methods for drug poisoning.

It is nothing more than using various methods to speed up excretion and promote detoxification.

And she knew even better that in animal experiments, tetrodotoxin would cause mice to become incontinent quickly.

Therefore, if you want to provide first aid to people, especially to seriously ill patients who are suspended from death,

You can figure out what kind of treatment is needed just by thinking about it.

"Sister, it wasn't Lin Xinyi who gave you first aid himself, was it?"

Miyano Shiho pursed his lips and asked uncontrollably.


Miss Mingmei blushed and silently looked away from her sister.

Miyano Shiho's face darkened.

“Actually, it’s nothing.”

Miyano Akemi explained sheepishly:

"Shiho, you might not believe it if I tell you:"

"Maybe it's because I have a special physique."

"My body suddenly healed itself before Mr. Lin did anything to me."

Miyano Shiho: "."

It’s okay if you don’t explain it. Just explain it like this.

This genius scientific girl felt that her sister's unscientific explanation was too much for her.

She suddenly felt that the vasopressin in her brain was quietly soaring.

Vasopressin can make people more possessive of their partner, and even turn them into a "jealousy tank."

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